REL 1300 Midterm Study Guide Terms Anatman The illusion of self Hinduism Atman Key idea of the Upanishads The soul A spark of the Brahman Personal Soul Hinduism Brahman Key idea of the Upanishads the World Soul Infinity Hinduism Brahmins Early Hindu priests thought to be able to control Brahman through rituals Hinduism Caste System A central symbol of Hinduism predetermined role of society that one is born into four main classes priests rulers merchants and servants Used by British to maintain control in India from so far away due to lighter skin people being higher ranking in the system Dharma One of the triple gems of Buddhism the second gem firm lasting teachings including the appropriate behaviors towards one s duties and responsibilities Buddhism Harappan Culture 2750 1750 BCE developed a writing system had an urban civilization and established the caste system that allowed Britain to effectively control India from so far Hinduism Igbo Indigenous religion of about 6 million people mostly in Nigeria main ideas of Panentheism God is greater than the universe Chi a person s unique spirit that plays a role in their fate and belief in Egwugwu masquerader who impersonates ancestor spirit Indigenous Karma Key idea of the Upanishads one s actions and the resulting consequences both positive and negative Hinduism Koan in Zen Buddhism a riddle or paradox used to show the falseness of logical thinking and give one enlightenment Buddhism Zen Monotheism the belief in only one God Pluralism the equality and acceptance among several different religions in one area Diana Eck s pluralism project Samsara Key idea in the Upaishads one s reincarnation and the cycle of birth and death goal is to escape Samsara to be set free and escape the trap of life Hinduism Secularism the exclusion of all religious groups and decisions made by them from the public Syncretism the combination of different ideas from different time periods and areas of the world The Four Sights Buddhism the sights seen by Siddhartha Gautama Buddha the old man the sick man the dead man and shramana which sparked Siddhartha to seek enlightenment and founded Buddhism Triple Gem of Buddhism In order Buddha Dharma Teaching and Sangha community monks Genetic Fallacy the thought that the knowledge of a religion s origin can explain what the religion is Kama In Hinduism sensual enjoyment of all kinds that was a goal for spouses and were expected to be partners Lotus Sutra important text in Mahayana Buddhism predominantly in China and Japan Bhakti Hindu devotion to a specific deity usually Shiva or Vishnu Bindi the red dot traditionally worn by married women in Hindu cultures however can be worn to symbolize other things or for style Eightfold Path A Buddhist tradition that all 8 steps must work together and they are Right Understanding Right Thought Right Speech Right Conduct Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness and Right Meditation used for someone seeking enlightenment to follow to overcome the Four Noble Truths Four Noble Truths These truths about suffering discussed by Buddha Noble Truth of Suffering Noble Truth of Origin Noble Truth of Cessation Noble Truth of the Eightfold Path The Eightfold Path is used to overcome these truths and suffering Buddhism Holi a three day long festival in India that honors youthful Krishna the Lila is preformed and on the last day bonfires are lit to extinguish evil Hinduism Khalsa In Sikhism the cherished ones picked by Guru Gobind Singh who gave themselves as sacrifice to the Guru but were instead picked to be cherished to wear the 5 K s at all times Kes Kangha Kirpan Kara and Kachera Langar A community meal for everyone regardless of caste position or role in society Sikhism Linga A stone column representing the god Shiva to be worshiped Hinduism Mantra A sacred hymn or chant typically in Buddhism or Hinduism Nirvana In Buddhism an enlightened state in which one escapes the cycle of life and death and there is no more suffering or desire Parinirvana In Buddhism when one attains Nirvana throughout their lifetime and then is released to enlightenment during death of one s body Polytheism the belief in more than one god or goddesses Syllable Om the beginning of sound in the universe and those who know the syllable attain all they desire Yoga Physical and mental discipline in which those display devotion to the divine Yoni A representation of female genitalia in Hinduism that symbolizes power and divine energy Yoruba 5th Century BCE Indigenous religion with around twenty million followers across four continents with a supreme begin Olodumare and 401 lesser gods with Eshu being a trickster and messenger Three Ways to Liberation Hinduism 1 Way of action karma yoga 2 Way of knowledge jnana yoga 3 Way of devotion bhakti yoga Golden Temple Built by Guru Arjan 4th Guru of the Sikh religion in India dedicated to all peoples coming together to worship a transient being that doesn t belong to one single religion Animism belief that things such as natural events or stones or thunderstorms have a spirit and consciousness Bhikshus Bhikshunis A monk monks in Hinduism or Buddhism that devote their lives to living in monasteries to achieve enlightenment through discipline Maya an influence that makes one into falsely believing they are different from Brahman when in fact they are not Maya is indescribable Hinduism Dana Ritual In Buddhism ancestors pass down merit through rituals Five K s Worn by the Khalsa in Sikhism the Kes Kangha Kirpan Kara Kachera having to do with the dress and hairstyles of the Khalsa Gurdwara A Sikh place of worship the Golden Building in India although all peoples are welcome to it not just Sikhs Mahayana Type of Buddhism that has two subdivisions Pure Land and Zen Believed to be the Greater Vehicle developed in 1st century CE in India major difference is that Lay people can attain enlightenment there are many different Buddhas women can attain nirvana and Bodhisuattas can help others attain enlightenment Mandala In Tibetan Buddhism Vajarayana sacred geometric designs that are created and then destroyed to show the permanence of all things in the world Moksha for Theraveda Buddhists Moksha is a state in which they can still communicate with those stuck in Samsara however they are completely detached from the world Puja Worship to deities performed in a Hindu s own home through rituals Pure Land Buddhism A subdivision of Mahayana Buddhism that believes in an eternal paradise
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