Psychopathology study of the nature development and the treatment of psychological disorders Challenges Maintain objectivity ambiguity constantly developing conflicting results Chapter 1 According to MS5 Occurs with in an individual clinical difficulties with norms Defining mental disorder Personal distress Disability Violation of social norms Dysfunction Four Characteristics of Stigma label is distinguished label refers to undesirable attributes people with label seen as different people with the label are discriminated against History of Psychopathology Early biological explanations o Hippocrates 5th century bc o mental disturbances have natural causes problems with the brain Dark ages 2nd century AD o Witches torture led to bizarre delusional sounding confessions Lunacy Trials Asylums o Municipal authorities assumed care of mentally ill o Believed the moon caused illness o Establishments for the confinement and care of mentally il o St Mary of Bethlehem founded 1243 o Wealthy paid to look at the insane o o Benjamin Rush pushed for clean environment and stressing the importance treatment non existent or harmful at asylums of hygiene Moral Treatment relaxing friendly care o o engaged in calming exercises gardening Dorthea Dix o crusader for mentally ill Evolution of Contemporary thought Led people to believe that maybe other mental illnesses have a biological connection Found syphilis caused eventual psychosis Genetics research led to the belief we should sterilize mentally ill Eugenics process of sterilizing mentally ill Early Biological Treatments Insulin Coma therapy 1930s Electric shock therapy make them have a seizure so they ll be calmer o Didn t help schizophrenics but can be useful for those with severe depression Prefrontal Lobotomy o Moniz 1935 o Often used to control behaviors led to listlessness apathy and loss of cognitive development Mesmer 1734 1815 o Treated patients for hysteria Chapter 2 The cause or etiology of most abnormal behavior remains a mystery A set of shared theoretical substance and common beliefs is known as a paradigm Textbook uses biopsychosocial model when considering etiology of mental illness Psychologists use various paradigms to explain the etiology of disorders Most psychologists now recognize that abnormal behavior is caused by a combo of bio psych and social factors The biological paradigm o General paresis gave hope that scientists would discover biological causes for other mental disorders important advance for the biological paradigm caused by syphilis an STD took over a 100 years of study to discover this o To date specific biological causes have been identified for only some cognitive disorders The psychodynamic paradigm o An outgrowth of the writings of Freud o Asserts that abnormal behavior is caused by unconscious mental conflicts that have roots in early childhood o Major advances Freud general paresis academic psychology o The psychoanalytic theory divided the mind into 3 parts conflict between superego and ego leads to moral anxiety conflict b w id and ego use defense mechanisms The cognitive behavioral paradigm o o o views abnormal behavior as a product of learning includes conditioning focuses on observable behaviors humans are born as blank slates and behaviors form later The humanistic paradigm o a positive view of human nature o abnormalities come from frustrations of society o free will we control choose and are responsible for our actions o Determinism The scientific assumption that human behavior is caused by potentially knowable factors o Systems Theory multifinality view that the same event can lead to different outcomes Evolutionary Psychology o application of principles of evolution to our understanding of the human mind Temperament characteristic style of relating to the world 1 openness to experience 2 conscientiousness 3 agreeableness 4 neuroticism Chapter 3 Very important to click with your therapist must be attractive to be a clinician People will want to relate to you Most mental health professionals describe themselves as eclectic using no single paradigm using different treatments for different disorders Evidence based treatments A clinician who uses research to select the most effective form of treatment is using practical scientific approach to therapy this According to Kessler about of people with a diagnosable disorder fail to recieve treatment make excuses for why they act that way can t afford it the stigma attached to treatment may only have symptoms for a short time Psychotherapy the use of psychological techniques and patient therapist relationship to produce emotional behavioral and cognitive change Four views of Frances Biological therapist o Draws an analogy with physical illness o Focuses on diagnosis o o Recommends medication o considers genetic predisposition or chemical imbalance I want all therapists who view their roles as active and directive in the back in the room CBT and biological Psychodynamic therapist o Likely to focus on the defensive style and interpretation of defenses o Develop the client s insight o Expect changes as a result of increased emotional awareness o Primary goal would be to gain insight into unconscious motivation o every decision you make is motivated by something trying to accomplish something Cognitive behavior therapist o Focus on cog beh patterns o Therapists would be directive with Frances in getting her to look at her distorted thinking Identify cognitive distortions ways of relating to them o o Client assigned homework to monitor conflict with family and to try out new o You assign homework to try to get people to work on their problems ie send your parents a nice text then leave them a voicemail then try to have a convo over dinner etc Humanistic therapist o Likely to focus on the lack of emotional genuineness doesn t act the same as they feel don t show others their true emotions Fake it till you make it is not being genuine but is a good tactic o Therapist is nondirective o Encourage the client to own their feelings o All therapists note her tendency to blame herself for troubles in her relationships o Believes every emotion should be in the room therapists will cry with the client meeting them where they are Biological treatments 1 Diagnosis is developed and refined 2 clues about causes are put together In the case of Frances a biologically based therapist would view her interpersonal problems as the result of her depression Psychopharmacology Medicine
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