Chapter 1 01 27 2015 Symptoms and signs of mental illness are known as psychopathology pathology of the mind Literal Meaning of Psychopathology Pathology of the mind Abnormal Psych application of psychological science to the study of mental disorders Examples of Abnormal Behavior in Popular Culture Scandal Huck Dexter Criminal Minds Psychosis when one is out of contact of reality Ex Getting sick after lunch and think your friend poisoned it Ex Prisoner constantly gets in ghts with cell mate o Find that he s collecting hair from his cell mate when he s sleeping o Convinced cellmate rapes him at night Collecting evidence to build case against cell mate Psychotic Lost contact with reality really thinks something that isn t happening is happening One symptom by itself is rarely enough to make a diagnosis Line between abnormal normal is not always clear and is often of one degree A group of symptoms that appear together and are assumed to represent a Syndrome speci c type of disorder o A cluster of symptoms The textbook speaks of Kevin Warner a man with a diagnosis of schizophrenia His de ning feature of schizophrenia was that people were poisoning him He was given shots of medication because he was only pretending to take real medication Mental Disorders are de ned in terms of Duration or persistence of maladaptive behaviors Mental disorders are de ned by clusters of persistent maladaptive behaviors that are associated with personal distress Ex anxiety or depression impairment in social or occupational functioning It is likely that everyone will be touched by the problems associated with mental illness at some point in their life Is Sexual Addiction a Meaningful Concept Recent study found that almost half of every American experiences serious abnormal behavior at some point in life Not necessarily diagnosed Mental Disorders are the 2nd leading cause of disease related disability and mortality Chapter 2 Etiology the cause Paradigm Biopsychosocial Model A set of shared theoretical substance and common beliefs 01 27 2015 The integration of biological psychological and social factors provides the best way for nding the cause of most mental disorders There s no clear cut reason why people act the way that they do many di erent factors Di erent things motivate di erent people in di erent ways Biological Factor Genes Psychological Factor Exposure to traumatic event Social Factor SES Bullying Only Child vs Oldest vs Youngest interact with people di erently General Paresis The Biological Problem disorders Important advance for the biological paradigm Caused by Syphilis caused progressive paralysis Took over 100 years to discover this and gure out what was going one To date speci c biological causes have been identi ed for only some cognitive The nature of psychology is that we live in a gray area Drug use can make you more likely to experience certain disorders etc Have to rule out things etc Major Advances in Abnormal Psychology Freud General Paresis Academic Psychology seen as an actual eld Equi nality Multiple Pathways Many plausible alternatives just like the case of Meghan B in your text Just like many factors that cause abnormal behavior Chapter 3 Eclectic using no single paradigm Using di erent treatments for di erent disorders Evidence Based Treatments 01 27 2015 Practical scienti c approach to therapy A clinician who uses research to select the most e ective form of treatment is using this Two Thirds of people with a diagnosable disorder fail to receive treatment Four Views of Francis 1 Biological Therapist o I want all of the therapists who view their roles as active and directive in the back of the room CBT and Biological 2 Psychodynamic Therapist Freud o Likely to focus on the Defensive style and interpretation of defenses o Primary Goal with Frances would be to gain insight into unconscious motivations 3 Cognitive Behavior Therapist distorted thinking new ways of relating to them 4 Humanistic Therapist o Therapist would be directive with Frances in getting her to look at her o Client assigned homework to monitor con ict with family and to try out o Likely to focus on lack of emotional genuineness o Encourage the client to own her feelings o All therapists note her tendency to blame herself for troubles in her relationships Biological Treatments Does Psychotherapy Work o In the case of Frances a biologically based therapist would view her interpersonal problems as the result of her depression Trying to determine whether and to what extent psychotherapy is e ective It does work but there s nothing that di erentiates one from the other requires use of outcome research Chapter 4 01 27 2015 Classi cation and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior Diagnosis A description of behavior as tting the criteria for a particular type of disorder This helps because it allows the clinician to compare client s problems to those similarly experienced by others Categorical Approach to Classi cation looks at quality not quantity Dimensional Approach to Classi cation Advantage of this is that it allows scientists to record subtle distinctions To classify intellectual ability we determine how much intelligence a person has on a particular set of tasks such as a classi cation system This is an example of dimensional From Description to Theory Mental Disorders are classi ed on the basis of their descriptive features Explanations for mental disorders are a complex interaction of systems o 1 Psychological o 2 Biological o 3 Social o Everything we look at in psychology is based on the biopsychosocial model Diagnostic Statistical Manual DSM DSM 5 is the most recent version not liked in the psychology eld Inclusion Criteria o Symptoms that must be present Exclusion Criteria o Diagnosis can be ruled out if certain conditions prevail International Classi cation of Diseases ICD ICD 10 is the most current version Purpose of Clinical Assessment Conduct an interview administer tests to evaluate nature of a person s problem and formulate a treatment plan Want to get as much information about the person as possible Important to Know A classi cation system that focuses on how much of a given characteristic an individual exhibits is called dimensional In the text the case of MIchael with OCD is presented One of the keys that should lead a mental health professional to suspect that Michael su ered from OCD was that his symptoms fall into a recognized pattern Development of scienti c classi cation systems proceeds over
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