2000 years of people wondering who was that guy Life of Jesus Jesus is the name Christ is the title Called son of Mary not Joseph Shows he was fatherless Poor had trouble paying taxes Comes from Greek term Christus Messiah Background Story told by gospels aka the Good News Mark oldest gospel Talks about his ministry what he did Historically dif cult to explain because debatable Instead focus on what he said the kingdom of a God is at hand Social inversion poor will become rich apocalyptic thought Becomes a popular peasant movement very few are in power while the majority are in the lower class Jesus was a harsh critic of the temple taxes It was not fair for people to pay the leaders what they worked for The elite decide to kill Jesus in order to stop the movement Better to stop 1 man instead of stopping all the peasants Good News shifts from what he did to what he was about the fact that he resurrected and ascended as part of God s plan Ex Circumcision kosher God s message mainly spread by the Pauline Interpretation Radical change everyone can join the Chosen People Debates form laws change as to be a Jew or gentile More people would rather follow something less strict At this time there are many interpretations Ex Gnostic gospels gospel of Thomas Who is right Which gospels do we keep Christianities People are forming networks through text Ex Paul s letters Structures emerge Social functions emerge 306 337 Bishops deacons etc Councils and creeds Come together to decide on one ruling on faith Council of Nicaea Jesus identity same or similar to God Incarnation 100 divine 100 human Constantine comes to power and decided to unify the empire with Christianity because he likes the Christina social order Eastern churches say god and human split the body Western churches say god and human share body Holy Spirit from God or Jesus Result west and east can t agree so split apart Called the Great Schism means split Christiological Differences Located in Asian areas the east Changes due to culture beliefs traditions Types of churches Nestorian continue to believe there are two persons in Jesus Coptic neither Greek Orthodox nor Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox includes 1 5 million people Located in west Africa Ethiopia These include over 200 000 people Western church says they are the only true Christian church Problem when not including over 1 5 million people East vs West Rome is west capital Constantinople is the east capital The Filioque con ict from whom does the Holy Spirit come from Western side adds it to the creed without call of a council Refer to p 154 Doing so calls them the center of authority Eastern church puts authority in the other 4 patriarchs Rome uses Latin as primary language East uses Greek as their language Cultural differences Marriage among priests no in west Yes in east Icons yes in west No in east Politically west calls it universal catholic Fall of Rome by the barbarians 5th century Church was the only thing left standing Senators and govt disappeared 1054 mutually excommunicate each other Come to power as the Holy Roman Empire The crusades More in the Medieval era Witch trials monks and monasteries emerge mysticism Martin Luther German monk and scholar Wants to reform church not split Christians ght to take back holy lands from the Muslims 1204 Normans sack Constantinople Shows that they don t consider them Christian Most upset about the penance indulgences the selling of forgiveness Church eventually xes it but not in his life 95 Theses changes and complaints on church Eventually excommunicated and starts Lutheranism Protestant Reformation Believes bibles should be in a nation s vernacular German peasants can t read Latin As he translates the original Hebrew bible not Greek version into German he realizes that there are books in the Latin bible that are not in Hebrew version He decides to keep them out and hide them apocrypha So less books in Protestant bible than catholic and even more less in Jewish book Before Protestantism pope put the kings and princes in their place After 1500s countries built national churches Similar characteristics Established churches Allowed clergy to marry decreased distance between clergy and leity Worship and bible translated into national vernacular 1 German national church Formed by popular movement Spread via missionaries especially in France English state church Henry VIII established himself as head of church broke away from Catholicism and didn t want to be under pope s control John Calvin excommunicated to Geneva Preferred that country should be ruled by a theocracy a commonwealth not a monarchy Genera bible is written as anti monarchy Idea of predestination emerges can t control whether you are saved or damed a b Religion Criticized for being very harsh Other religions such as puritans adopt idea C D Lutheranism A B C Anglicans A B Calvinism A B 2 3 New world 1 2 3 Not established religion Not an established religion a movement Puritans wanted to purify Anglican church too similar to Catholicism A Baptists prefer to baptize adults not babies also anti monarchy A Episcopalian Anglicans in America A Technically of colony of Virginia B Thomas Jefferson disestablished religion from state in the constitution Starting reason as to why American evangelicalism rises Leads to many branches of C Protestantism today Present day Ecumenism Christian togetherness Many sects exist in Protestantism because they root themselves in the interpretation of the bible There are many interpretations which leads to arguments and debates and splits
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