Final Exam Ch 8 12 13 CH 8 Eating Disorders and Insomnia 1 Anorexia Nervosa a General Criteria i ii iii iv Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements resulting in significantly low body weight 15 below normal Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat even though underweight Disturbance in experience of body weight and denial of seriousness of low weight Features 1 Starvation Depressed mood socially withdrawn irritable insomnia anhedonia 2 Preoccupation or obsession with food 3 Perfectionism lack of empathy and inflexible thinking 4 Self evaluation is influenced mainly by body weight 1 Has not engaged in regular binging and purging in last three Regular binge eating and purging behavior in last three months b Specifiers i Restricting months ii Binge Eating Purging Type 1 c Prevalence 5 1 lifetime prevalence 90 are women Usually begins between 15 19 1 40 are adolescents i ii iii iv Highest mortality rate of all psychiatric disorder d Physical Consequences Amenorrhoea Not menstruating Lanugo Thin downy hair Intolerance to cold Constipation i ii iii iv v Major Organ Failure vi Cardiovascular dysfunction 1 Bradycardia Slow heartbeat 2 Arrhythmia Irregular heartbeat 3 Failure vii viii Osteoporosis and Other Bone Disorders Impaired Immune Functioning e Comorbidity OCD OCPD Depression Bulimia Some criteria is overlapping i ii iii iv v f Treatment i ii iii iv No official treatment Family therapy appears to be effective CBT may work as well but results are not consistent prevalent Hospitalization temporarily works when patient becomes dangerously ill 2 Bulimia Nervosa a Criteria i Recurrent binge eating 1 Eating a much larger portion within a two hour period then most people would consume under regular conditions 2 Lack of control over eating during episode 3 Average binge is around 1500 calories ii iii iv v Recurrent compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain Binge eating and compensation occur on average at least once a week for a three month period Self evaluation is influenced mainly by body weight Doesn t occur exclusively during periods of AND b Prevalence 1 5 prevalence 5 prevalence on college campuses Onset usually between 15 29 90 of cases are women i ii iii iv v More common in European americans than african americans vi Higher remission rates and better response to therapy than anorexia c Factors Stressors i ii iii iv v Negative life event Binge eating Impulsivity Binge purging Perfectionism Restricting OCD Restricting Low self esteem d Physical Symptoms Normal weight or slightly overweight Death rate is not as high as anorexia i ii iii Medical complications due to purging 1 Erosion of tooth enamel 2 Hypersensitive gag reflex 3 Regurgitation of food 4 Enlarged salivary glands which leads to puffy face 5 Electrolyte imbalance 6 Ruptured esophagus or stomach e Treatment i ii Cognitive Behavioral therapy is the most effective SSRI s are also added sometimes 3 Factors Stressors that May lead to Eating Disorders a Thin Ideal idealization b Perceived pressure to be thin c Childhood abuse d Modeling from family e Athletic involvement f Body dissatisfaction g Being overweight as a child 4 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Eating Disorders a For Bulimia i ii Focuses on dysfunctional beliefs about self worth importance of eating shape weight and control 1 These dysfunctional beliefs are what leads to strict dieting and other weight control including binging and purging Also focuses on interpersonal difficulties and intolerance of negative mood b Five Step Treatment Approach i Monitor ii Educate 1 Monitor daily food intake and weekly weigh ins 1 Set a healthy weight point range 2 Discuss resting metabolic rate 1100 1500 calories per day 3 Basic healthy eating 3 meals snacks 4 Carbs fats and proteins in correct percentage iii Teaching Technique and Challenging Automatic Thoughts 1 Operationalize Terms Come up with definitions for fear desired terms fat thin full 2 Challenge thoughts by examining evidence a Why do you think that what causes you to think that iv Challenging thoughts with behavioral experimenting In session eating a b Weekly weigh ins what happens if you aren t your ideal weight c Breaking eating rules eating after 8pm not waiting four hours between a meal Create a Feared Food Hierarchy In session Eating and Thought Restructuring v vi Insomnia 5 a Prevalence 33 experience 10 report distress associated with symptoms during daytime 6 10 report full criteria for diagnosis i ii iii iv More common in women and older adults b Comorbidity i Your total sleep time decreases when you have 1 Depression 2 Substance abuse 3 Anxiety 4 Medical conditions c Criteria ii iii iv i ii iii iv v Symptom of anxiety and depression 40 50 of people with insomnia meet the criteria for a psychiatric disorder Suicide Insomnia symptoms were associated with suicidal ideation 1 2 Sleep problems were predictive of death by suicide Difficulty initiating and maintaining sleeping or waking up early and not being able to fall back to sleep Significant distress or impairment Sleep difficulty for at least three nights a week for a 3 month period Not because of another sleep disorder mental disorder or substance abuse Perspective 1 People with insomnia are overly worried about getting sleep and the daytime consequences of not getting any sleep 2 This cause an anxious aroused state which prevents sleep d Tips i ii iii iv v Get exercise but not too late in the day Avoid caffeine nicotine and alcohol Develop a relaxing pre sleep routine Get treatment for anxiety and or depression Big 5 1 Maintain the same sleep schedule 2 No napping 3 Don t lie in bed awake If you re in bed awake for more than 15 minutes get up and do something boring 4 Don t read eat or watch t v in bed 5 Don t go to bed until you are sleepy CH 12 Personality Disorders 1 Personality Disorders a Definitions Personality All the ways of acting thinking feeling and believing Personality Trait A complex pattern of behavior thought or feeling Personality Disorder A long standing pattern of maladaptive behaviors thoughts and feelings b Prevalence Overall 10 Highly comorbid with other psychiatric disorder they rarely occur alone There is often an overlap in criteria for the disorder making it hard to diagnose iv Most people see their way of thinking as normal so it is hard for the individual to realize there is a problem and seek treatment There are three clusters of personality disorders 2 Cluster A Odd Eccentric a The
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