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Birds are therapod dinosaurs Paleontologist someone who studies any aspect of ancient organisms Paleobioloy study lives of ancient organisms China first written accounts of dinosaurs 1676 England giant T rex thigh bone thought dead human scrotum scrotum humanum extinction Mosasaurus lizard found in Holland Baron George Cuvier developed concept of Megalosaurus first valid dino name found in England no one cared because there were exaggerated claims giant crocs in Australia and Africa Iguanodon found its tooth and looked like reptile iguana tooth Early renditions thought they were big lizards Richard Owen analyzed fossils and noted they were different recognized them as dinosaurs 1842 Richard Owen named them Fearfully Great Reptiles dinosaurs Crocodiles and pterosaurs are close relatives of dinosaurs Pterosaurs had socketed teeth Unique features three or some sacral vertebrate three main fingers perforated acetabula on sheet Separate dinos by hip structures pointed back in bird hips pointed forward lizard hips down Dinosaur renaissance fueled by deinonychus raptor Robert Bakker ran with idea that dinos were like birds and mammals When did they live 238 million years ago to 65 5 mya Mesozoic era Uranium lead dating uranium 235 from volcanoes and half life rate it breaks World was warmer no ice at poles Continents moved around find fossils of dinos on far apart continents Water went across continents warm shallow seas few mountains Plants appear in middle of Cretaceous period Who lived with dinos crocodiles Deinosuchas 32 foot crocodile dino killers Dinos grow like mammals today Supercroc bite force 3 700 pound bite force of crocodile today highest bite force recorded ever predicted 31 000lb bite force for supercroc Sea monsters long neck plesiosaur lizard like creature not dinosaur lochness monster Mammals appear same time as dinos Fossils remains of ancient life Trace fossils traces of animal tissue and track ways in dirt eggs stomach stones Tails did not drag based on dino tracks Sedimentary rocks preserve dino fossils Where do we find fossils found eroding out of hills bad place to grow plants easy to find fossils badlands best place to find dinos Closest place we can find dinos Georgia in Chattahoochee river Ornithischia dinos bird shaped hip bones beaks to crop plants First dinos appeared in Middle Triassic period small then got larger Thyreophora shield bearers body armor on map Osteoderms bones in skin like alligators Stegosaurus know stupid from endocast sediments that filled brain cavity from filling hollowed skulls with latex Paleontology has history founded solely in geology Ceratosaurs thumb spiked gap between front and back teeth on map Heterodinosaurs earliest type diff shape teeth like mammals Fangs on plant eating animal used for sexual display Don t know sex of any dinosaurs Sexual dimorphism differences between males and females size and shape between sexes Only know color of one dino No evidence they were aquatic dino s mostly terrestrial Hadrosaurs duck bills dental batteries interlocking teeth 1400 teeth self sharpening hard enamel on one side and dented on one side Know more about Hadrosaurs duck billed dinosaurs because found in a herd found their nesting grounds footprint mummified dinos bite marks coprolites poop Two types crested and non crested No hole in top of bone they thought was snorkel Marginocephalia head margin protruding from back of skulls over their neck head on butting or flank butting how much force they can provide We think they did head on butting finite element model comp rendition to see Protoceratops from Asia most famous Oviraptor egg stealer found on top of eggs next to protoceratops Oviraptors were good moms with bird like behavior Pachyrhinosaur biggest horn on any animal ever Saurischian dino pubis points forward Sauropods had nostrils on their head 140 feet long cannot fit in ruby diamond hall but in building longest dinosaur Apatosaurus Brontosaurus first name is what we go with wouldn t fit in ruby ever diamond head out roof Tallest and possibly heaviest dinosaur Strange theory about 6 hearts bc of long necks Sauroposeidon 56 feet tall dinosaur lizard earth quake god Therapoda beast footed hollow bones Ceratopsaurs gap between front and back teeth Spinosaurus blown up when British bombed German museum Ornithomimids fastest dinos Segnosaurs dino scissor hands recent leaf shaped teeth only herbivore theropod dino Pachyrhinosaur largest horn ever if they had a horn Oviraptor skull mouth lower right Deinonychosaurs flip knife claw on second toe Troodontids smartest dinosaurs encephalization quotient brain size relative to Dinosaurid human alien like rendition of possible outcome if they didn t go your body mass extinct crazy idea T Rex first mounted on tail tail should have been in the air only two fingers huge olfactory bulbs for smelling could only amble one foot on ground at a time not run cannibalistic scavenger sometimes too First viewed dumb and slow tail draggers then tried to figure out their metabolism and seen bone microstructure growth lines like reptiles stopped each year birds grew fast and mammals all dinos grew faster than living reptiles grew like marsupials 40 80 life died when dinos died 65 5 million years ago Theories of extinction volcanism lowering of sea levels asteroid Gulf of Mexico Chicxulub Crater Problem with asteroid theory why did some animals survive and others didn t Archaeoptrics first bird found in Germany claws teeth and bony tail Huxley noticed relationship of birds to therapod dinos Dinos have feathers Some dinos had wings on hind legs gliding dinos Smallest dino was only 7oz Dinos dominated earth for 172 billion years Full grown by 20 and only lived to around 50

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