Test 1 Study Guide Abnormal Psychology Dr Cougle 1 Characteristics used to define a psychological disorder a Abnormal behavior b Atypical behavior not culturally expected c Should have some personal distress d Psychological dysfunction that interferes with everyday tasks work school relationships i Cognitive Behavioral Emotional 2 Characteristics of different mental health professionals a Psychiatrist i M D ii Prescribes medication b Clinical Psychologists i Ph D ii Research iii Limited prescription privileges in some states c Marriage Family Therapists i MA ii Specialize in Families Couples and Children d Clinical Social Workers i MA ii Often work for government agencies e Psychiatric Nurses i Degree in Nursing ii Specialization in treatment of sever psychopathology iii Often work in inpatient settings f Doctor of Psychology i PsyD ii 4year Professional Therapy Degree iii Lots of debt 3 Scientist practitioner model a Approach taken by many mental health professionals b More emphasized by the RESEARCH side c Interaction of clinical work science i You are a Consumer of science informs practice ii You are an Evaluator of science Utilizes science iii You are a Creator of science Synthesizes both 4 History of mental illness including spiritual biological and psychological perspectives a Spiritual perspective i Divine intervention curses demonic possession personal sin ii Spirit demon possession 1 Treatment through exorcism crude surgeries and torture 2 Early on and the treatment was very gruesome 3 More recent Stress and Melancholy a Etiology natural curable phenomenon i Illness model ii Still connected with sin b Treatments Humanistic i Rest sleep pos environment ii Community based i Similar to physical disease breakdown of some b Biological perspective systems of the body ii Asylums c Psychological perspective i Looks at mental disorders as the result of trauma s maladaptive thinking ii Moral Therapy iii Psychoanalytic Theory and Therapy Freud 1 Theory based on the reasoning that psychological problems are fueled by unconscious repressed impulses and conflicts 2 Psychoanalyst brings conflict into self awareness consciousness iv Behavior Therapy 1 Learning principles applied to the treatment of mental illness 2 Very scientific Objective 3 Pavlov Classical Conditioning a Salivating dogs 4 John Watson Classical Conditioning Phobias a Little Albert Experiment 5 Thorndike and Skinner Operant Conditioning a Pos Neg reinforcement b Punishment Rewards 6 Joseph Wolpe System Desensitization a Used with phobias v Humanistic Therapy Client Centered Therapy 1 Carl Rogers unconditional pos regard Maslow Hierarchy of needs 2 Assumes that mental illness derives from attempting to earn others positive regard 3 Self awareness and self acceptance will lead to cure 4 Popular in 50s 60s 5 Non directive approach 6 Active listening 7 Criticized to be pseudo religious subjective and unscientific vi Cognitive Therapy 1 Most popular at research oriented departments 2 Based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and out emotional reaction 3 Present focused 4 Cognitive treatment can be hard to implement however very strong research based 5 Socratic Questioning a I have to be perfect What does it mean if you re not perfect Is perfection possible 5 Moral therapy in the 19th Century a A reaction to the brutal asylum treatments b Focused on providing normal nurturing interactions and not separating people from the world 6 Asylums a Established in the 16th century and run by people who thought mental disorders were medical illnesses b Laws were concerned with protecting the public the ill person s relatives c Shock therapies 7 Freud psychoanalysis just the essentials Gave a lot of insight to therapy early on Not really researched based very long and expensive a Pros b Cons not very effective c Free association Key process of therapy where the patient is encouraged to sat whatever comes to mind Helps get into unconscious feelings d Resistance e Dream Interpretation Therapists interpret dreams that can express what the unconscious conflicts are were f Transference Early experiences that happen in the patient s early relationships they can later transfer those conflicts onto others even to the therapists 8 Freud s legacy positive and negative a Positive It was the onset of later therapies Basis for modern therapy b Negative Not very scientific research based 9 Behavior therapy positives and negatives a Pros Exposure based treatment very effective with anxiety disorder Easy to administer b Cons Approach only treats symptoms leaving the underlying causes untouched Cognitive therapy 10 a Most popular at research oriented departments b Based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and out emotional reaction c Present focused d Cognitive treatment can be hard to implement however very strong research based e Socratic Questioning 11 Carl Rogers Humanistic therapy a Unconditional pos regard b Assumes that mental illness derives from attempting to earn others positive regard c Self awareness and self acceptance will lead to cure d Popular in 50s 60s e Non directive approach f Active listening 12 Behavior genetics research and methods twins adoption studies abnormality a Behavior Genetics The study of the genetics of personality b Polygenic a critical number of altered individual genes that most disorders may be related to c Twin studies i Determine the contribution of genetics to disorder by considering the differences between MZ vs DZ twins ii Concordance Rate The probability that both twins have a disorder if one twin has the disorder d Adoption Studies i These studies with twins account for the contribution of the environmental aspect ii General findings Adoptees more like biological parents than adopted parents 13 Diathesis stress model a We don t typically view events alone causing mental illness there are other factors that may make certain people more susceptible to certain mental illness b Usually for a disorder to develop there is a Vulnerability AND a stressor Reciprocal gene environment 14 a Genes shape how we create our environment b Florida Hurricane Study c Ex Low social support is a vulnerability factor for depression HOWEVER social support is something that people can seek out for themselves i It can depend on personality of the person introversion extroversion ii So if you are very introverted you may be more likely to stalk to less people and may lead you to have
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