Baby Biology Study Guide Human Reproductive Technologies Order of following events Pronuclear fusion cleavage degradation of the zona pellucida and attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine wall Fetus cannot be born and survive in the second trimester 8 27 weeks without special medical care At the one cell stage a new individual is called zygote Implantation the attachment of the embryo to the uterus False statement about implantation occurs before compaction has occured Fertilization of the egg occurs in the oviduct Somatic cells derived from basic germ layers of the body that DO NOT pass genetic info Germ cells cells that give rise to the gametes and DO pass genetic information to next to the next generation generation Sperm Egg Zygote sperm 22 autosomes 1 X or 1Y chromosome egg 22 autosomes 1 X chromosome zygote 44 autosomes 1 sex chromosome Fusion of sperm and egg is important for human individuality because fusion of two gametes creates a unique combination of genes It is legal in the USA to perform research that results in the death of a human embryo Catholics believe that human life begins and fertilization and Hinduism believes the same At stage 23 where the human embryo is now called a fetus the sac around it is called the both Day 0 amniotic cavity The gentalia are visible false The heart is beating true The fetus can survive outside of the womb without medical assistance false The mother can feel the fetus move false Sources of stem cells bone marrow form child bone marrow of adult umbilical cord early embryos not sperm and eggs Embryonic stem cells are derived from aborted fetuses false It can be argued that our ability to derive embryonic stem cells from discarded blastocyst embryos has reduced the desire to obtain youthful stem cells from aborted fetuses true A policy banning all human cell research would mean that researching human bone marrow transplants for childhood leukemia would come to an end true What position to ban ALL stem cell research is grounded in fact because you don t believe in medical intervention of any kind What surgical transplantation is the only established and successful use of adult stem cells bone marrow transplant Why cant pluripotent stem cells develop into fetus because they lack the potential to generate extra embryonic tissues such as the placenta Main source of human embryonic stem cells for research frozen embryos stored at fertility clinics in excess of clinical need Pluripotency ability to differentiate into any of the three germ layers endoderm mesoderm ectoderm What does pluripotency mean the ability to transform into any type of cell Scientific challenge in developing a new therapy based upon embryonic stem cell replacement rejection and tumor formation What defines a stem cell have the ability to renew themselves continuously and transform into specific cell types Hebrew position on human dignity curing disease is part of human dignity We have been endowed with the ability to better our own conditions so we are obligated to figure out how NIH guidelines for the isolation of ESC s attending physician cannot be the same person as the researcher and there must be no influence by researchers during the decision to donate embryos parents must be completely informed of all options for embryos no longer needed for reproductive purposes the donors cannot receive payment of any kind for the donated embryos the donor cannot benefit from the donations of the embryo President Bush struck a compromise with Dickey Wicker amendment to permit federal funding for stem cell research to continue 2001 President Obama allowed more embryonic stem cell lines to be researched but enacted strict ethical guidelines that prevented the use of cell lines previously permitted Disadvantages to reproductive cloning expensive inefficient associated with medical risks cloning flase USA government has legally banned reproductive cloning but permits therapeutic USA government has legally banned all forms of human cloning including both therapeutic and reproductive cloning false USA gov has not passed any legal rulings on therapeutic cloning true USA gov has not passed any legal rulings on reproductive cloning true Conception of genomic equivalence refers to all cells of the body have the same DNA True statements about cloning therapeutic is for research and medicine called somatic cell nuclear transfer reproductive cloning called somatic cell nuclear transfer Human cloning has only been done at the blastocyst stage Human cloning in England implanting the cloned human blastocyst into a uterus is illegal Most innovative aspect of somatic cell nuclear transfer creates possibility to derive stem cells that are genetically identical to donor of the nucleus Difference between somatic cell gene therapy and germ line therapy somatic cell gene therapy only affects tissues of the treated individual while germ line therapy also affects the offspring of the treated individual Direct delivery therapeutic gene can be packaged into a delivery vehicle such as retrovirus and then injected into the organ of a patient When a human gene is silenced it is switched off and cannot be expressed true 16 Most common ethical concerns with respect to human animal chimeras unnecessary cruelty to animals violating the integrity of species and disrespecting human dignity tampering with natural law and unknown consequences In a paternity test where DNA is taken from the blood of mother and child it is possible for the child s DNA to not match its true biological mothers DNA
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