REL 1300 Intro to World Religions Instructor Kyle Roark Final Study Guide Spring 2015 General Terms Abbasid Dynasty 7th Day Adventists o 750 1258 CE Islamic renaissance progress made in science medicine philosophy o Preservation of Greek literature and philosophy Islamic Spain became center of Europe o Belief that the true Sabbath is the seventh day that is Saturday rather than Sunday Anglicanism King Henry the 8th cuts ties with Rome o Size church holdings had traditional mas but in vernacular hierarchy of bishops clergy could marry state church with monarchs and Episcopalian Ashura o In 680 the Prophet s grandson Husayn son of Ali was killed at Karbala in Iraq when he led an uprising against the Umayyad Caliph Yazid Ashura 10 the anniversary date has become a focal point for the Shi I community s hopes and frustrations and their eschatological view of history and expectations Shi ites hold re enactments of the uprising a massacre have solemn processions pilgrimage to Karbala o Sunni observed with a day of fasting o Shi a observed as a day of suffering and martyrdom Baptism Baptists Bishops o Sprinkling with or immersion in water the ritual by which a person is initiated into membership of the Christian community o Considered a cleansing from sin o English Baptists practiced the baptism of mature believers rather than infants They believe that people should choose their religion and that this choice ought to be private and beyond any interference by the state o Grew in United States after the First Great Awakening 1740 1743 o Regional split in 1845 over the issue of slavery that results in Northern and Southern Baptists o Supervising priest of an ecclesiastical district called a diocese o An ordained or consecrated member of the Christian clergy who is generally entrusted with a position of authority and oversight Caliph caliphate successor religious leader o Sunni term individual ideally is selected or elected successor of the Prophet he serves only as political military leaders of the community not as prophet o This arose because the prophet never actually wielded political authority the prophet fought wars and collected taxes to strengthen and protect the Islamic religion o Founded by John Calvin who took Luther s ideas further o God is absolutely sovereign humans are sinful and powerless to achieve salvation on their own Calvinism predestination o Other important ideas Total Depravity cannot save themselves totally dependent on God Unconditional Election God will choose certain people for unknown reason Limited Atonement Jesus died only for those who were elected Irresistible Grace God has chosen you as elect the movement or grace from God is irresistible Perseverance of Saints if you are one of the elect you will be successful in your faith Canon a standard rule or measure o A scriptural canon is the list of books acknowledges as scripture the list of acknowledged saints is also a canon Christ Messiah o Canon law is the accumulates body of church regulations and discipline o Greek translation of the Hebrew word for messiah anointed o Leader of Christianity Christian Fundamentalism scripture and doctrine o A twentieth century reaction to modernity originally among protestants who maintains the infallibility of o Implying insistence on strict conformity in conducts and militancy in defending tradition against modernity the term has been used more broadly in recent years o Roman Catholics have been described as fundamentalists o A tradition cultivating and reflecting on the content of moment of intensely felt spiritual inion with the Christian Mysticism divine Christian Scientists founded in Boston in 1879 by Mary baker Eddy o Belief that in the material world and its evils could be transcended and the spiritual existence was possible in the here and now o Churches main focus is on spiritual healing rater than social action Conservative Judaism historical justification needed for reformation Council of Trent o Instead of actively promoting change they examined traditional practices to see if their retention could be justifies if a particular custom can be shown to be relatively recent it can be changed or eliminated Some traditions have been modifies in response to changing social realities o Happened in 1545 in northern Italian city of Trent o Covered issues practical and theoretical and acted to enforce discipline and end the abuses that weaken the churches credibility o Reiterates understanding of mass as a sacrifice reaffirmed the authority of scripture reaffirms tradition of celibacy for priests and instituted seminars for training Covenant The Crusades o Formalized relationship governed by terms and conditions Judaism o Pope urban 2 called for western Christians to liberate the holy places of Palestine thousands of French Norman and Flemish knights committed themselves o They bloodily captured Antioch and Jerusalem in 1099 many Jews Orthodox Christians and Muslims were murdered in the process and soldiers were said to be forgiven of their sins o No new houses of worship but could repair existing ones granted protection from enemies of the state generally treated with tolerance under various caliphates Dhimmis protected people Diaspora o Dispersal the Jewish world outside the land of ancient Israel it began with the Babylonian Exile from which not all Jews returned o Scattered population with a common origin in a smaller geographic area Diaspora can also refer to the movement of the population from its original homeland Dietary Laws Kashrut o Kinds of animals preparation of food and combination of foods Judaism o The theory 1894 that the Pentateuch was not written by Moses but was compiled from multiple sources o Umbrella term for the various churches centers on the patriarchates that refused to accept Rome s claim to o Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls go off into the desert and start their own community keep the Jewish o The ritual re enactment of Jesus sacrifice of himself patterned after his sharing of bread and wine as his body and blood at the final Passover meal with his disciples o Orthodox Christian term is the liturgy Catholics the mass and protestants the lords supper or holy Documentary Hypothesis over a long period of time Eastern Greek Orthodox supremacy Essenes Dead Sea Scrolls tradition pure Eucharist communion Excommunication misconduct o Formal expulsion from the church particularly the roman catholic church for doctrinal error or moral First Council of Nicaea
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