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Unit 4 Paleobiology of Dinosaurs Dr Erickson Dinosaurs are some of the most intriguing animals to ever inhabit the earth They have captivated the public for over 150 years They re the largest carnivorous animals known Why the fascination as kids our excitement about the world is often by some things being real and others not learning that dinosaurs are in fact real is exhilarating often leads to kids wanting to be a o paleontologist someone who studies any aspect of ancient organisms Paleobiology the study of the lives of ancient organisms physiology behavior ecology functional anatomy The History of the Field its hard to miss dinosaur bones clearly people knew about them before their scientific recognition in 1842 China Writings about Dinosaurs the first writings come from china chinese wrote about dragon bones from long dead serpents were unearthed for centuries for medicinal purposes Europe Writings 1676 giant human thighbone was found in England someone thought this was a human man s nuts it was given scrotum humanum so it was technically the first dinosaur name given it is actually the end of the thigh bone of a dinosaur The American Indians they referred to dinosaur remains as the Father of the Buffalo or as a Sacred Former Race of Giants in 1806 Lewis and Clark found dinosaur bones in Montana and wrote them off as remains of a giant fish At this time people didn t think extinction could occur Thomas Jefferson A fossil fanatic told them to be on the lookout for mastodons furry elephants In 1770 a 40 ft long sea monster named Mosasaurus was found in Holland In Europe in 1824 William Buckland described a reptile jaw with pointed serrated teeth from England o He called it Megalosaurus which meant big lizard since he thought it was just a gian relative of today s lizards Named the first scientifically valid dinosaur NO ONE paid attention Surgeon Gideon Mantell of England found giant teeth and bones including a horn like spike from a herbivore o Curvier said they were from a Rhino and a Hippo Mantell showed the teeth were from a herbivore s reptile like an iguana s o Like buckland mantel thought it was just a big lizard so he thought the spike must have been on the nose o He named is Iguanodon Iguana Tooth o This caused a HUGE sensation Early Renditions buckland and mantel depicted their first dinosaurs as giant scaled up sprawling quadrapedal Note reptiles like lizards and crocodiles have scaly skin have sprawling posture and lay hard eggs on land British anatomist Richard Owen took stock of all of the crazy fossil giants being found in Europe and noted they were different than reptiles living today in being giant having upright posture not sprawling like reptiles having more than 2 fused sacral vertebrae in 1842 he designated them as a new group of reptiles o Dinosauria fearfully great reptiles Owen worked with artist Waterhouse Hawkins to depict them in full size as part of a huge display of British Science They put on a world fair to show off their science and the center pieces were their dinosaurs and sculptures Owen made several mistakes all the dinosaurs were quadrapedal and he put the spike on the Iguanadon s nose Dino mania began and hundreds of thousands of people came to view the dinosaurs During Owen s time they only had scraps to work with No whole dinosaurs had been found Since then we have found hundreds of species of dinosaurs What makes a dinosaur a dinosaur dinosaurs had teeth in sockets like crocodiles pterosaurs flying reptiles and dinomorphs dinosaur like reptiles thus they are close relatives Pterosaurs and dinosauromorphs had mesotarsal ankles and are closer relatives to dinosaurs than crocodiles Dinosauromorphs have erect posture like dinosaurs and are the CLOSEST relatives of all the dinosaurs 3 Features that make you a Dinosaur 3 or more fused up sacral vertebrae fused backbones in hip region 3 main fingers Perforate acetabulae the hole through the hip the hole where the thighbone attached goes all the way through the hip Yankee Dinosaurs the first documented remains were tracks found in 1800 a kid found footstep fossils and showed it to a reverend and they thought they were a giant bird in 1858 Joseph Leidy was given a nearly complete skeleton of a dick billed dinosaur o he realized the front arms were really small and the back legs were huge o it became known that Mantell and Owen were wrong Dinosaurs were bipedal o he envisioned it as looking like a kangaroo o despite having to break the tail to do it Leidy had it mounted with the tail on the ground since reptiles today drag their tails and so do kangaroos most of the time New York officials wanted to show up the Brits and planned their own Crystal Palance type exposition and Central Park showing the proper way to mount dinosaurs o They even hired Waterhouse Hawkins to sculpt them In a political fight over territory thugs broke into Hawkins studio and destroyed the renditions The dinosaurs are still buried there today By the 1800s there was enough evidence to realize there were 2 types of dinosaurs ornithischiands with hips shaped like birds saursichians with hips shaped like lizards The fossil feud of the late 1800s led to discovery of some of the most famous dinosaurs from the North American west O C Marsh and E D Cope Instead of studying medicine studied dinosaurs Cope showed Marsh a pit where they dug up dinosaurs and he thinks its cool and all of a sudden no more bones are coming in Marsh was paying 10x more to get them Hated each other Early 1900s US Museums take over as American Dinomania strikes After WW2 most dinosaur hunting slowed down science was considered kid stuff they were uninteresting dead end failures slow moving pathetic reptilian brutes most were thought to have been found dinosaurs were only to get the public to come through the gates so scientists could pay for their important work on mammals The Dinosaur Renaissance 1964 John Ostron discovered Deinonychus the real raptor from Jurassic Park here was an athletic animal with a teeter totter tail and large killing claws on its feet used to kill Robert Bakker The Outcome an Ostrom student took the idea and ran with it said all dinosaurs were athletic and more like living birds and mammals was the dinosaur renaissance hundreds of jobs were created a lot of money went into the field a new dinosaur is being named every week Bakker was partially right Other Events that have Fueled the Renaissance what killed the dinosaurs Claudistics

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FSU BSC 1005 - Paleobiology of Dinosaurs

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