Final Exam Class Review Personality Disorders Personality the ways we act think and feel that make each of us unique Considered stable across time and many situations Personality Disorders a long standing pattern of maladaptive behaviors thoughts and feelings Highly comorbid with other psychological disorders Getting information about one s entire life is tough which is wanted to diagnose To diagnose you need to know their personality for their whole life Usually diagnosed with depression or something else at first Personality Disorder Clusters 3 A B C need to know by what each cluster characterized by A odd eccentric beliefs behaviors etc paranoid schizoid and schizotypal Paranoid Why is difficult to treat paranoid personality disorder Hallmark being mistrustful They may interpret the therapists attempts to be helpful as them being against them Motives interpreted as malevolent Chronic course Schizoid no interest in having relationships w others whatsoever Hallmark they aren t fulfilled by interpersonal relationships Restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings Very rare Psychosocial treatments focus on increasing social skills social contacts and affective awareness Schizotypal are in touch with reality but have odd thinking and odd beliefs Thinking patterns resemble delusions not as serious Pervasive social interpersonal deficits Acute discomfort reduced capacity for close relationships Cognitive or perceptual distortions eccentricities Treatment same drugs that treat Schizophrenia increased social contact social skills training B dramatic emotional cluster Antisocial psychopathy borderline histrionic narcissistic Antisocial personality disorder Failure to conform law breaking Deceitfulness conning for personal profit lying Impulsivity failure to plan ahead Irritability aggressiveness physical altercations assaults Reckless disregard for safety of self or others fun by driving drunk and damaging property Consistent irresponsibility cannot keep work and honor financial obligations Lack of remorse not care when hurt someone commit harsh crimes frequently Low empathy low tolerance for boredom need extra stimulation from this go out and break the law impairment in social and occupational function are some successful cases of this Successful psychopaths climb the corporate ladder can be charming when need be can be manipulative Symptoms present since age 15 Men more likely to be diagnosed men more prone to aggression and break the laws more African Americans may be over diagnosed some therapists may correlate aggression and law breaking w race Do not seek treatment on their own they like how they behave others don t Treatment help solve anger problem solve gain empathy Idea high testosterone contributes to this disorder Highly comorbid with substance abuse disorder especially w VERY bad drugs Borderline personality disorder Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment Unstable and intense relationships Identity Disturbance Impulsivity in 2 damaging areas Recurrent Suicidal behavior gestures threats or self mutilating behavior Affective instability Chronic feelings of emptiness Problematic Anger Transient paranoid ideation delusions severe dissociative symptoms Tend to have fluctuating emotions even within one day very strong emotions Women more likely to be diagnosed w this Hispanics cultural differences Non suicidal self injury lot of suicide attempts 75 ppl diagnosed w this attempt suicide 10 of people diagnose die by suicide astronomical compared to the other disorders NEED to know percentages for the exam Treatment cognitive behavioral therapy dialectical behavioral therapy regulate emotions and tolerate the feelings Mindfulness Almost a spirituality non religious Not positive if this aspect helps the actual therapy but the patients like this aspect and it tends to keep them in therapy Interpersonal have trouble socializing so this is needed Change their black and white thinking all or nothing Helpful in treating the suicidality Histrionic Main component attention seeking Want a lot of attention want to be center of attention dress seductively more women likely to be diagnosed Uncomfortable in situations in which not the center of attention Interactions characterized by inappropriate sexual or provocative behavior Rapidly shifting shallow expression of emotion Consistent use of physical attention to draw attention to self Style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail Self dramatization theatricality exaggerated expression of emotion Suggestible easily influenced by others or circumstances Considers relationships to be more intimate than they are More likely to be separated or divorced than married Usually present for treatment for exaggerated medical conditions or other mental disorders Treatment cognitive behavioral therapy social skills therapy Narcisstic Grandiose sense of self importance Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success power brilliance beauty or ideal love Believes he or she is special unique can only be understood by or associated with other special high status people Requires excessive admiration Sense of entitlement Interpersonally exploitative Lacks empathy Arrogant haughty behaviors or attitudes They are narcistic think they are more special than everyone around them they belong on a pedestal the rules do not apply to them because they re better than everyone In treatment they come in because they think they have social anxiety disorder socializing makes them anxious because they have the idea the people around them do not realize how fucking great they are Psychodynamic interpretation narcissistic behavior is a reaction to poor self worth Defense mechanism for rejection Cognitive interpretation indulgent parenting encourages exceptional view of self C anxious fearful disorder Dependent avoidant and obsessive compulsive Dependent Difficulty making everyday decisions Needs others to assume responsibility for major areas of his her life Difficulty expressing disagreement with others Difficulty doing things on his or her own Lengths to obtain nurturance or support from others Feels uncomfortable or helpless alone Seeks relationship as a source of care and support Unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take care of self Avoidant Avoids occupational activities involving social contact Unwilling to get involved with people Restraint within intimate relationships Preoccupied with
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