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Personality Disorders Overview Personality 04 13 2015 o Enduring patterns of thinking person and distinguish him or her from other people and behavior that define the The general definition of personality disorder presented in DSM 5 emphasizes the duration of the pattern and the social dysfunction associated with the traits in question The concept of social dysfunction plays an important role in the definition of personality disorders If the personality characteristics identified in DSM 5 criterion sets typically interfere with the person s ability to get along with other people and perform social roles they become more than just a collection of eccentric traits or peculiar habits Personality disorders are associated with o Significant social and occupational impairment o Presence of pathological personality traits in adolescence increases risk for subsequent development of other mental disorders o Beginning stages of onset of more serious form of psychopathology o Presence of a comorbid personality can interfere with treatment of a disorder such as depression Narcissistic people who only care about themselves Symptoms Social Motivation Motives either conscious or unconscious o Describe the way the person would like things to be and they help to explain why people behave in a particular fashion o Two of the most important motives in understanding human personality are 1 Affiliation people Ex Greek Life The desire for close relationships with other 2 Power The desire for impact prestige or dominance o Many of the symptoms of personality disorders are maladaptive variations with regard to needs for affiliation and power Cognitive Perspectives Regarding Self and Others One central issue involves our self image o Concerns stability of self image o External validation of self esteem o Evaluation of relationships with others o Empathetic feelings are deficient Temperament and Personality Traits Describe how people behave A difficult temperament can be adaptive or maladaptive depending on the circumstances and personality traits Temperament Refer to a person s most basic characteristic styles of emotionally relating to the world especially those styles that are evident during the first year of life experts disagree about how many temperaments there are o Five factor model FFM proposed by McCrae and Costa 2013 explains five personality dimensions of neuroticism extraversion openness to experience agreeableness conscientiousness o OCEAN Context and Personality Differences may not be evident in all situations Social circumstances frequently determine whether a specific pattern of behavior will be assigned a positive or negative meaning by other people 10 Disorders and 3 Clusters of Personality Disorders Diagnosis DSM 5 classifies ten specific types of personality disorders Organized into three clusters defined by set of characteristic symptoms Table 9 2 lists specific disorders in each cluster Cluster A Paranoid Schizoid and Schizotypal Personality Disorders Paranoid Personality Disorder o Pervasive tendency to be inappropriately suspicious of others motive and behaviors o Have expectation of being harmed o Completely inflexible o Odd and eccentric behavior Schizoid Personality Disorder in their views and expectations o Pervasive patterns of indifference to other people coupled with a diminished range of emotional experience and expression Schizotypal Personality Disorder o Centers around peculiar behaviors rather than emotional restriction and social withdrawal o Perceptual and cognitive disturbances o Not psychotic or out of touch with reality Cluster B Antisocial Borderline Histrionic and Narcissistic Personality Disorders Antisocial Personality Disorder o Persistent pattern of irresponsible and antisocial behavior that begins during childhood or adolescence o Impulsive and reckless o Lack conscience o Ex Bundy inmates Borderline Personality Disorder o Pervasive pattern of instability in mood and interpersonal relationships o Find it very difficult to be alone o Rapid mood shifts o Anger identity disturbances Histrionic Personality Disorder o Pervasive pattern of emotionality and attention seeking behavior o Emotionally shallow o Tendency of inappropriate exaggeration o Manipulative o Ex sexualized behavior to dictate a solution Narcissistic Personality Disorder o Pervasive pattern of grandiosity need for admiration and inability to empathize with others o Greatly exaggerated sense of self importance o Ex need to look at mirrors Cluster C Avoidant Dependent and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder Avoidant Personality Disorder o Pervasive pattern of social discomfort fear of negative evaluation and timidity o Wants to be liked but easily hurt by even minimal signs of disapproval Dependent Personality Disorder o Pervasive pattern of submissive and clinging behaviors o Afraid of separating from other people on whom they are dependent Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder o Pervasive pattern of orderliness perfectionism and mental and interpersonal inflexibility at the expense of flexibility openness and efficiency Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder o Preoccupied with details and rules o Marked need for control and lack of tolerance for uncertainty A Dimensional Perspective on Personality Disorders DSM 5 follows a dimensional model for diagnosis a two part o Clinician to make judgment based on identity and self direction and empathy o Using ratings of pathological personality traits DSM 5 follows a dimensional model for diagnosis a two part process process o New dimensional approach offers a more straightforward and comprehensive description of personality pathology Frequency Prevalence in Community and Clinical Samples The overall lifetime prevalence for having at least one personality disorder is approximately 10 Highest prevalence rates for OCPD ASP and avoidant personality disorder is 3 4 Low rates less than 1 for narcissistic personality disorder may suggest that those suffering do not recognize the nature of their own problems People with these diagnoses are likely to remain socially isolated and occupationally impaired Gender Differences The overall prevalence of personality disorders is approximately equal in men and women Antisocial personality disorder 5 reported for men 2 for women Paranoid and obsessive compulsive personality disorder may be more common among men than women Stability of Personality Disorders over Time Temporal stability is one of the most

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FSU CLP 4143 - Personality Disorders

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