REL1300 Test 1 Study guide Baptists believe in scriptures alone as rule of faith authority of church pastor believe you shouldn t baptize infants caliph Leaders of the early Muslim community similiar to Rabiis transcribed the Quran 7th Day Adventists waiting for the return of Jesus strict adherence to the Old Testament temple Place of worship for Jews In antiquity there was only one temple that was rebuilt and then destroyed again After is destruction Jewish learning and worship moved to more communal synagogues Sevener Shi ism belief that the 7th Imam should be Isma il s son Ahmad yeshiva school Jews attend to become Rabbis becoming a Rabbi is not hereditary synagogue Communal place of worship for Jews More local than the temple of late Ashura the anniversary of the Prophet s grandson Husayn s death he was killed in a battle in Karbala Iraq still commemorated by the Shi I community observed as a day of suffering and martyrdom includes solemn processions public readings and a pilgrimage to Karbala Sunni Muslims commemorate this day by fasting iconoclast controversy disputing beliefs offer the worship of idols Calvinism Presbyterianism reformed Calvinism took idea of sovereignty of God very seriously believed in predestination before you were conceived God had decided whether you re going to heaven or hell church Place of public Christian worship Council of Nicea Council of Christian bishops convened by Constantine Established the relationship between Jesus and God as The son of God Nicean Creed was developed Decided what was acceptable as Christian canon Eucharist central Christian ritual that reenacts the story of the last supper the Passover supper that Jesus shared with his disciples on the Thursday night of his final week in Jerusalem in the story Jesus breaks some bread and passes around a cup of wine declaring these to be his body and blood given for the disciples and asks them to do the same in remembrance of him different denominations call this sacrament different things Roman Catholics mass Eastern Orthodox Christians Liturgy Protestants Holy Communion hanif one who maintained the pure monotheistic beliefs of Ibrahim Abraham rejected any form of idolatry adhered to pure Ibrahimic belief through submission to Allah abbasid Umayyad dynasty Abbasis dynasty was more Persian Umayyad southern Spain Mixed culture of Arab and Hispanic excommunication Act of religious censure to limit or remove an individual from the religious community Orthodox Judaism believe in preservation of Jewish tradition allowing Judaism to become secularized threatens it literal following of rules incarnation To take the flesh of Material manifestation of God Jesus Hasidism loving kindness branch of orthodox Judaism Jewish Mysticism appealed to common uneducated class severe forms of persecution caused switch from Rambam s philosophy to mysticism focused on certain passages that discuss God s glory or throne central experience journery to throne room tap into 3rd heaven to experience God hekelot temple texts talk about God s throne room Figh interpretation of of Shari ah or sacred law imam means leader for Sunni Muslims the term refers to anyone who serves as the leader of prayer at the mosque a role the caliph sometimes performed for Shi is the title is reserved for on individual they believe to be the rightful divinely mandated leader of the Muslim community Shi is believe the Prophet designated Ali his son in law as his successor and special status to Muhammad s family Sunni Muslims Largest sect of Islam Adheres to traditional teaching of Muhammed Ramadan Month of fasting symbolizes Muhammad s night journey isnad chain of transmission in Hadith reports Yom Kippur Jewish Day of Atonement fast during the day jihad Arabic word for struggle has 2 components inner jihad struggle to make oneself more Islamic outer jihad struggle to make one s society more Islamic diaspora means scattering dispersal refers to how Judaism was influenced by the conquest of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great Jewish community of Alexandria in Egypt adopted Greek names and Greek styles of architecture and dress knowledge of Hebrew declined so much that the Bible had to be translated into Greek Jews connections to traditions were eroded especially those who lived outside Ancient Israel throughout the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia Maccabean Revolt for over a century Judea was under the control of a Greek dynasty that had ruled Egypt since 305 BCE the Ptolemies in 198 BCE a Greek dynasty called the Seleucids the rulers of Syria took over the Seleucids transformed Jerusalem s temple into a cult place of Zeus and the king raided its riches moved troops into the temple area and suspended the local Torah constitution in 166 BCE a revolt broke out led by a group of fighters called the Maccabees Maccabees wanted to expel the Selecids but also reflected dispute between traditionalists and those who favored the Hellenistic culture the Maccabees prevailed recapturing Jerusalem from the Seleucids and expanding the Jewsih state to it s pre exilic boundaries rededication of Temple 164 BCE is celebrated as Hannukah scholasticism a philosophical movement dominant in western Christian civilization from the 9th until the 17th century and combining religious dogma with the mystical and intuitional tradition of patristic philosophy especially of St Augustine and later with Aristotelianism documentary hypothesis Bible had 4 sources the Yahwist source J refers to God as Yahweh the Elohist source E refers to God as Elohim the Deuteronomic source D sermon by Moses the Priestly source P why the documentary hypothesis anachronisms narrative distance of authors doublets or duplications repetition of material various names for the deity literary and stylistic differences Kabbalah received tradition journey into yourself through 10 spheres which are of God meditation of 10 different spheres emanations of God can align 10 spheres through rituals meditation and when they re aligned you can ffect the course of future events Zohar principal texts describes God as using 10 spheres to control proper order in the world offered rational explanation for evil in the world misalignment of 10 spheres private individual and contemplative but later became public mosque Place of public Islamic worship kippah yarmulke skullcap that Jews sometimes wear in observance of the injunction to cover head while praying Orthodox Jews always wear it ummah means community
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