Abnormal Psychology Review Chapter 5 Trauma Anxiety Obsessive Compulsive and Disorders Readings for this chapter include all topics in chapter 5 We will be covering Anxiety Disorders in a different order in class than is presented in the book Lecture topics for chapter 5 will be in the following order flight fight response anxiety along a continuum Generalized Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder Specific and Social Phobias Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post traumatic Stress Disorder 1 Know all KEY TERMS in chapter 5 Anxiety state of apprehension tension and worry Fight or Flight Response physiological changes in the human body that occur in response to a perceived threat including the secretion of glucose endorphins and hormones as well as the elevation of heart rate metabolism blood pressure breathing and muscle tension Cortisol hormone that helps the body respond to stressors inducing the fight or flight response Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD anxiety disorder characterized by 1 repeated mental images of experiencing a traumatic event 2 emotional numbing and detachment and 3 hypervigilance and chronic arousal Acute Stress Disorder a disorder similar to post traumatic stress disorder but occurs within 1 month of exposure to the stressor and does not last more than 4 weeks often involves dissociative symptoms PTSD with Prominent Dissociative depersonalization derealization Symptoms a form of post traumatic stress disorder in which the individual experiences feelings of being detached from his or her mental processes or body and of the unreality of the surroundings Adjustment Disorder stress related disorder that involves emotional and behavioral symptoms depressive symptoms anxiety symptoms and or antisocial behaviors that arise within three months of the onset of a stressor Stress Inoculation Therapy a form of cognitive behavior therapy that focuses on developing skills that allow the individual to cope with stress Specific Phobias extreme fears of specific objects or situations that cause an individual to routinely avoid those objects or situations Animal Type Phobias extreme fears of specific animals that may induce immediate and intense panic attacks and cause the individual to go to great lengths to avoid the animals Natural Environment Type Phobias extreme fears of events or situations in the natural environment that cause impairment in one s ability to function normally Situational Type Phobias extreme fears of situations such as public transportations tunnels bridges elevators flying driving and enclosed spaces Blood Injection Injury Type Phobias extreme fears of seeing blood or an injury or of receiving an injection or another invasive medical procedure which cause a drop in heart rate and blood pressure and fainting Agoraphobia an anxiety disorder characterized by fear of places and situations in which it would be difficult to escape such as enclosed places open spaces and crowds Negative Reinforcement process in which people avoid being exposed to feared objects and their avoidance is reinforced by the subsequent reduction of anxiety Prepared Classical Conditioning theory that evolution has prepared people to be easily conditioned to fear objects or situations that were dangerous in ancient times Applied Tension Technique a technique used to treat blood injection injury type phobias in which the therapist teaches the client to increase his or her blood pressure and heart rate thus preventing the client from fainting Social Anxiety Disorder an anxiety disorder in which the individual experiences intense fear of public humiliation and rejection and therefore tends to avoid social situations Panic Attacks short intense periods during which an individual experiences physiological and cognitive symptoms of anxiety characterized by intense fear or discomfort Panic Disorder disorder characterized by recurrent unexpected panic attack Locus Ceruleus area of the brain stem that plays a part in the emergency response and may be involved in panic attacks Anxiety Sensitivity belief that bodily symptoms have harmful consequences Interoceptive Awareness sensitivity to stimuli arising from within the body such as heart rate Interoceptive Conditioning process by which symptoms of anxiety that have preceded panic attacks become the signals for new panic attacks Conditioned Avoidance Response behavior that is reinforced because it allows individuals to avoid situations that cause anxiety Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAD anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety in daily life Separation Anxiety Disorder syndrome of childhood and adolescence marked by the presence of abnormal fear or worry over becoming separated from one s caregiver as well as clinging behaviors in the presence of the caregiver Behavioral Inhibition set of behavioral traits including shyness fearfulness irritability cautiousness and introversion behaviorally inhibited children tend to avoid or withdraw from novel situations are clingy with parents and become excessively aroused when exposed to unfamiliar situations Obsessions uncontrollable persistent thoughts images ideas or impulses that an individual feels intrude on his or her consciousness and that cause significant anxiety or distress Compulsions repetitive behaviors or mental acts that an individual feels he or she must perform Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD anxiety disorder characterized by obsessions persistent thoughts and compulsions rituals Hoarding a compulsive disorder characterized by the inability to throw away unneeded possessions such as trash Hair Pulling Disorder trichotillomania disorder characterized by recurrent pulling out of the hair resulting in noticeable hair loss these individuals report tension immediately before or while attempting to resist the impulse and pleasure or relief when they are pulling out their hair Skin Picking Disorder a disorder characterized by recurrent picking at scabs or places on the skin creating significant lesions that often become infected and cause scars Body Dysmorphic Disorder syndrome involving obsessive concern over a part of the body the individual believes is defective Exposure and Response Prevention type of therapy in which individuals with anxiety symptoms are exposed repeatedly to the focus of their anxiety but prevented from avoiding it or engaging in compulsive responses to the anxiety 2 Know and be able to give examples of the four categories of symptoms that constitute anxiety as
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