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Learning Objectives for Topic VII Problems related to Mood and Suicide Readings for this topic include all of Chapter 5 with specific pages indicated with each objective For some objectives you won t find all of the important information in the textbook For these further information will be discussed in class Come to class prepared to discuss the objectives based on what you read in the text and on your own experiences Then add to your understanding of the objectives any new insights you gain from the class discussion All page numbers are for the 8th edition of the textbook Know all KEY TERMS on the assigned pages Key Terms are the boldfaced terms in the text and listed at end of chapter Definitions for most of these terms also can be found in the Glossary in the back of the textbook Affect Mood Depressed Mood Clinical Depression Mania Euphoria Mood disorders Depressive disorder Bipolar disorder Dysphoric Somatic symptoms Psychomotor retardation Persistent depressive disorder dysthymia Hypomania Cyclothymia Melancholia Remission Relapse Seasonal affective disorder Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs Tricyclics antidepressants TCAs Monoamine oxidase inhibitors MAOIs 1 What two opposite moods are involved in the Mood Disorders how do these moods differ from one another What are the differences between depressed mood or normal sadness and clinical depression What are the differences between normal euphoria or elated mood and clinical mania Ch 5 106 109 The two opposite moods involved in the Mood Disorders elation vs depression Depressed mood includes disappointment and despair overwhelming suffocating numbing Clinical depression depressed mood plus fatigue loss of energy difficulty sleeping changes in appetite numbness Usually enjoyable activities not anymore distractions ineffective out of proportion to trigger event trouble working or being social Also changes in 1 thinking cognitive symptoms extreme guilt feelings of worthlessness concentration problems thoughts of suicide 2 behavior from constant pacing fidgeting to extreme inactivity Euphoria elated mood exaggerated feeling of physical and emotional well being Mania euphoria plus inflated self esteem decreased need for sleep distractibility pressure to keep talking thoughts racing faster than can be spoken Terrible judgment Clinical depression and mania syndromes a combo of emot cog and beh Symptoms 2 The text divides the important signs and symptoms of mood disorders into four general types emotional cognitive somatic and behavioral What signs and symptoms fall within each of these 4 areas of functioning for depression For mania Note You should understand and be able to recognize these signs and symptoms not just know their names Ch 5 109 111 Depressed dysphoric mood most common obvious symptom of depression described as feeling gloomy dejected or despondent Severity can reach painful and overwhelming proportions Euphoria most common obvious symptom of mania inexplicable and unbounded joy no matter what Emotional Both irritable anxiety Cognitive Depressed slowed thinking trouble concentrating Guilt and worthlessness preoccupations Depressive triad focusing attention on the most negative features of themselves env the future The sense that life is not worth living guilt failure leads to self destructive ideas and possible suicide Manic Thoughts speed up easily distracted incoherent responses to random stimuli grandiosity inflated self esteem Somatic related to basic physiological and bodily functions Both fatigue aches and pains serious changes in appetite and sleep patterns Depression Tired all the time overwhelming effort required for simple tasks trouble sleeping extra waking trouble falling asleep most common sleeping frequently less common eat less since food doesn t provide the pleasure it used to although some eat more less sex drive Mania need less sleep one of the earliest symptoms bursting with energy Behavioral Changes in the things people do and the rate at which they do them Depression psychomotor retardation slow movement less or no speaking big pauses etc Mania gregarious and energetic flirtatious provocative beh excessive pursuit of life goals 3 Is it common for people with these disorders to also experience other mental problems that is is comorbidity common with these disorders or problems and if so what are they Ch 5 111 For depression Greatest overlap anxiety disorders 60 of depression patients also anxiety Also alcoholism bi directional onset order varies 4 What two issues have been central in the debate regarding the definitions of mood disorders Ch 5 111 1 Should mood disorders be defined in a broad or a narrow fashion Narrow would focus on the most severely disturbed people Broader would include milder forms of depression argument that the current diagnostic system includes normal sadness due to not excluding reactions to negative events 2 Question of heterogeneity Are the differences within mood disorders time of onset duration amount of manic episodes etc qualitatively distinct forms of mood disorders Or just different expressions of the same disorder Are the distinctions simply one of severity 5 What is the difference between depressive and bipolar mood disorders What specific syndromes or subtypes of mood disorders are included under each of these in DSM 5 How do these subtypes differ from one another Ch 5 111 116 DSM 5 recognizes 2 distinct types of mood disorders depressive disorders and bipolar disorders Depressive Disorders 3 main types in adults 1 new one for children 1 Major depressive disorder Must experience at least one major depressive episode w no manic episodes Most people however experience repeated episodes Need 1 of these two key symptoms depressed mood or loss of interest pleasure Plus 5 of poor appetite or overeating insomnia or hypersomnia psychomotor agitation or retardation fatigue or loss of energy low self esteem guilt worthlessness poor concentration or difficulty making decisions recurrent thoughts of suicide 2 Persistent depressive disorder aka dysthymia different from major in duration and severity A chronic mild depression that has been present for many years Must exhibit a depressed mood for most of the day on more days than not for two yrs Plus at least 2 of the list from above 3 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder Mood related symptoms occurring w in most menst cycles only if severity is debilitating Plus 5 of Irritability dysphoria anxiety cognitive trouble

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FSU CLP 4143 - Problems related to Mood and Suicide

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