Hinduism Anatman Atman Brahman Brahmins Caste Dharma Harappa Igbo No soul The doctrine that the human person is impermanent a changing combination of components The world soul Held by upanishadic and vedantic thinkers to be identical with the The deepest individual self the identity that remains beneath ones Brahman changing self World soul infinity cosmic power Impersonal supreme force pervading the cosmos Priestly class of the society and they retain authority to teach and learn the Vedas Thousands of social and occupational divisions that have developed from the simple fourfold structure laid out by the Hymn to the Supreme Person Priests Kshatriyas rulers and warriors Vaishyas merchants Shudras servants Religious and social duty including both righteousness and faith Proscribed behavior An urban civilization with writing system that disappeared after the indo European invasion Located in Nigeria Have a high god Each person has their own Chi their own unique spirit that helps determine fate Have an Ali Ani that is the Earth s goddess Karma Actions good or bad and their consequences Koan Is believed to determine quality of rebirth in future lives A paradoxical thought exercise used in the Chan zen tradition to provoke a breakthrough in understanding by forcing students past limitations of verbal formulations and logic Monotheism Pluralism Doctrine that there is only one god The principle that all religions are equally valuable should be treated with equal respect and should have equal opportunity to play a role in decision making The principle that no religious group of institution should receive public support or play a role in decision making Secularism Poly theism Syncretism Belief in more than one god The blending of elements from two or more religious traditions This term had negative connotation Suggesting contamination of a pure religion under the influence of a different tradition Animism The belief that all plants animals and sometimes inanimate objects have individual spirits Samsara The continuing cycle of rebirth Four sights of Buddhism 1 Old Man realization Youth is fleeting 2 Sick Man realization Health is fleeting 3 Dead Man realization Life itself is fleeting 4 Sannyasin Mendicant realization There is a way around the first three Triple gem Buddha Dharma teaching Sangha community and monks The Bhakti Bindi Movement co existed peacefully with the other movements in Hinduism The bhakti tradition in north India has as its object of devotion a less specific even formless divine being Visual sign of Hindu culture Red dot is traditionally worn by married women Religious as well as decorative Related to particular gods or social group and can be made out of different substances such as white clay or flower petals Four noble truths Suffering no living being can escape it birth sickness senility etc Origin suffering arise from excessive desire or craving Cessation suffering will cease when desire ceases Eightfold path it is possible to put an end to desire and suffering by following eight principle of self improvement Holi feast of love Festival honors youthful of Krishna 3 day of city wide play Normal caste and gender rules are suspended In imitation of Krishna and to find harmony with his spirit which transcends the mundane all society should join in the lila inverting established hierarchies and expectations Bonfires are lit to consume evil commemorating Krishna s defeat of a female demon who sought his demise Khalsa discipline Literally pure the order of initiated Sikhs bound by common identity and Military order created by Guru Gobind Singh Not all Sikhs are part of this group but they are seen by many as the orthodox of the tradition Langar Mantra Linga Term that means open kitchen that is used to prepare and serve communal meals also called langar continues to be an important practice promotes egalitarianism community service and unity An expression of one or more syllables chanted repeatedly as a focus of concentration in spiritual devotion and blessings A conical or cylindrical stone column representing the creative energies of the god Shiva Nirvana The state of bliss associated with final enlightenment With remainder is the highest possible level in this life Without remainder it is the ultimate state The ultimate perfection of bliss achievable only on departing this life as distinct form the remained achievable in the present existence Final cycle of rebirth Parinirvana Syllable om Mantra from Sanskrit and Hindu origin Practice and discipline involving postures and breathing based on a mapping of the correspondences between our bodies and the structure of the universe Womb house The origin of life the form of life Yoga Yoni Yoruba West African ethnic group one of the largest on the continent A large proportion of the slaves sent to the Americas were Yoruba their traditions had the most visible influence on the religions of the African Diaspora Way of action act not for a reward but to please god by doing dharma a Way of knowledge insight into the universe Brahman and the could Way of devotion surrender yourself and your actions to god and love him Three Ways to Liberation selfless action atman wholeheartedly Golden Temple In Amritsar Punjab region northern region near Lahore and the Pakistan border Aka Harimandir Sahib Built by Guru Arjan 1563 1606 4th Guru Part of the universal sangha of all who follow the Buddha s path Bhikshus and bhikshunis Ordain Buddhist monk and nun Maya The material world Illusions Dana ritual A giving ritual in which Theravada families present gifts of food at their homes or a temples to bhikshus who conduct rituals including chanting and meditating Helps ones ancestors in the afterlife Five 5s Kes uncut hair and beard Kangha comb worn in the hair Kirpan a steel dagger or sword Kara steel bracelet on the right wrist Kachh shorts Gurdwara The gurus door The Sikh place of worship Mahayana The form of Buddhism that emerged in India around the first century and spread first to china then Korea and japan The greater vehicle Chart like representation of cosmic Buddha figures that often serves as a focus of meditation and decotion in the Mahayana and vajrayana traditions Mandala Moksha Liberation from cycle of birth and death samsara It is attained through spiritual knowledge wisdom Puja Devotion to a deity or spiritual teacher is through rituals performed in the home Seeks to please the deity as if the divine personage were human that is
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