How did Charles Darwin explain the very colorful tail of the peacock He proposed the idea of sexual selection Which one of the statements below was not one of Charles Darwin s four postulates Acquired characteristics can be passed on to future generations The term fitness as used by Darwin includes the following conditions All of the above Which organism listed below was the first tetrapod had four legs and lived on land Ichtyostega Which organism listed below was the first vertebrate to appear in the fossil record Ostracoderms The vertebrate group with the largest number of species are the Ray finned fish In the film dealing with geologic time what did the term super position mean The youngest rocks were on the top layer of rock Which of the following statements about the Ostracoderms is FALSE They were first found in the Devonian period What is the correct sequence of organisms from the oldest to the youngest that have been found in the fossil record Ostracoderms Myxini Chondrichthyes Amphibia All animals in the Phylum Chordata share all but one of the traits listed below What trait is not found in the phylum Developed limbs In the film dealing with the Peppered Moth what caused the moth to undergo a color change The soot and pollution from the factories Vertebrates that inhabited land were first found in the fossil record during the period Devonian Which vertebrate group listed below has a skeletal system composed entirely of cartilage Chondrichthyes Which statement listed below pertaining to the class Sarcopterygii is FALSE They have fins that are not supported by bone Based upon the diagram presented below answer questions 15 16 and 17 During which period did the birds Aves first appear in the fossil record Jurassic During which period did the reptiles first appear in the fossil record Carboniferous When did the Ostracoderms become extinct Devonian
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