Depression Major Depression sad mood or loss of interest or pleasure episodic symptoms ten to dissipate over time recurrent once depression occurs future episodes likely average number of episodes 4 Persistent Depressive disorder Dysthymia chronic depressive disorder depressed mood for at least 2 years 1 for kids adolescents plus two or more symptoms poor appetite over under sleep poor self esteem trouble concentrating or making decisions feelings of hopelessness Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder when at least 5 or more of the given symptoms occur within the past year before menses and then improve within a few days of menses onset irritability depressed mood anxiety difficulty concentrating lack of energy changes in appetite over under sleep sense of being overwhelmed or out of control physical symptoms bloating breast tenderness joint muscle pain Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder sever recurrent temper outbursts in response to common stressors outbursts are inconsistent with the developmental level occur at least 3 times per week persistent negative mood between outbursts on most days negative mood observable to others symptoms for at least 12 months and do not clear for at least 3 months at a time onset before age 10 present in at least two settings home school etc and severe in at least one Bipolar Disorder Bipolar I at least one episode or mania very small percentages in U S 1 and even smaller worldwide 0 6 Bipolar II at least one major depressive episode with at least one episode of hypomania hypo under percentages greater for this 0 4 2 Cyclothymic disorder cyclothymia milder chronic form of bipolar disorder lasts at least 2 years in adults 1 in children adolescents numerous periods with hypomanic and depressive symptoms does not meet criteria for mania or MD episode symptoms do not clear for more than 2 months at a time percentages the highest with this form of BD 4 Mania state of intense elation or irritability symptoms last for 1 week or require hospitalization symptoms also cause significant distress or functional impairment abnormally increased activity and energy symptoms of at least 3 4 if mood is irritable increase in goal directed activity unusual talkativeness rapid speech flight of ideas or subjunctive impression that thoughts are racing decreased need for sleep increased self esteem attention easily diverted reckless spending sexual behavior driving Hypomania symptoms of mania but less intense does not involve significant impairment symptoms last at least 4 days clear changes in functioning that are observable to others but impairment is not marked no psychotic symptoms present Describe Aaron Beck s Cognitive Theory regarding Depression negative triad negative view of self world future negative schema underlying tendency to see the world negatively negative schema cause cognitive biases tendency to process information in negative ways Seligman attribution theory stable internal and global attributions can lead to depression and cause hopelessness Susan Nolen Hoeksema Rumination the natural instinct to dwell on the sources of problems rather than their possible solutions a specific way of thinking most detrimental is to brood over causes of events Hopelessness Theory Lynn Abramson most important trigger of depression is hopelessness thought that desirable outcomes will not occur thoughts that the person has not ability to change the situation What are the neurotransmitters involved in mood disorder Norepinephrine dopamine and serotonin MDD low levels of all three neurotransmitters Mania high levels of all except serotonin medication alters levels immediately but relief takes 2 3 weeks dopamine receptors may be overly sensitive in BD but lack sensitivity in MDD deleting tryptophan a precursor of serotonin causes depressive symptoms in individuals with personal of family history of depression individuals who are vulnerable to depression may have less sensitive serotonin receptors What are the characteristics of individuals with depression that negatively impact interpersonal relationships High levels of expressed emotion by family member predicts relapse arguments with loved ones marital conflict also predicts depression excessive reassurance seeking few positive facial expressions negative self disclosures slow speech and long silences sad or low mood for greater than two weeks and or loss of interest or pleasure for greater than two weeks appetite weight changes agitation or retardation fatigue worthlessness or guilt concentration difficulties thoughts of dying Treatments for depression Interpersonal psychotherapy IPT short term psychodynamic therapy focus on current relationships Medications MAO Antidepressants i e Parnate monoamine oxidase inhibitor used for MDD PTSD DD Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors SSRIs mainly used new generation of reuptake inhibitors for depression i e Prozac Zoloft Tricyclic Antidepressants i e Tofranil Elavil used for many forms of depression all have very serious side effects ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy reserved for treatment of non responders those with very severe depression very effective induce brain seizure and momentary unconsciousness side effects memory loss ECT more effective than medication but it s unclear how ECT works Behavioral activation increase participation in positively reinforcing activities to disrupt spiral of depression withdrawal and avoidance exercise is as effective as any anti depressant medication Treatment for Bipolar Family focused treatment 1 Educate family about disorder medications symptoms 2 Enhance family communication how to talk to the person with the disorder and not bring on an episode 3 Improve problem solving use different ways to resolve issues for person with disorder Medications Lithium used to stabilize mood up to 80 receive at least some relief using this potentially serious side effects lithium toxicity newer mood stabilizers Anticonvulsants Depakote used for the treatment of seizures as well Antipsychotics Zyprexa treats serious mental disorders BD schizophrenia all have serious side effects List common Myths of Suicide People who discuss suicide will not actually commit suicide Suicide is committed without warning Suicidal people want to die People who attempt suicide by low lethal means are not serious about killing themselves Chapter 6 Anxiety Specific phobias disproportionate fear of a particular object or situation examples flying snakes heights etc fear out of
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