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Chapter 7 2 What are the similarities and differences in terms of key features etiology and treatment between the mood disorders presented in lecture and or in the textbook Unipolar Depression experience only the symptoms of depression highly sensitive to rejection and engage in excessive reassurance seeking Bipolar depression experience both depression and mania more genetic influences hypersensitive to reward when manic and insensitive when depressed Both Neurotransmitters norepinephrine serotonin and dopamine have been implicated in mood disorders Disordered genes could lead to dysfunction Increase risk of sucide Cognitive theorist believes depressed ppl have negative views of themselves the world and the future and engage in biased thinking that promotes negativity Biological treatments are drug therapies including antidepressants and mood stabilizers Behavior therapies focus on increasing positive reinforcers and decreasing negative events by teaching coping skills 3 Describe how the various treatment approaches for Mood Disorders work to reduce symptoms and identify the limitations of each treatment approach lecture textbook Unipolar Biological Approach Medication MAOIs Tricyclics SSRIs SNRIs Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT Given when don t respond to medication 6 12 sessions Relieves depression in 50 60 85 relapse Vagus Nerve Stimulation VNS 30 40 substantial relief 30 minimal relief Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS Few side effects Patients remain awake unlike in ECT CBT Goals How 1 Cognitive restructuring to change negative thinking 2 Behavioral Increase positive reinforcers decrease aversive experiences Solve problems develop skills Individual short term therapy sessions Identifying precipitants Teaching skills Specific Techniques Functional Analysis Behavioral Activation Social Rhythms Interpersonal Therapy IPT Type of Problem Grief Loss Therapeutic Approach Accept feelings evaluate a relationship with a lost person invest in new relationships Interpersonal Role Disputes Compromise and Communication Role Transitions Be more realistic toward roles that are Interpersonal Skills Deficit Review past relationships understand lost and embrace new roles how they affect current relationships directly teach social skills Bipolar Medication Psychological Approach Mood stabilizers Anticonvulsants Atypical Antipsycotics Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy Combine interpersonal and behavioral techniques to help maintain routine Family Focused Therapy the family CBT Focus on interpersonal stress within the context of Cognitive restructuring to reduce vulnerability to depression and mania 4 Describe the courses of the different types of unipolar depression lecture textbook 16 lifetime prevalence in the U S Long lasting recurrent Leading cause of disease burden Twice as common in women 37 billion year lost in productivity missing work and health care cost Age differences 18 29 most affected lowest in ppl over 60 go up in 85 5 What are the common comorbid disorders for unipolar depression lecture textbook p184 Substance abuse anxiety disorders eating panic etc 6 Why is it difficult to identify symptoms of mania during childhood lecture textbook p 188 Its hard to distinguish between bipolar disorder ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder because none of them fit their symptoms perfectly 7 Based on the research discussed in your textbook and in class what treatments are preferred for unipolar and bipolar depression and why textbook pp 209 210 Psychotherapy in combination with drug therapy Relapse is high For bipolar depression this combo may reduce the rate at which patients stop taking their meds and lead more to full remission 8 How does each of the three components of the interpersonal theory of suicide affect suicide risk lecture only Thwarted belongingness Capability and Perceived burdensomeness the higher the three together the greater the risk 9 How do gender culture and age influence the likelihood of suicide attempts and completions lecture textbook pp 211 213 More women attempt suicide but more men complete it Varies among cultures according to cultural and religious beliefs about it White ppl most likely also high Hispanic rates Environmental stress is a great contributor Hig in teens college students and ederly 10 How is NSSI related to suicide risk textbook pp 213 214 It functions as a way to regulate emotion or influence the social environment Maladaptive coping can lead to further extremes 11 How are psychological disorders stressful life events biological personality and cognitive factors related to the likelihood that an individual will attempt or complete suicide lecture textbook pp 214 216 They involve a lack of positive coping methods catastrophizing learned helplessness twin studies sow genetic connection temperament and the way you process information will affect ow you perceive and interpret yourself and environment 12 Describe the different ways of treating suicidal ideation and methods of intervention for preventing suicide textbook pp 216 218 Target burdensomeness belongingness Interpersonal coping skills Challenging distorted beliefs feelings of self efficacy Crisis Intervention Hospitalization stabilization Activities that foster connectedness effectiveness Suicide hotlines Medication e g lithium SSRIs Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Focus on increasing problem solving skills Could assessing suicide risk be dangerous Gould et al 2005 Individuals assessed for suicide no more Did NOT experience increase in suicidal distressed ideation Behavioral psychological changes that occur as a direct result of the substance Dependent on Amount Used Tolerance Acute vs chronic use Expectations Environment Chapter 14 2 What is the difference between Substance Intoxication Withdrawal Abuse and Dependence textbook pp 428 432 The Physical behavioral symptoms that occur after you Stop or reduce heavy prolonged substance use Recurrent use of a substance with harmful consequences Fail to fulfill important obligations Use in hazardous situations Repeated legal problems Use despite legal or social problems 3 What is the role of tolerance and withdrawal in Substance Dependence textbook pp 428 431 Tolerance masks the effects and may cause a person to increase amount of substance and withdrawals negative effects cause people to have a harder time quitting 4 What factors affect the rate of onset and degree of substance intoxication textbook pp 430 431 The way the

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