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Jacob A Lollar Midterm Review World Religions Oct 15 2014 BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING TERMS PEOPLE AND CONCEPTS MATCHING MULTIPLE CHOICE Myth of Osiris Set and Osiris are brothers in which Set is the trickster who fools Osiris to getting into a coffin Set closes to coffin and sends it down the Nile River Isis Osiris wife is searches for him and finds him Set steals Osiris chest and divides it into 14 pieces to disperse across Egypt to show the greatness of Osiris temples Isis puts the body of Osiris back together except for his penis which was devoured by a fish Osiris is established the god of the dead and returns to his son Hornus encouraging him to kill Set Isis has sympathy for Set so Hornus beheads Isis and replaces it with a cow s head Hornus then kills Set as well Isis and Set Isis is the wife of Osiris and god of light She was searching for her husband and found him in a coffin Isis s sympathy for Set is returned with being beheaded and replaced with a cow s head Set is the brother of Osiris and god of evil He tricks his brother into getting into a coffin and sends him down the Nile River He is killed by Hornus the son of Osiris Marduk The son of Apsu Marduk not an important god is chosen by the rest of the gods to take down Tiamat the mother goddess After beating her and successfully taming chaos Marduk is proclaimed king of the gods Enuma Elish Marduk explains to the gods that Kingu lead the forces of Tiamat against him They cut open Kingu s blood vessels and use his blood to make humans that are known as savages Marduk orders that Babylon be capitol and a sanctuary be built where his priests are in charge Mesopotamia the land between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates setting of the Enuma Elish Zeus Poseidon and Hades three primary gods and divide up the regions of the world Zeus sky Poseidon earth sea Hades underworld Mysteries of Eleusis there are two goddesses Demeter and Persephone in which Persephone is abducted by Hades and is only allowed to return from the netherworld for a short period each year Dionysiac Bacchic Mysteries the god of wine and drink this mystery happened anywhere that one was drinking and could be considered the servant of Dionysus massive drinking orgies occurred Torah in Hebrew means law refers to the first five books in the Old Testament Tanakh acronym for Torah means law Neviim means writings Kethuvim means prophets Sabbath the 7th sacred day day of rest Moses the advocate for the Israelites and delivers them from their slavery in Egypt at Mt Sinai God gives Moses the 10 Commandments Passover God passes over the Israelites when killing the first born son Jacob A Lollar Midterm Review World Religions Oct 15 2014 Covenant the four promises that God gives in the Hebrew Bible Exile Babylon the Jews are defeated and in exile it is here where the Hebrew Bible has begun to be written while the Jews are reflecting on how they got there and where they re going Temple the first temple was destroyed causes crisis of confidence in religion during exile and the second temple was completed in 515 B C Judas Maccabeus leads the Jews in a rebellion against the Greeks he forces the Greeks to practice their ancestral traditions without Greek influence Hannukah this minor holiday was created because of the rededication of the temple in 164 B C Pharisees scholars who interpret the Torah and are experts in Jewish religious and cultural practices 70 C E the Second temple is destroyed by the Romans in the Jewish war Rabbi teachers and legal specialists of the Jewish community Canon term means rule or measure collection of writings that become authoritative guide or standard for a faith Synagogue public place of worship that replaced the temple for Jews to pray 3 times a day and attend special services Midrash type of Rabbinic Jewish interpretation of Scripture Mishnah center text that contains interpretations of Midrash Talmud an expansion of the Mishnah Sephardim Spanish Jews Southern Mediterranean Ashkenazim German Jews Central and Northern Europeans Maimonides most famous Jewish philosopher AKA Rambam wrote the famous code of Jewish law Mishneh Torah Spain 1492 Sephardic Jews are exiled from Spain Gospel term means the good news the teachings of Christ Logos means word in Greek in the book of John Jesus is being equated with the term logos and is connected with God creation Apostle a person who is sent to do something Paul claims to be a Pharisee who persecuted the church at first he is an apostle who wrote 13 letters of the New Testament Lord Kyrios Greek translation used in Hebrew Bible to name God Jacob A Lollar Midterm Review World Religions Oct 15 2014 and of the Son controversy that the Eastern Church takes out the Filioque from the Gnosticism a community being privileged with secret knowledge about God Jesus and world Martyr a person who dies on behalf of their faith Constantine conforms all the bishops together in hope of forming a Senate the Senate at first was a group of all different type of religious men but then he creates the Council of Nicea Council of Nicea Constantine creates and schedules this group of bishops Iconoclast Controversy Church in the East Constantinople Greek had icons and statues of Jesus fought against the Church in the West Romans did not agree with these portrayals of Jesus Schism the Eastern Church and Western church split up Filioque Niccean creed the Western Church believes in from the Son and the Father Eucharist the Lord s Supper imitation of Jesus last supper with his disciples bread and wine Easter celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ includes Lent and Holy Week Mecca Muhammad is born here and has his revisions while here Medina Muhammad forms the first Muslim community here while becoming powerful Islam submission to the will of God Caliph political leader Imam a person who leads prayer in a Mosque Qur an term means recite or recitation Hadith written form of traditions Sunnah specific traditions about Muhammad s actions Tafsir term means interpretation Sufis Muslim mystical Ascetic traditions deals a lot with devotion and following to a religious figure named Sheikh Jihad term means struggle a struggle in the path of becoming closer to God Umayyad first great Muslim dynasty to rule the empire of the Caliphate Abbasid and Ottoman Dynasties Abbasid Islamic renaissance that made progress in science math medicine philosophy and the preservation of Greek literature philosophy started by Malwiya

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