Final Study Guide Rel 1300 Moroni The angel that gave Joseph the Golden Tablets in the Mormon religion has the sacred text of the religion on it Restorationism a charismatic Christian movement seeking to restore the beliefs and practices of the early Church Lamanites Is a lost tribe from Israel that moved to America a long time ago and was the building blocks of the Mormon religion and shows the begins of life in America Ghost Dance An Indian tribe dance that was supposed to summon spirits from the other world that would help the Indians take back the land that was taken from them Later the Mormons can in and took part in some of the dances Earth Diver Is an Indian myth that a god that lived in the sky dove to earth and started the race of man and from that this is why we are on earth and it is basically the origin story for some Indian tribes Terms Ideas Festivals and Groups Sects Golden plates In the Mormon religion is the tablets that hold the sacred text of the religion which Moroni the angel gave to Joseph Vedanta a Hindu philosophy based on the doctrine of the Upanishads esp in its monistic form Deepvali Diwali also called the festival of lights is an ancient Hindu festival celebrated in autumn every year The festival spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness knowledge over ignorance good over evil and hope over despair The festival preparations and rituals typically extend over a five day period but the main festival night of Diwali coincides with the darkest new moon night of the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartik Atman in Hinduism the spiritual life principle of the universe esp when regarded as inherent in the real self of the individual Anatman in Buddhism the doctrine that there is in humans no permanent underlying substance that can be called the soul Instead the individual is compounded of five factors that are constantly changing Yoga In Buddhism a philosophical school that offers different answers to different question That you spiritual natural is different than your physical nature so that you can be one with divine Moksha In Hinduism the Liberation from samsara Moksha is attained through spiritual knowledge wisdom Brahman and brahma In Buddhism Brahman is a religious formula or prayer and the holy or sacred power in it and in the officiating priest Brahma is the creator god conceived chiefly as a member of the triad including also Vishnu and Shiva Tantrism Hindu a movement within Hinduism combining magical and mystical elements and with sacred writings of its own Puja the act of worship in Hinduism Karma the sum of a person s actions in this and previous states of existence viewed as deciding their fate in future existences Hinduism and Buddhism Bhakti in Hinduism the devotional worship directed to one supreme deity usually Vishnu esp in his incarnations as Rama and Krishna or Shiva by whose grace salvation may be attained by all regardless of sex caste or class Tilaka and bindi Tilaka in Hinduism the Tilaka is a mark worn on the forehead and other parts of the body Tilaka may be worn on a daily basis or for special religious occasions only depending on different customs Bindi is a decorative mark worn in the middle of the forehead by Indian women Samsara In Buddhism and Hinduism it is the cycle of death and rebirth to which life in the material world is bound Syllable Om a mystic syllable considered the most sacred mantra It appears at the beginning and end of most Sanskrit recitations prayers and texts Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism Vaisya a member of the second lowest of the four major castes of traditional Indian society comprising farmers herders merchants and businessmen Brahmin are the priest class of the Hindu religion Naga a member of a race of spirits recognized in Hinduism and Buddhism that have mingled superhuman and serpent qualities are genii of waters and rain and live in a subaqueous kingdom North Indian Bhakti are the priest in Hindu religion and fall under the cast system that is set in place Dharma in Hinduism the principle of cosmic order In Buddhism the teaching or religion of the Buddha Linga in Hinduism a symbol of divine generative energy esp a phallus or phallic object worshiped as a symbol of Shiva Tantra tantrism a Hindu or Buddhist mystical or ritual text dating from the 6th to the 13th centuries Caste System Is a system set up in the Hindu and Buddhist which has a hierarchy that has different levels that people fall into and have set standards for the different classes Bindi a decorative mark worn in the middle of the forehead by Indian women Ayurvedic Medicine Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent and a form of alternative medicine Navarati an annual Hindu festival celebrated over nine days in September October Observed throughout India it commemorates the slaying of demons by Rama and the goddess Durga in some places it is dedicated to all female deities Vedanta a Hindu philosophy based on the doctrine of the Upanishads esp in its monistic form Holi a Hindu spring festival celebrated in February or March in honor of Krishna Ashramas p 280 In Hinduism are the Stages of Life ashramas Students Householder Retiree Renouncer Gurus a spiritual teacher esp one who imparts initiation both in Hinduism and Buddhism Sati the former Hindu practice of a widow throwing herself onto her husband s funeral pyre Three Ways to Liberation 1 The Way of Action karma yoga Act not for a reward but to please God by doing Dharma Selfless Action 2 The Way of Knowledge jnana yoga Insight into universe Brahman and the soul Atman 3 The Way of Devotion bhakti yoga Surrender yourself and your actions to God Love God wholeheartedly Triple Gem of Buddhism the first jewel is the Buddha The second jewel of refuge is Dharma The third jewel is the Sangha Shudra a member of the worker caste lowest of the four Hindu castes Theravada the more conservative of the two major traditions of Buddhism the other being Mahayana and a school of Hinayana Buddhism It is practiced mainly in Sri Lanka Burma Myanmar Thailand Cambodia and Laos Wheel of Dharma the dharma wheel or dharma chakra in Sanskrit is one of the oldest symbols of Buddhism Parinirvana in Buddhism Parinirvana is the complete nirvana which occurs upon the death of the body of someone who has attained complete awakening It implies a release from the bhavachakra Sa s ra karma and rebirth as well as the dissolution of the skandhas Mahayana Great
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