Abnormal Psychology Study Guide Exam 3 Chapter 7 Mood Disorders Mood Disorders Criteria sets for mood disorders requires the presence of mood episodes o Major Depressive Episode o Manic Episode o Hypomanic Episode Unipolar Disorders include o Major Depression o Persistent Depression Bipolar Disorders o Bipolar I o Bipolar II o Cyclothymia Unipolar Major Depressive Episode Emotional Symptoms of Depression must have at least one of these o Depressed mood o Loss of interest or pleasure Anhedonia Cognitive Symptoms of Depression o Concentration problems o Thoughts of death suicide o Thoughts of worthlessness Biological Symptoms of Depression o Increase Decrease in appetite or weight o Disturbances in sleep patterns o Psychomotor changes o Loss of energy fatigue Five or more symptoms are needed for a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder Presence of a major depressive episode lasting at least two weeks It is not better accounted for by another disorder The individual has no history of a manic mixed or Hypomanic episode Less severe but more chronic than the Major Depressive Episode Persistent Depressive Disorder Two years in length Emotional Symptoms o Depressed mood o Loss or interest or pleasure Anhedonia Cognitive Symptoms o Concentration problems o Thoughts of worthlessness Biological Symptoms o Increase decrease in appetite or weight o Disturbances in sleep o Psychomotor changes o Fatigue Two or more symptoms are needed for a diagnosis Persistent Depressive Disorder Facts about Depression An average of 16 prevalence rate Depression is long lasting and recurrent It s the leading cause of disease burden o Around 37 billion per year is lost in overall productivity because of depression Depression is 2 times more common in women than in men Age Differences in Depression The highest level of individuals with depression are those 15 29 o This can be caused by hormones changes in life college etc Depression rates drop significantly after this period but pick up for ages 85 o This could be caused by individuals having to watch their friends die off Biological Theories of Depression Genetic Factors o Serotonin Transporter Gene o Long Allele versus Short Allele o Basically individuals are 2 3 times more likely to experience depression if someone in their family has suffered from it Neurotransmitters o Serotonin o Norepinephrine o Dopamine Serotonin and norepinephrine are very important to mood regulation Dopamine is related to the reward system linked to Anhedonia Thus problems with the production and regulation of serotonin and norepinephrine can cause depression o Decrease in their production synthesis o Abnormalities in their transportation o Increased degradation by synaptic enzymes o Impaired release or reuptake o Abnormalities with receptor Brain Abnormalities o Prefrontal Cortex responsible for thinking and concentration o Anterior Cingulate related to stress o Hippocampus related to memory o Amygdala related to emotions and fear Neuroendicrine Factors o Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis HPA Elevated levels of cortisol is linked with depressed individuals It interacts with amygdala hippocampus and cerebral cortex which inhibits neurotransmitter receptors Cortisol is a stress hormone High cortisol depression Increased cortisol for long periods of time can actually change the structure of the brain High cortisol levels are related to PTSD Psychological Theories of Depression Behavioral Theories o Stress in life reduces positive reinforcers makes life less satisfying o Learned helplessness which leads to no motivation which can snowball into depression Cognitive Theories o Negative Cognitive Triad Self World Future Individuals who are depressed exhibit errors in thinking which can negatively affect mood Depression leads to negative thoughts about the self the world and the future o Reformulated Learned Helplessness Theory Causal Attribution Errors My friends went to lunch without me because they don t like me anymore not because they accidently ran into one another o Cognitive Model of Depression Causal Attributions Global Stable Internal Nothing will work out for me I wont ever be able to change It must be my fault Interpersonal Theories of Depression Rejection Sensitivity o Easily perceive rejection from others Excessive Reassurance Seeking o Individuals are constantly looking for reassurance from others that they are accepted and loved Biological Treatments for Depression Drug Treatments o Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors MAOIs Problems Fatal interactions with other meds Can cause liver damage and weight gain Can be fatal in overdose Prevents degradation and allows for more serotonin to be in the synapse o Tricyclic Antidepressants Problems Numerous side effects Fatal in overdose o Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors SSRIs Most widely used medication Relief occurs within a couple weeks Not fatal in cases of overdose Less severe side effects Prevents presynaptic neuron from reuptaking serotonin Takes weeks to get used to the medication o Selective Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors SSNRIs Similar advantages as SSRIs but has more stimulant effects Tends to amp the body up more impulsive Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT o Treatment is administered to patients who do not respond to medication o 6 12 sessions o It relieves depression in around 50 60 but 85 relapse o Has been linked to memory loss Vagus Nerve Stimulation o Provides more serotonin in the brain Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation o Very few side effects o Patients remain awake o Treatment use magnets Psychological Treatments for Depression Cognitive Behavioral Therapy o Goals Change negative thinking and increase positive reinforcers o Achieved through therapy sessions that teach skills Interpersonal Therapy o Identify and address 1 of 4 interpersonal sources of depression Interpersonal Role Disputes problems in relationship Greif Loss death of someone Role Transitions Use to be a husband now divorced Interpersonal Skills Deficits difficult time with relationships Bipolar Manic Episode One week or more of an elevated or irritable mood Additionally you also need 3 of the following o Inflated self esteem or grandiosity o Decreased need to sleep o More talkative o Flight of ideas o Distractibility o Increase in goal directed activity or psychomotor agitation o Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities Hypomanic Episode Four or more days of elevated or irritable mood Additionally you also need 3 of
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