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Midterm review Tradition Buddhism o Theravada Said to have been taken to Sri Lanka in the 3rd century BCE by a monk named Mahinda Teaching of the elders the dominant form of Buddhism in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia Practices pgs 411 413 o Mahayana The Greater Vehicle movement that appears to have emerged around the 1st century CE Origins are unclear The form of Buddhism that emerged in India around the 1st century CE And spread to China and then to Korea and Japan Practices pgs 414 415 o Pure land The comfortable realm in the western heavens that is reserved for those who put their trust in its lord the celestial Buddha Amitabha Amida Amida God that promised to make the pure land and he devoted that his followers would be enlightened easier and also introduced the idea of heaven The Japanese name for Chan Buddhism It emphasizes on self power and the rigorous practice of meditation to clear the mind in preparation for the experience of enlightenment o Zen 1 o Vajrayana The tantric branch of Buddhism which became established in Tibet and the Himalayan region and later spread to Mongolia and eventually to India Practices pgs 415 417 Confucianism Created by Confucius Teachings can be found n the five books o The book of changes o The classic of documents book of history o The book of poetry o The book of rites o The spring and autumn annals Concerns of Confucianism o Politics o Family o Individual o Cosmic women Daoism Diffuse religion The essential function of rituals ancestor rituals in particular was to define frame and encourage right relationships especially between men and o Focus on family and locality o Informed by Confucianism Buddhism and Daoism Can believe in all at the same time They re seen as complimentary Daoism o Laozi 2 Creator of daoism Teacher o The way o Refers to philosophical religious beliefs and elements o Uses riddle for teachings and they were secret o You had to attach yourself to a master and the master would teach you the secret o If you could explain it to anyone then it wasn t considered Daoism o The Dao It is like a force you know it when you feel it It is not god it doesn t have personality Mysterious The thing that orders the world o You have to be able to remove yourself and your senses to try and feel o Wuwei Action without over reaction The emphasis of Laozi s teachings To do just enough but not too much the Dao o Believe in laisse faire o Ultimate goal is immortality in body and spirit Sickness happens because of sin o Alchemy is a quasi science that was common in medieval times to now Experimented with powders to try to live forever o In Daoism alchemy became inner alchemy It was more about doing certain things or saying certain words or spiritual practices to try to obtain immortality o There are deities o Dao is talked about the manifestation in terms of 3 gods The great one 3 The heavenly one The earthly one A sage can become a form of the earthly one god o There is an idea of a messiah that will bring an era of peace and virtuous rule Daoism today o Qigong refers to a variety of movements that religious movements Ex ti chi Chinese communist took it on for its health benefits Fulon Gong Falun Gong law wheel practice o Banned in China o Arose in the early 90s o Teachings on morality and virtue o They think that they actually inserted a law wheel into their abdomen by the master o Don t believe in free will Hinduism Hinduism o The term came from British colonial people o Hinduism was a label given to the people that weren t Christian like the British colonial it was used to clump up the people into one category o Vedas sacred texts they are the oldest known texts earliest composition of texts known for Hinduism 1750 600 BC Not important for currently practicing Hindus They are used to define Hinduism They Vedas tend to be philosophical Consists of hymns poetry All about belief not about practices 4 o Ramayana story of Rama a prince in ancient times his father disinherited him and exiled where he showed he was brave and loyal and was considered as the ideal son Not considered to be divinely inspired but still considered sacred o Mahabhrata story of Maha Its famous because of a conversation that talks about how to reach liberation and the purpose of life Talks about liberation and the key elements to liberation from reincarnation Action doing things without needing something back Knowledge understanding scripture Devotion being devoted to a deity o Samsara the cycle of death and rebirth In Hinduism time isn t a straight line its more of a cycle Karma a system of reward and punishment it means that people are always either living dying being reborn into the cycle in different hierchies and the way to escape it is mokshra liberation which is the goal Atman and Brahman o Atman means self o Brahman supreme being world consciousness Are related to each other because ideally you want to have both in your life o Yoga means yoke Hindu trinity o Attempts to bring together Hindu 3 deities so that they are all equal and that they all come together to work together 5 o Traditional Hindus don t see this like that they keep all 3 separate and see them as separate deities Creation Preservation Destruction Deities o Vishnue Came to earth in the form of animals and humans to rid the world of evil and establish righteousness Dharma incorporates righteousness and justice Vishnu comes as a fish and tells a man there is a flood coming and that he needed to save mankind o Shiva A divine paradox A destroyer and creator seen as a creator because not seen as god and evil like in western culture Doesn t come incarnate like vishnu o Devi goddess Divine consort or wife partner Supreme deity in her own right depicted as mothers and worriers Creator and destroyer seen as a creator because not seen as god and evil like in western culture Buddhism came from Hinduism Caste system still used in India o Priests Educated Performed religious rituals Power and prestige o Rulers 6 Worrier class Protect and serve the people Have a divine right to rule because the deities put them there o Merchants o Servants o Outcast Can study but couldn t perform rituals like priest In charge of commerce Had a duty to serve the other classes Couldn t accumulate wealth seen as outsider untouchables or polluted they are not allowed to practice ritual o Very strong in the institution of marriage don t marry outside of caste o Determines what jobs you hold education what you eat what temples you use

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