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BABY BIO EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE Part cut off during circumcision external foreskin If have AGS what finger will be longer happens in males the ring finger is longer than index finger Couples between 33 48 most common contraceptive female sterilization Changes during pregnancy include elevated levels of HCG and HPL estrogen and progesterone levels are also elevated FSH and LH levels are not shown they are low a drop in body temp is seen and then a peak during progesterone peak Levels changed when in post menstrual Bartholins gland goes with what male part Cowpers gland produces pre ejaculatory fluid Chart with basal body temp is she pregnant As temp increases woman becomes more fertile The drop before this increase is when the women begins to ovulate When progesterone is high so is body temp and therefore fertility When progesterone is low the body temp is low When the female becomes pregnant the temp will stay high and even better increase Males in Florida get HIV from Homosexual contact Which of the following is not a barrier contraceptive IUD patch birth control pills Smoking is related to what in babies low birth weights Know differences in genetic tests for babies Amniocentsis drawing up amniotic fluid 14 18 into pregnancy Chorionic villi sampling 9 weeks into pregnancy screening is done to reduce risk of down syndrome maternal serum blood screens for AFP estradiol and HCG ultrasound screening can identify the thickness of babies neck nuchal translucency for examining down syndrome Know how to figure out when woman is ovulating Ovulation day 14 estrogen levels peak FSH and LH peak and progesterone levels begin to rise positive feedback effect between Estrogen and FSH and LH to calculate day count back 14 days from the day of the onset of the menstrual flow in a 28 day cycle subtract 14 most likely ovulated on the 14th day of the cycle o Know differences between anterior and posterior pituitary Anterior pituitary connected to the hypothalamus by blood cells and makes its own hormones that are released and controlled by the neurohormones from the hypothalamus o Posterior pituitary connected to the hypothalamus by nerve cells and it stores neurohormones made in the hypothalamus it does not make its own hormones Sperm and vas deferas are connected through the epydmysis Scrotum is homologous to what labia majora Adrenogential syndrome Options were about size of fingers ring finger longer than index finger For Down syndrome which is correct Options were about if CVS causes more chance of a miscarriage over amniocentesis CVS has more chance of a miscarriage Women age 15 19 most common form of contraception oral contraceptives Which form of contraception is most affective against STDs male condom Least effective method of contraception The diaphragm Which form of contraception is not a barrier Options were diaphragm pill condom etc Intrauterine Device IUD Chart asks is this woman pregnant HCG and HPL are only present in woman FSH and LH are suppressed Women should go to the hospital when their contractions are how many minutes apart 5 minutes apart When is the first step in labor over 20 hours If you have gonorrhea what else do you have Chlamydia If you have herpes what is true Options were like only contracted when blisters present blisters shown mostly below the waist etc Herpes is contagious when lesions are present also can be contagious before outbreak and when lesions ARE NOT present can occur above or below the waist can be treated but not cured at this moment in time no vaccine for it Layers of the cervix permimetrium outer layer Myometrium muscle layer Endometrium inner layer How is AIDS NOT contracted Answer was casual contact What do doctors do when performing a vasectomy cut the vas deferns Know when lh is the highest Ovulation day 14 FSH and LH are at its peak What hormone is produced in the ovaries estrogen and progesterone Least effective form of contraceptives The diaphragm Most common contraceptives for young single women oral contraceptives Which group of people you ll find fsh and another hormone in How women in fl are most likely to contact hiv answer choices are like heterosexual sec homosexual sex etc heterosexual contact Know about gonadotropins they are protein hormones secreted in the anterior pituitary gland The two principle gonadotropins are LH and FSH In testes LH and FSH control 3 things leydig cells cells that produce the male hormones aka anrogens seminiferious tubules produce sperm cells and also control the exit enter of sperm through the epididymis What diseases cause cervical cancer HYP types 16 and 18 What is true about piv pelvic inflammatory disease There was another question and it was something like which of these is false and the choices were 10 15 of couples have trouble having a baby uhh idr the rest but ill look and try to remember Approximately 10 15 of couples will have difficulty conceiving a child Assisted Conception o IVF eggs and sperm combined o ICSI single sperm cell injected into egg o FIGT egg and sperm placed into oviducts Fresh and frozen eggs were used gamete intra fallopian transfer o Clomid used to stimulate ovulation at home another good example of negative feedback It blocks estrogen feedback and tricks the hypothalamus into thinking there is not enough FSH and LH causing ovulation If we take away a certain hormone in a male what would we not find if we took away testosterone from being changed into DHT we would NOT find a PENIS Something about what is true of nongonnococus something Or something like that Chlamydia tracomatis organism causes nongonoccal urethritis in men which is a non gonorrheal inflammation of the urethra What is considered low birth weight LESS THAN 5 5 lbs What habit of a preg woman will cause low birth weight in her baby smoking What stage of labor is delivery performed in third stage What is the muscle in the uterus called myometrium What type of contraceptives do couples 40 44 use sterilization When is the most variation in a menstrual cycle What is the chemical that says you re pregnant HCG What happens to a males hormone levels when he uses viagra What hormone do they look for to test for pregnancy

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