REL 1300 Summer 2014 Final Exam Study Guide Christianity Historical Jesus o God Yahweh s son mother is human o Messiah savior o Believed to be divine o Crucified paid for humanity s wrongdoings o Not a white European o Called Rabbi by followers John the Baptist o Baptized Jesus o Executed traumatic for Jesus Christian Gospels forsaken me be the messiah messiah and savior Canon Paul o Synoptic seen together Matthew Mark Luke o Stories of Jesus life o Mark written first comes second in the Bible My God My God why have you o Matthew written to persuade a Jewish audience of the truth of Jesus claim to o John asserts the cosmic significance of Jesus life and declares his identity as o Official o A standard a scriptural canon is the list of books acknowledged as scripture o Educated cosmopolitan convert with the privileged status of a Roman citizen o Pharisee from the diaspora Jewish community o Encountered post resurrection Jesus which changed his life o Second founder of Christianity o Focused on the death of Jesus o For Hellenization rejection of the law Council of Jerusalem o Jewish Christian split o Hellenists Liberals vs Judaizers Conservatives o Hellenists led by Paul o Judaizers led by James o Hellenists win gentiles don t need to follow all of the law Roman Empire o Christians are weak and unpatriotic o Constantine reunites empire legalizes Christianity Catholic Church o Universal Church in Rome Protestant Reformation o Led by Martin Luther Martin Luther o German Catholic Monk o 95 Theses posted on Church indulgences etc o Faith Scripture Catholic Reformation Everything he didn t like about the Catholic Church luxuries o Council of Trent o Response to Protestant Reformation o Hardened differences with rebelling Catholics Pope Pius IX o Sought to restore papal authority Second Vatican Council o Changes Catholicism o Shift from conservatism to reform o Pope John XXIII calls for council o Latin Mass priests face congregation priests speak in local language o Christians who think gospel should be spread spread the good news o Biblicism activism conversion parishioners involved in service John Calvin o Institutes of the Christian Religion Manual of spiritual discipline o God is sovereign o Predestination o Human depravity Evangelicalism Fundamentalism o Bible is without error Protestant Christianity o Goal reform church but not separate o The power of individual interpretations Gnostic Christianity o Matter Spirit o Salvation through knowledge Judaism Orthodox o Reject modernity assimilation higher criticism o Maintain strict gender roles o Strict observance of the Sabbath o Keep kosher o Men don t cut their beards or side curls o Traditional dress Kippah Talith Tefillin small black leather boxes containing words of scripture tied to the forehead and forearm by leather thongs Conservative Reform o Men wear Yarmulke but modern clothes o Women wear long skirts and sleeves o Keep kosher o Recognize matrilineal descent only o Both sexes use Tefillin o Don t cover heads except during prayer o Don t keep kosher o Don t wear ritual clothing or Tefillin o Don t require Hebrew prayer o Accept patrilineal descent and intermarriage Reconstructionist o Rabbi Kaplan o Attempted to define Judaism as a religious civilization Zionism Exile o Movement to return to ancient land of Israel o Desired a haven from persecution o Deportation of Jewish leaders from Jerusalem to Mesopotamia by the conquering Babylonians o Marked transition from Israelite religion to Judaism First Century Sects o Sadducees Upper class Embraced acculturation Temple was center of power Literal reading of the law Middle class Broader textual interpretation Literal reading of the law o Pharisees o Essenes Likely authors of Dead Sea scrolls Followed the Teacher of Righteousness Retreated to the desert Planned for the apocalypse o Zealots Rejected all Roman authority Revolted against Rome Contributed to the fall of the temple o Commentary on Scripture by Rabbis Midrash Orthopraxy o Correct action Passover o Celebrates liberation from bondage in Egypt o Seder dinner Sabbath Septuagint Talmud Torah o 7th day of the week observed since ancient times as a day of rest from ordinary activity o Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures produced in Alexandria and Hellenistic times o Commentaries on the Mishnah by Rabbis o Teaching Law of Moses also refers to the entire scripture and commentaries Theodor Herzl o Principal founder of Zionist movement o Committed to the goal of Jewish statehood in response to the Dreyfus Affair French political scandal in which a Jewish army officer Alfred Dreyfus convicted of treason was later found to have been framed Pentecostalism Acts of the Apostles o Sacred scripture Tongues Glossolalia o Speaking in tongues is evidence of the Holy Spirit o Mystical language of heaven Pentecost o 50th day after Easter commemorated as the dramatic occasion when Jesus followers experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit and the ability to preach and be understood in different languages Prosperity Gospel o Health and wealth or name it and claim it gospel o The Bible teaches financial prosperity is will of God for Christians o Combination of faith positive speech and donations to Christian ministries increase in material wealth Divine Healing o Someone is anointed by the Spirit and can then heal other people o The Church of Jesus with Signs Following parishioners handle snakes Serpent Handling Biblical literalism o Emphasized Aimee Semple McPherson o Founded international church of the foursquare gospel o Pioneer in modern media o Celebrity o Anti evolution o Preached conservative gospel in modern way o Favored racial ethnic segregation in the church Charles Parham o Holiness evangelist o Advocate of divine healing o Leader in early Pentecostal movement o Developed a Bible college Agnes Ozman Oral Roberts o First to receive tongues baptism o Early Pentecostal televangelist o Faith healer o Founded Oral Roberts University o Laid foundations of prosperity gospel William Seymour o Influenced by Parham o Started 3 year revival at Azusa Street Mission in LA Mormonism Joseph Smith o Founder o Published the Book of Mormon o Ran for President o Introduced Polygamy o Killed by anti Mormon mob o Married to 30 women Brigham Young Reed Smoot o Led Mormons in Utah after Smith was killed o Publically announced plural marriage o Senate hearings revealed Mormon duplicity and provided context for solution of Mormon problem o Senate
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