Final Exam Study Guide Introduction to World Religions Be able to identify the following terms Vedas Hinduism texts Upanishads philosophical works of the Vedas Samsara the cycle of death and rebirth in Hinduism Karma any act or action especially dealing with ritual has to do with Samsara Moksha aka liberation is escaping the cycle of Samsara Yoga physical and mental discipline that practitioners yoke their spirit to divine goal perfection in concentration and meditation to lead to Samadhi Guru a spiritual teacher or divine inner voice Brahman ultimate nature of reality Atman the soul that is connected to Brahmans Avatar manifestation of a God in the flesh Vishnu god that sustains Shiva god that removes Dharma Buddhism following the teachings of Buddha Hinduism following your duty according to your role in society Puranas a group of texts that develops the most of the current interpretations of God s and Goddesses Devi Parvati goddess of fertility love and spiritual fulfillment devotion Trimurti Hindu notion of trifecta of creation sustaining and destroying Ramayana classical Hindu story that has been memorized experienced and enjoyed emotionally and spiritually Bhagavad Gita Hindu scripture in Sanskrit that is part of the Mahabharata Brahmins priests of Hinduism in the caste system Vedanta Hindu philosophical school that rejects dualism Brahman and Atman are one identical substance Bhakti Yoga the way of devotion Om original vibration and creation of the universe Orientalism how the West created and essentialized the East the discourse that the West is the best The Indo European Hypothesis the debate on how Europeans migrated down to create the Harappa s Siddartha Gautama Shakyamuni the shakyan sage became the Buddha of the current age the wheel of dharma bodhisattva an ordinary person who takes up a course in his or her life that moves in the direction of buddha Nirvana state of bliss associated with final enlightenment Bodh Gaya name of the place that Buddha achieved enlightenment Bodhi tree tree under which Buddha sat when achieving enlightenment Paranirvana the final end of the cycle of rebirth the perfection of happiness Sangha the community or congregation of Buddhist monks and nuns Dalai Lama leader of a particular sect of Vadhrina Buddhism Bhikshus monks in Theravada Buddhism Bhikshunis nuns in Theravada Buddhism Mantras an expression of one or more syllables chanted for devotion Triyaka doctirine of 3 bodies Tripitaka Tipitaka three baskets that create the Polycannon writings Theravada accept Ahimsa really important in Jainism non violence Mahavira Jaina Guru Nanak founder of Sikkim Cult new religion that demands unquestioning loyalty to a leader Sect group that breaks away from mainstream religion Joseph Smith founder of Mormonism and wrote the book of Mormon Gerald Gardner an Englishman who set out to revive witchcraft as Wicca Sabbats holidays festivals for Wicca L Ron Hubbard considered the father of Dianetics aka scientology Dianetics Hubbard s term for system he developed to clear mental blocks process that could erase audit these engrams E Meter device used in scientology to detect mental blocks Jonestown community in which Jones became idealized as the sole virile male of the church and many members expressed their devotion to him by sexual means Branch Davidians Be able to provide a short answer to the following What is the significance of the symbol Om important for the meditative and worship practices original vibration and creation of the universe Name the divisions of the Hindu caste system English only priest warrior merchant servant What three deities are included in the Hindu Trimurti Brahma creator Vishnu sustainer Shiva remover depicted as one body with three different heads Describe the Indo European Hypothesis the debate on how Europeans migrated down to create the Harappa s What is unique about the so called Axial Age the creation of Buddhism Jainism etc near the Indus River Valley was a turning point in religious history Describe the connection between karma and samsara in Hinduism Samsara is the cycle of death and rebirth in Hinduism and the goal in life is to reach karma to liberate yourself from samsara Name three of the four types of Vedas Rig Sama Yajur Atharva Briefly describe the difference between the Hindu and Buddhist notions of dharma Hindu dharma is to follow your duty according to your role in society Buddhist dharma is to follow the teachings of Buddha What are the three gems jewels of Buddhism Dharma teachings Sangha community Buddha him What are the four sights the Buddha sees old man sick man dead man monk Briefly describe the Four Noble Truths everybody suffers root of all suffering is desire to get rid of suffering to get rid of desire the way to get rid of desire to follow the eight fold path Describe the eight fold path right view right intention right speech right action right livelihood right effort right mindfulness right meditation way to achieve liberation Pure Land and Zen What are the three Vehicles of Buddhism Mahayana Theravada Vajrayana Briefly describe some differences between Pure Land and Zen Chan Buddhism Describe three of the realms of existence in Buddhism and their related afflictions Hungry Ghost hell demi god god animal human What s unique about the view of karma in Jainism bad karma weighs you down good karma lifts you up physical aspect What are the three gems jewels of Jainism three guiding principles that are the right belief right knowledge and right conduct How do Sikh s view the concept of karma body takes birth because of karma but salvation is attained through grace What are the 5 K s of Sikhism Kesh uncut hair Kanga wooden comb Katchera cotton underwear Kara iron bracelet Kirpan curved sword Be able to identify 2 or 3 differences between Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism Theravada must be bhikshu to attain enlightenment and liberation but Mahayana Lay people can attain enlightenment and liberation Theravada focus on historical Shakyamuni Siddartha Gautama whereas Mahayana Shakyamuni represents only one manifestation of Buddhahood Theravadas can only achieve enlightenment and liberation through personal effort but Mahayannas have heaven dwelling bodhisattvas that help those trying to achieve enlightenment and liberation What are some reasons why the phrase indigenous religions is problematic it is a primitive term in that these religions are seemed to be underdeveloped
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