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BSC1005 Unit 3 Exam Vertebrate Biology The following is a 2 part study guide marked by green titles The first is a compilation of notes from the TA exam review and the second part is a collection of my personal notes from lecture on each chapter Vertebrate Biology Expanded TA Review Bio Study Guide Notes 3 30 14 Know that Charles Darwin wrote a book titled On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection 7 in Book Review Qs When a new group of male lions takes over a pride consisting of females and young many things happen Which statement below is false 11 in Book Review Qs Which vertebrate group listed below is thought to be the direct ancestors of tetrapods four footed land vertebrates o Females come into heat o Young are killed o Females in pride are driven off o Males that controlled the pride are driven off o All of the above o Myxini Hagfish o Sarcopterygii lobe finned fish o Actinopterygii bony fish o Chondrichthyes cartilaginous fish o Placodermi 15 in Book Review Qs Birds are in their production of offspring o Oviparous egg layer shells o Viviparous live young o Ovoviviparous female keeps eggs in her body and young hatch from the eggs and are born alive o Multiparous o Semiparous 25 in Book Review Qs Which statement listed below pertaining to Darwin s concept of natural selection is false o Changes in the population occur over short periods of time o The survival and reproductive success of individuals is not random o Some variations within a species are passed on to offspring o Individuals within a species vary in different ways 26 in Book Review Qs When male deer fight for females to mate with it is known as o Negative selection 28 in Book Review Qs Which of the following would have the largest home range o Natural selection o Positive selection o Sexual selection o Neutral selection o Mouse o Song bird o Wolf o Squirrel o Deer o Memory o Sight o Smell o Taste o Aves o Mammalia o Chondrichthyes o Reptilia Know Darwin s four postulates o Individuals in a species vary o Some variations found in a population are passed on to offspring o In every generation more offspring are produced than can survive o Survival reproductive success of individuals is NOT random True or False Survival and reproductive success of individual populations is random IT IS NOT RANDOM Large predators tend to have larger home ranges Northern jacanas species of bird practice polyandry rare mating system in bird species where males perform parental duties and females compete for mates Fraternal polyandry several brothers marry a single wife Anadromous reproducing once in a lifetime after migration How do fish get back up the river to their place of birth Which are the following are viviparous give birth to live young In the film which term listed below refers to the rock layers that were laid down under the influence of gravity o Superposition o Principle of faunal succession o Cross cutting o Principle of horizontality o Tonic succession The term fitness as used by Darwin includes o The ability of an organism to reproduce o A non random process o The ability to leave offspring o The ability of an organism to survive in its environment o All of the above Categories of Species to Remember o Superclass Agnatha Ostracoderms first to appear in fossil records during the Cambrian period Class Myxini Hagfish o Superclass Gnathostomata Jawed fish Class Chondrichthyes cartilaginous fish like sharks Class Sarcopterygii lobe finned fish Class Actinopterygii ray finned fish we eat o Class Amphibia first tetrapods first appear in Devonian Period o Class Reptilia first appear in Carboniferous Period Subclass Anapsida turtles Subclass Lepidosauria lizards snakes Archosauria ancestor to crocodiles alligators and birds o Class Aves birds first appeared in Jurassic Period o Class Mammalia mammals first appeared in Triassic Period Infraclass Methatheria Marsupials include kangaroos koalas Subclass Prototheria egg laying mammals platypus Know how to read chart on pg 5 of book Species listed higher vertically on the chart are more primitive Species further to the left appeared earlier in the fossil record Black lines represent diversity the wider the line the more diverse EX On chart Neopterygianii ray finned fish take up the most space in black so they are the most diverse species on the chart Second most diverse species are the Aves birds o Remember this info in the fossil record Ostracoderms including Myxini as a class Cambrian Pd Mammals Triassic Pd Amphibians aka first tetrapods Devonian Pd Reptiles Carboniferous Pd Birds aka Aves Jurassic Pd Videos to remember o Battle at Kruger wild buffalo defended a calf that was dragged away by lions and the calf was saved and survived the struggle o Meerkat Manor Meerkats are a matriarchal group Meerkat names Flower dominant or alpha female of Whiskers Group Other females are submissive to her and she does not usually let any of them breed Her death went viral on YouTube Zaphod dominant or alpha male Flower s mate Father of majority of young in group and other males are submissive to him Shakespeare Older son of Flower and Zaphod Bitten by a snake and struggles to survive Mozart Sister of Shakespeare Tosca Sibling of Shakespeare and Mozart She gets pregnant by an unknown male and this leads to problems between her and Flower Youssarian Another sibling Real problem to group Young pups meerkat babies 10 mo or younger Mitch Axel o Whooping Cranes whooping cranes are an endangered species that make a flight from wintering grounds in TX to nesting grounds in Canada s NW territories Whooping cranes are only one of two crane species found in North America In the film the migration of whooping cranes follows an ultralight aircraft that they identify as their leader o Peppered moths color of moths wings changed got darker to allow them to blend into their environment after it was impacted by soot released into the air during the Industrial Revolution The darker colored moths had a better chance of survival as compared to the lighter colored moths which were more easily spotted against the dark bark of a tree trunk o Tiktaalik video Tiktaalik is an animal that is the missing link between Sarcopterygii lobe finned and Ichthyostega oldest known member of the Class Amphibia Myxini hagfish Cephalaspidomorphi Lampreys Both hagfish and lampreys are jawless fish but they lampreys ARE parasites while hagfish are NOT parasites Aves Birds are descended from dinosaurs Ectotherm Cold

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FSU BSC 1005 - Unit 3 Exam: Vertebrate Biology

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