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Abnormal Psychology Test 2 Monday February 23 2015 Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Anxiety disorders are the most common type of abnormal behavior Anxiety disorders share similarities with mood disorders Both are de nes in terms of negative emotional responses Close relationship between symptoms of anxiety and depression Stressful life evens seem to play a role in the onset of both depression and anxiety Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders People with anxiety disorders share a preoccupation with or persistent avoidance of thoughts or situations that provoke fear or anxiety Anxious mood is associated with pessimistic thoughts or feelings Difference in fear and anxiety fear occurs appropriately in the face of real danger Associated with the anticipation of future problems The emotional experience is out of proportion to the threat National Comorbidity Survey Replication 18 of adults suffer from at least one type of anxiety disorder on any given year Experienced in the face of real immediate danger Usually builds quickly in intensity Helps behavioral responses to threat Excessive Worry Critical in the classi cation of anxiety disorders DSM 5 A relatively uncontrollable sequence of negative emotional thoughts that are concerned with possible future threats or danger Worriers are preoccupied with self talk Anxiety Fear 1 People who worry excessively usually say their worries are not realistic Distinction between normal and pathological worry hinges on quantity and quality Monday February 23 2015 of worrisome thoughts Panic Attacks Sudden overwhelming experience of terror or fright Panic is more intense than anxiety has a sudden onset Described in terms of the situations in which they occur Cued Expected or occurring only in a predictable situation Unexpected Appear without warning or expectation out of the blue DSM 5 A person must experience at least 4 of the 13 symptoms in order for the experience to qualify as a full blown panic attack What is a panic attack sometimes called a false alarm Some think of a panic attack as a normal fear response that is triggered at an inappropriate time Phobias De ned as persistent irrational narrowly de ned fears that are associated with a speci c object or situation Avoidance is an important component of the de nition Reactions are irrational and unreasonable Typical types of phobias involve fear of a speci c object or situation Acrophobia Fear of heights Claustrophobia Fear of enclosed spaces 2 Monday February 23 2015 Zoophobia Fear of small animals Hemophobia Fear of blood Aerophobia Fear of ying on an airplane Agoraphobia Fear of being in places where escape may be dif cult i e sitting in the middle row of a crowded theater Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders The DSM 5 approach to classifying disorders is based primarily on descriptive features Speci c phobia DSM Categorizes of phobias agoraphobia social speci c DSM 5 de nes speci c phobia as A marked fear or anxiety about a speci c object or situation that provokes immediate fear or anxiety APA 2013 Exposure to phobic stimulus must be followed by an immediate fear response Social Anxiety Disorder Social Phobia Nearly identical to speci c phobia but includes additional element of performance Afraid of or avoids social situations Situations fall under 2 broad headings Performance anxiety Interpersonal interaction Fear of humiliation or embarrassment Agoraphobia DSM 5 de nition 3 Anxiety about being in situations from which escape might either be dif cult or Monday February 23 2015 embarrassing Frequency of Anxiety Disorders Prevance Anxiety disorders are more common than any other form of mental disorder Speci c phobias are most common Social phobia is almost as common Panic disorder and GAD affect approximately 3 of the population 1 of the population meets criteria for agoraphobia Gender diference Relapse rates Higher for women than men Speci c phobia Women are three times more likely than men Panic disorder agoraphobia Women about twice as likely as men Social phobia More common among women Adaptive and Maladaptive fears fear Emotional responses are adaptive danger and long range threats Anxiety can be adaptive at low levels Causes of Anxiety Disorders Stressful life events 4 Evolutionary perspective often focused on evolutionary signi cance of anxiety and Mobilized responses that help the person survive in the face of both immediate Monday February 23 2015 Why do some negative life events lead to depression while others lead to anxiety The nature of the event may be an important factor in determining the type of mental disorder that appears For anxiety an event involving danger is more likely to have occurred For depression an event involving severe loss lack of hope is more likely to have occurred Biological factors Genetic factors Shed light on the relationship between anxiety and depression Virginia Adult Twin Study Concordance rates signi cantly higher for monozygotic twins than dizygotic Anxiety appears to be modestly heritable between 20 30 Genetic risk factors neither highly speci c nor highly nonspeci c Two genetic factors identi ed GAD panic disorder agoraphobia Speci c phobias Environmental risk factors unique to each individual play an important role Treatment of Anxiety Disorders During the 1st half of the 20th century psychiatrists lumped together various anxiety disordersr Anxiety disorders are one of the areas of psychopathology in which clinical psychologists and psychiatrists are best preprints to improve the level of the client s functioning Psychological Interventions Systematic Desensitization and Interoceptive Exposure Initially developed for the purpose of treating anxiety disorders especially phobias 5 Monday February 23 2015 Relaxation and Breathing Retraining Involves teaching the client to alternately tense and relax speci c muscle groups while breathing slowly and deeply Procedure is described to clients as an active coping skill Cognitive Therapy Identify cognitions that are relevant to their problems Recognize the relation between these thoughts and maladaptive emotional Most frequently used minor tranquilizers are from the class of drugs known as responses Antianxiety medications benzodiapines Valium and Xanax Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder is one of the most debilitating disorders in the world DSM 5 devotes a separate chapter to OCD and related disorders De ned by the presence of unwanted intrusive thoughts and or habitual

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