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1 What are some of the reasons that the DSM is thought to have poor reliability for the diagnosis of personality disorders Abnormal Psychology Final Personality Disorders a Personality disorders have little diagnostics reliability b What adds to diagnostic difficulty i Heterogeneity ii Many individuals with personality disorder exhibit a wide range of traits iii Make several diagnoses applicable c There is an overlap in symptoms across disorders such as hysteria and narcissistic i Likes to be the center of attention ii Calls attention to him or herself iii May be flamboyant iv Insensitive to others 2 Is the DSM 5 approach to personality disorders Categorical or dimensional a The DSM 5 is categorical b Dimensional most characteristics are present in varying degrees 3 What is a Personality disorder e g Longstanding etc Inflexible and maladaptive traits which impair social and occupational functioning and causes emotional distress a Long standing e g from adolescence b c An actual disorder is defined by the extremes of several personality traits d Patterns of behavior i Long standing ii Pervasive iii Dysfunctional e Personality disorders derived from a trait approach to personality f g Trait vs state That is characteristics are stable over time i Trait how you generally always feel ii State how you feel at a certain time 4 Describe each personality Cluster in one sentence A B C a Cluster A paranoid schizoid and schizotypal b Cluster B antisocial borderline histrionic narcissistic i Odd or eccentric ii Low social involvement i Dramatic emotional or erratic ii Low on affect control iii High acting out i Appears anxious or fearful ii Low on social involvement iii Low on assertion 1 Passive and submissive c Cluster C avoidant dependent and obsessive compulsive 5 Paranoid Personality Disorder a Expects to be mistreated or exploited b Lookout for possible signs of trickery c Mistrustful and suspicious d Tend to blame others e Extremely jealous f Unjustifiable doubts about the loyalty trustworthiness of others g Facts i More common among the first degree relatives of patients with delusional disorder and schizophrenia ii Paranoid disorder is only weakly related to schizophrenia h Distrustful of others i They think everyone is always out to get them ii Think others are a threat iii They don t reveal personal information to other people iv Problems in interpersonal relationships v Not thought that aliens or government is out to get them they are not out of touch with reality Perceive social events as threatening i j Harbors resentment towards others k Prone to pathological jealousy i Partner ii Family iii Extremely controlling l Argumentative and hostile i Might hurt other person if they feel like they are threatening them m This is very self perpetuating if you act like this this is how people will act towards you n When we talk about paranoid we aren t talking about delusions 6 Schizoid Personality Disorder a Does not desire enjoy social relationships b Few close friends c Rarely report strong emotions d Experience few pleasurable activities e f g Loners and pursue solitary interests h Indifferent to praise criticism Indifferent to the sentiments of others Loner i very isolated from other people Indifferent to normal social relationships i they don t care about having them they don t have intimate friends or relationships they don t like being part of a group they choose to be alone emotionally cold and detached from others j Appears inept socially clumsy they don t understand social clues k Obtains little pleasurable activities they don t enjoy eating sex l Little reaction to unpleasant events emotionally bland i ii iii iv v i i i m This is not a disregard for other people this is an indifference to others n They choose solitary activities hobbies jobs 7 Schizotypal personality disorder Sense the presence of a force a Have the interpersonally difficulties of schizoid personality b Number of other more eccentric symptoms not severe enough to warrant a diagnosis of schizophrenia c Odd beliefs d Magical thinking e Recurrent illusions f g Speech used in unusual and unclear fashion h Behavior and appearance eccentric i j k SPD is characterized by cognitive or perceptual distortions l An inability to tolerate close friendships m Odd behavior but not psychosis n The disorder may thus be a mild form of schizophrenia o Relationship to schizophrenia i Schizotypal spectrum Paranoid ideation Ideas of reference and illusions 1 Schizotypal personality disorder and schizophrenia share a common genetic diathesis and show similar though not identical symptoms 2 A comparison of findings in SPD with those in schizophrenics may help to clarify what factors lead to psychosis 3 Both show 8 Antisocial personality disorder psychopathy a Deficits cognitive and neurological functioning b Enlarged ventricles a ASPD b Sociopath psychopathy are used interchangeably c ASPD is DSM 5 psychopath and sociopath considered the same in clinical science research are not in the DSM 5 d The current DSM 5 concept of ASPD Two major component i Conduct disorder before 15 1 Truancy 2 Running away 3 Frequent lying 4 Theft 5 Arson 6 Cruelty to animals 7 Deliberate destruction of property ii Adult component pervasive pattern of disregard for other manifested since the age of 15 1 Children with conduct disorder may go on to develop pattern of antisocial behavior in adulthood 2 The adult antisocial personality has bad behavior Irritable and physically aggressive a Not working consistently b Breaking laws c d Defaulting on debts e Being reckless f g Fails to plan ahead h No regard for the truth i Often comorbid alcohol and drugs Impulsive 9 Borderline Personality Disorder a Reveals instability in i Relationships ii Mood iii Self image Individuals have not developed a clear and coherent sense of self b c Cannot bear to be alone and have fears of abandonment d Series of intense one on one relationships i Usually stormy and transient ii Alternating between idealization and devaluation e Chronic feelings of depression and emptiness f Harm self and engage in self mutilation g DSM definition pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships self image and affects marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts as indicated by five or more of the following i Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment ii A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships 1 Characterized

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FSU CLP 4143 - Personality Disorders

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