Abbasid Dynasty 750 1258 CE o Moved capital to Baghdad Iraq o Islamic Renaissance Progress made in science math medicine philosophy Preservation of Greek literature and philosophy Islamic Spain became cultural center of Europe Jews in Spain enjoyed cultural renaissance under Muslim rle 7th Day Adventists o A Baptist lay minister in upstate New York began to preach that the second ming of Christ The Advent was imminent William Miller predicted that the apocalypse would arrive in or around the year 1843 o Their name reflects their emphasis on the Advent and their belief that the true Sabbath is the seventh day which is Saturday than Sunday Anglicanism o Henry VIII o 1534 CE Act of Supremacy Ashurabaptism Church of England Proclaimed king Successors the only Supreme Head in earth of the o In Sunni observed with a day of fasting o Shi a observed as a day of suffering and Martyrdom Baptists o The scriptures old and new testament as a rule of faith o No over arching hierarchy o Baptism of adults mature believers rather than infants full immersion o Grew in US after the First Great Awakening 1740 1743 o Regional split in 1845 over appointment of missionaries slavery organization resulted in Northern and southern Baptists o Is an ordained or consecrated member of the Christian clergy who is generally entrusted with a position of authority and oversight Bishops caliph caliphate o Muslim Muslims believe that establishing a caliph is an obligation 2 reasons Shari a THe prophet s campanions greed to establish a caliph as did all the following generation of Muslims Reason The survival of Islam and the well being of the community depend upon a caliph Caliph successor or deputy Religious leader First four caliphs Amir commander of Ummah Muslim Community 1 Abu Bakr 632 634 2 Umar 634 644 3 Uthman 844 656 4 Ali 656 661 Calvinism o John Calvin 1509 1564 CE o Took Luther s suggestions further God is absolutely sovereign Humans are sinful and powerless to achieve salvation on their own Nothing but the grace of God can save a person Predestination God has preordained who is damned and saved and there s nothing people can do about it Presbyterianism English and American reformed Calvinism o A standard a scriptural canon is the list of books acknowledged as scripture the list of acknowledged saints is also a canon Canon law is the accumulated body of Church regulations and discipline o Jewish canon Hebrew Bible 3 sections 24 books o Rule or measure a collection of writings that become the authoritative guide or standard for the faith and practice of members of a particular religious group Canon Christ Messiah o Comes from the Hebrew mashiah anointed one anointing was a standard ritual signifying divine sanction usually of a new king o Before the collapse of the Udean monarchy the term messiah almost always referred to the current king But the idea of a future king began to take on a new significance after the last heir to the to the Davidic throne had disappeared IN Hellenistic times the term messiah came to refer to an ideal future leader who would finally bring God s justice to the world Christian Fundamentalism o A twentieth century reaction to modernity originally among Protestants who maintained the infallibility of scripture and doctrine Implying insistence on strict conformity in conduct and militancy in defending tradition against modernity the term has been used more broadly in recent years thus traditionalist Roman Catholics for example have also been described as fundamentalist o A tradition cultivating and reflecting on the content of moments of intensely felt Christian Mysticism spiritual union with the divine Christian Scientists o The Church of Christ scientist was founded in Boston in 1879 by Mary Baker Eddy a New England woman who had become interested in spiritual healing after receiving help for a spinal condition from a healer named Phineas Quimby who worked without medicines She began to write about spiritual healing and her book Science and Health came to be regarded by her followers as an inspired text second in authority in the Bible o The Church main focus is on spiritual healing rather than social action Conservative Judaism o Historical justification needed for reformation o Rational reasoning and historical precedent tradition Council of Trent o Vowed to end abuses and excesses o But largely the Chruch reiterated positions that the protestant reformation had rejected Understanding of Mass as a sacrifice Authority of institutional tradition alongside scripture Mass and Bible in Latin Celibacy for priests Idea of priests as intermediaries Covenant o A formalized relationship governed by terms and conditions binding agreement o Noahic Covenant Gen 9 1 9 o Abrahamic Covenant Calling of Abraham Gen 12 1 3 Sign of this covenant is circumcision o Sinai Covenant Exodus 19 20 Decalogue o Davidic Covenant 2 Sam 7 8 16 The Crusades o Watershed moment for Christian Muslim relations o Recapturing Jerusalem In muslim control since 637 CE Excursion provided ample opportunity for the Western church to gain wealth and authority 1st crusade Jerusalem captured by Xns in 1099 many jews and Muslims were slaughtered Popularity declined after loss of Jerusalem and general failure of 2nd Dhimmis crusade o Islam o protected people o No new houses of worship on new sites but could repair existing ones o Granted protection from enemies of the state o Generally treated with tolerance under various caliphs Diaspora o Is a scattered population with a common origin in a smaller geographic area o Can refer to the movement of the population from its original homeland Dietary Laws Kashrut o Leviticus 11 o Kinds of animals o Preparation of food o Combination of foods Documentary Hypothesis o Torah written by several different authors over a long period of time o The Yahwist source 950 BCE o The Elohist source 850 BCE o The Deuteromic Source 600 BCE o The Priestly source 500 BCE o Why the Documentary Hypothesis Anachronisms Repetition of Material Names of God Literary and stylistic differences Eastern Greek Orthodox o Is a kind of umbrella term for the various churches centered on the patriarchates that refused to accept Rome s claim to supremacy among the features that distinguish the Easter tradition from the Western is the veneration of icons Essenes Dead Sea Scrolls o are widely believed to have been the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls a collection of manuscripts from the Maccabean and early Roman
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