Abnormal Psychology Chapters 6 7 8 Chapter 6 Anxiety Disorders and OCD 1 Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders a Anxiety i General emotional reaction 1 Due to threats from the environment ii Associated with the fear of upcoming problems b Fear i The experience of real immediate danger ii Quick in intensity iii Helps body create behavioral responses c Worry i Associated with anxiety ii Defined as a relatively uncontrollable sequence of negative and emotional thoughts 1 Concerned with potential threats and danger iii Usually self motivated 1 Associated with self talk d Panic Attack i Sudden overwhelming experience of terror or fright 1 More focused than anxiety 2 False Alarm Reaction a Symptoms set in at wrong time b Should be actual danger ii Symptoms individuals must experience 4 of 13 1 Heart palpitations 2 Sweating 3 Trembling 4 Nausea 5 Dizziness 6 Chills e Phobias i Persistent irrational and narrowly defined fears 1 Associated with a specific object or situation ii Avoidance 1 Needed for diagnosis of a phobia 2 Fear not considered phobia unless person avoids contact with source of fear 2 Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders a DSM 5 primarily uses descriptive features i Recognizes several specific subtypes of disorders ii Includes 1 Specific Phobia a Fear or anxiety about a specific object situation i Provokes immediate fear b Individuals actively avoid the object situation i The fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the actual danger posed by it c Example fear of heights and spiders 2 Social Anxiety Disorder Social Phobia a Focused on social situations in which the person may be closely observed or evaluated by others i Almost identical to specific phobia b Often avoid scrutinizing social situations c 2 Types i Performance Anxiety 1 Example singing on stage ii Interpersonal interactions 1 Examples dating and parties d Reason fear of being humiliated or embarrassed 3 Panic Disorder a Recurrent and unexpected panic attacks b Attacks must be followed by one month of fear i Fear of another attack ii Change of overall behavior related to 4 Agoraphobia attack a Literally means fear of marketplace i Or places of assembly b Symptoms c Examples i Pervasive avoidance of many situations i Crowded streets ii Enclosed places like churches theaters iii Traveling on public transportation iv Driving an automobile on bridges d Extreme case unable to leave home 5 Generalized Anxiety Disorder a Excessive anxiety and worry b Symptoms Individual has trouble controlling worries i ii Anxiety leads to impairment c Accompanying Symptoms need at least 3 i Restlessness 1 Feeling on edge ii Easily fatigued iii Difficulty concentrating 1 Mind going blank iv Irritability 3 Frequency of Anxiety Disorders a Prevalence v Muscle tension vi Sleep disturbance i Anxiety disorders more common than other mental disorders ii Most common specific phobia b Comorbidity i Symptoms for anxiety disorders overlap a lot 1 Example anxiety and depression c Gender Differences i Relapse rates higher for women ii Many reasons for trends are currently being studied d Anxiety Disorders Across the Life Span i Prevalence rates lower for people over 60 years old 1 Younger adults more at risk ii Unusual to develop anxiety disorder later in life 1 Only one with noticeable frequency agoraphobia iii Diagnosis in Elderly 1 Become more complicated due to situations 2 Example medical illnesses physical impairments e Cross Cultural Comparisons other limitations i People in direct cultures express anxiety in different ways ii Differences 1 Western societies anxiety more associated with work 2 Other societies more concerned with family issues and religious experiences 4 Causes of Anxiety Disorders a Adaptive and Maladaptive Fears i Anxiety disorders can be viewed as problems that arise in regulation of necessary response systems 1 Responses at wrong time 2 Dysregulation of a mechanism that evolved to deal with b Social Factors a specific type of danger i Danger and interpersonal conflicts can trigger the onset of certain anxiety disorders 1 Some people more vulnerable to development ii Stressful Life Events 1 People with high levels of stress more likely to have negative emotional reactions a Range from on edge to panic attack 2 Anxiety disorder depends on event a Examples i Danger and family issues more likely to be anxiety disorder ii Severe loss lack of hope more likely to be depression iii Childhood Adversity 1 Children exposed to higher levels of adversity more likely to develop anxiety disorders later in life Includes 2 a Maternal prenatal stress b Multiple maternal partner changes c Parental indifferences i Example neglect d Physical abuse i Or threatened with violence iv Attachment Relationships and Separation Anxiety 1 Insecure attachment a More likely to develop anxiety disorders i Especially agoraphobia c Psychological Factors i Learning Processes 1 Specific fears might be learned through classical conditioning 2 Unconditioned stimulus can elicit a strong unconditioned emotional response a Example fear 3 Module a Specialized circuit in the brain b Fears are learned through this process 4 Preparedness Model a Certain things that are seen as phobias can be dangerous i These things are more likely to become phobias because of the innate possibility 5 Conditioning a Many phobias are developed through imitation b Some people avoid certain stimuli after seeing someone else s response to the stimuli ii Acquisition by Classical Conditioning 1 Unconditioned stimulus to unconditioned response a Example have an accident in winter storm and you begin to have fear and anxiety 2 Conditioned stimulus to conditioned response a Example driving on snowy highway and you begin to have fear and anxiety b Example fear of sights and sounds of cars and iii Maintenance by Operant Conditioning traffic 1 Example Thinking about driving on snowy highway leads to feelings of fear and anxiety 2 Series of events a Thinking makes individual have fear and anxiety b Individual decides not to drive on snowy highway c Fear is reduced because behavior not there i Negative reinforcement d Individual never experiences driving or accident i Due to avoidance of driving all together 3 Avoidance behaviors iv Cognitive Factors v Perception of Control 1 Perception memory and attention influence reactions 1 People who feel more in control are less likely to show symptoms of anxiety a Compared to those who feel helpless vi Catastrophic Misinterpretation 1 When a person misinterprets a
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