General Terms Abbasid Dynasty muslim Moved capital to Baghdad Iraq Islamic renaissance Progress made in science math medicine philosophy Preservation of Greek literature and philosophy Islamic Spain became cultural center of Europe Jews in Spain enjoyed cultural renaissance under Muslim rule Ashura Muslim the anniversary of Husayn s death Husayn was killed in Iraq Ashura had become a focal point for the Shi I community s hopes and frustrations Expressed in devotional acts such as solemn processions public readings and a pilgrimage to the sacred ground of Karbala Day of fasting bishops Christian In some Christian churches a person appointed to oversee a group of priests or ministers and their congregations In the Anglican Communion the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church bishops are considered the successors of the Twelve Apostles canon jewish Lit rule or measure a collection of writings that become the authoritative guide or standard for the faith and practice of members of a particular religious group HB canon 24 books and 3 divisions Canonization the process of canon formation Canonization was a very lengthy and gradual process The process Oral tradition Written documents Circulation and acceptance Authority for the religious community Council of Yavneh Christian Mysticism Knowledge of God from personal experience Provided a unique space for women in Medieval Christianity Hildegard of Bingen 1098 1179 CE Visions of light Preaching tours denounced church leaders Julian of Norwich 1342 1416 CE Fell into a trance while deathly ill Meditated for 20 years on that experience Teresa of Avila 1515 1582 CE Interior Castle Spiritual Marriage with God Council of Trent Christian Vowed to end abuses and excesses But largely the Church reiterated positions that the Protestant Reformation had rejected Understanding of Mass as a sacrifice Authority of institutional tradition alongside scripture Idea of priests as intermediaries Mass and Bible in Latin Celibacy for priests Dhimmis Muslim protected people that were promised freedom to practice their faith in all Muslims lands in return for paying a poll tax that also guaranteed them physical and economic protection and exemption from military service No new houses of worship on new sites but could repair existing ones Documentary Hypothesis Jewish proposes that the Pentateuch is a composite text consisting of four major blocks Eucharist Christian reenacts the story of the last supper The Passover supper that Jesus shared with is disciples on the Thursday night of his final eek in Jerusalem Four Source Hypothesis Hasidism jewish stories that teach moral lessons typically through the most mundane aspects of ordinary life The stories of Hassidic masters often recall the paradoxical wisdom of the Zen koan Ibn ben Elizer wrote it in 1756 he was known as Baal shem tov master of the good name Religion of the Common People was based off of Humility Good deeds Prayer Joy Hasidim pious ones 18th cent Eastern Europe Imam muslim refer to the Sunni and Shi a differences Isnad muslim Chain of transmission of a hadith Jihad Muslim Arabic for struggle Inner Jihad Struggle to make oneself more Islamic Outer Jihad struggle to make ones society more Islamic Logos Christian the word Part of the gospel of john kippah yarmulke Jewish Skull cap in observance of the injunction to cover the head when praying Devout Orthodox jews wear a kippah at all times Monasticism Christian Communities male and female Monks were not priests but laymen who followed a demanding schedule of prayer and worship For Latin community it came to be defined as St Benedict Variety of religious expression Benedictine Order Spiritual discipline prayer services scriptural study Cistercian Order Franciscan Order Dominican Order Simple dress churches eat no meat silence Emphasized poverty ministering to the sick poor Meant to combat heresies assoc with universities Muslim Islam Islam is the third of the three monotheistic faiths that arose in the Middle East Its name means submission in Arabic and signifies the commitment of its adherents to live in total submission to god A person who professes Islam is call a Muslim one who submits to God Orthodox Judaism Preservation of Jewish tradition Way of the Torah vs way of the land Some opposed est of modern state of Israel Pentecostal Christianity Christian cultivates speaking in tongues Understood to represent the mystical languages of heaven Beliefs and practices Everyday presence and activity of the Holy Spirit Presence of Holy Spirit signaled by Tongues glossolalia Prophecy Healing vs doctrine Emphasis on personal experience and relationship with God and Jesus Some practices adopted by other Christian denominations Predestination Ramadan muslim fast in honor of this being the month Muhammad first received the Qur an Sabbath Jewish Runs from sunset of Friday to sunset on Saturday On Friday night jews attend synagogue services Sabbath is the most sacred day in the jewish calendar consecrated by special prayers saints Christian mediate between God and the faithful NOT worshipped in their own right Spiritual helpers and moral examples Sevener Shi ism muslim Accept line of imams from Husayn to Ja far 765 Believe in divine mandate of the Imam and his absolute temporal and religious authority Shi ism Shi a Muslims Shi a simply means party faction or sect There are different types of Shi a 12ers 7ers also refer to Sunni and Shi differences Synagogue Jewish Temple functions 1 Temple Perform sacrifice Priestly class Temple gone after 70 CE Synagogue functions Lit Gathering together Origin Exilic period Many synagogues Meeting place Torah study Prayer Trinity Christian doctrine that god has three manifestations or persons father son and holy sprit Ummah muslim Muhammad laid the foundation of this community that was based on Islamic principles Zionism jewish Theodor Herzl founded it Modern movement to return to Israel Revived Hebrew language 19th cent Theodore Herzl 1860 1904 Secular and nationalistic goals Est of state of Israel 1947 UN Partition Plan Six Day War 1967 Est of ceasefire lines by UN 7th day Adventists Christian Predecessor William Miller Predicted return of Jesus in March 1843 March 1844 October 1844 Millerites Founder Ellen G Harmon White Beliefs Saturday Sabbath Reject innate immortality of the soul Follow OT dietary laws Many are conscientious objectors Oppose the teaching of biological evolution baptism Christian ritual in
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