EXAM 3 ABNORMAL PSYCH Learning Objectives for Topic VI What are Acute and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders Dissociative Disorders and Somatoform Disorders What are their causes and treatments Readings for this topic include all of Chapter 7 1 Know all KEY TERMS Dissociation the disruption of the normally integrated mental processes involved in consciousness identity or perception self or Traumatic Stress an event that involves actual or threatened death or serious injury to others and creates intense feelings of fear helplessness or horror Rape military combat bombings plane crashes fires earthquakes Acute Stress Disorder ASD occurs within 4 weeks after exposure to traumatic stress and is avoidance of characterized by dissociative symptoms re experiencing the event reminders of the trauma and marked anxiety or arousal Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD also defined by symptoms of re experiencing and arousal but in PTSD the symptoms either are longer lasting or avoidance have a delayed onset Flashbacks sudden memories during which the trauma is replayed in images or thoughts often at full emotional intensity Two Factor Theory an important contribution to PTSD composed of 2 parts First classical the cues associated by reducing fear negative extinction of anxiety through exposure conditioning creates fear when the terror of trauma is paired with with it Second operant conditioning maintains avoidance reinforcement Avoidance also prevents the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing CISD a single 1 5hr group meeting offered 1 3 days following a disaster Involves several phases where participants and reactions Group leaders offer education share their experiences assessment and referral Dissociative Disorders characterized by persistent maladaptive disruptions in the integration of memory consciousness or identity Implicit Memory indicated by changes in behavior apparently based on memory of a prior event but with no conscious remembering of the event Hypnosis subjects experience loss of control over their actions in response to suggestions from the hypnotist Dissociate Fugue characterized by sudden and unexpected travel away from home an to recall details about the past and confusion about identity or inability the assumption of a new identity Dissociative Amnesia involves a sudden inability to recall extensive and important personal info that exceeds normal forgetfulness Depersonalization Disorder a less dramatic disorder characterized by feelings of being detached from oneself including such sensations as feeling as dream or floating above your body and watching though you are living in a yourself Dissociative Identity Disorder DID condition formerly known as multiple personality Characterized by the existence of two or more distinct At least 2 of these personalities repeatedly least some loss of recall disorder personalities in a single individual take control of the person s behavior with at between the personalities State Dependent Learning a process where learning that takes place in one state of consciousness is best recalled in the same state of affect or affect or consciousness expectations Retrospective Reports current recollections of past experiences Iatrogenesis the manufacture of a disorder by its treatment Cases created by Somatoform Disorders unusual physical symptoms that occur in the absence of a known physical illness No cause for the symptoms Conversion Disorder a classic type of somatoform disorder often mimic those found in neurological diseases and they can be dramatic hysterical Act like you are blind but nothing neurologically blindness and paralysis says that you cannot see Somatization Disorder characterized by a history of multiple somatic complaints in the of organic impairments Hypochondriasis characterized by a fear or belief that one is suffering from a physical absence illness Pain Disorder preoccupation with pain Although there is no objective way to evaluate pain is Body Dysmorphic Disorder different type of somatoform disorder in which the patient preoccupied with some imagined defect in appearance Michael Jackson Malingering pretending to have a physical illness in order to achieve some external gain such as disability payment Factitious Disorder motivated primarily by a desire to assume the sick role rather than a desire for external gain Secondary Gain example is avoiding work or responsibility or gaining attention sympathy 2 Where in DSM IV TR are Acute and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders categorized What is the rationale given by your textbook for including these in Chapter 7 rather than in Chapter 6 Ch 7 6th ED pg 196 197 Custom pg 222 223 The DSM IV TR groups these diagnoses with anxiety disorders They discussed traumatic stress disorders in a separate chapter so they can talk about them in detail and highlight their mixed symptoms of anxiety and dissociation 3 The text discusses the following experiences all of which are important features or symptoms of Acute and or Posttraumatic Stress Disorders re experiencing avoidance arousal or anxiety dissociative symptoms What is each of these Ch 7 6th ED pg 198 199 Custom pg 224 225 The defining symptoms of both acute and posttraumatic stress disorder include 1 Re experiencing over or sudden thoughts often at Survivors often experience reexperience trauma through repeated distressing images or thoughts of the incidents they visualize the trauma over and People with ASD and PTSD have repeated intrusive flashbacks memories during which the trauma is replayed in images or full emotional intensity Re experiencing in rare cases occurs as a dissociative state where the person actually feels like they are reliving the trauma at that moment 2 Avoidance Marked or persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma is another symptom of ASD and PTSD Trauma victims may attempt to avoid thoughts or feelings related to the event Avoid places people or activities that remind them of the trauma 3 Persistent arousal or anxiety People suffering from ASD and PTSD also experience increased arousal and anxiety following the trauma a symptom that when it is more severe predicts a worse prognosis 4 How does Acute Stress Disorder differ from Posttruamatic Stress Disorder Why did DSM IV add Acute Stress Disorder when it wasn t included in previous versions Ch 7 6th ED pg 199 201 Custom pg 225 227 ASD is characterized by explicit dissociative symptoms following trauma Many people feel dazed and act spaced out Others
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