Anxiety apprehension over an anticipated problem the condition experience of being afraid anxious anticipation immediate fearful reaction to a perceived threat What are the four types of symptoms associated with anxiety Abnormal Psychology Exam 2 Study Guide Anxiety Intro and GAD LEARNING OBJECTIVES What is anxiety Physiological or somatic symptoms Behavioral symptoms Cognitive symptoms Emotional symptoms When is anxiety considered adaptive vs maladaptive Three Questions 1 Are concerns realistic given the circumstances 2 Is the amount of fear in proportion to the threat 3 Does the concern persist in the absence of the threat Anxiety Disorders are all about maladaptive FEAR DSM IV TR Axis I Anxiety Disorders o Specific Phobias o Social Anxiety Disorder o Generalized Anxiety Disorder o Panic Disorder o Post Traumatic Stress Disorder o Obsessive Compulsive Disorder What two factors should be considered when making an anxiety diagnosis Severe enough to lower the quality of life Chronic and frequent enough to interfere with functioning How does culture play a role in anxiety disorders Anxiety disorders are especially likely to differ cross culturally Context environment influences the CONTENT of fear What are the main criteria for diagnosing GAD A Anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months About a number of events or activities B Worry is difficult to control C Associated with 3 of the following more days than not for past 6 months 1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge 2 Easily fatigued 3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank 4 5 Muscle tension Irritability 6 Sleep disturbance D Focus is not confined to features of Axis I disorders E F Not due to Substance use GMC or does not occur exclusively during mood psychotic Impairment or Distress or pervasive developmental disorders What are the proposed changes of the DSM V What is the prevalence course of GAD 3 5 of general population Highly co morbid with other anxiety disorders Also associated with depression and substance use disorders 50 report onset in childhood or adolescence Course is chronic but fluctuating and often worse during times of stress And women are at greater risk How is GAD explained by Cognitive theory People with GAD think about threat constantly The function of worry o Borkovec 1990 avoidance Worry is an attempt at suppression of negative images o Wells Butler 1997 GAD ppl have 2 competing ideas about worry Worry prevents bad things from happening Worrying is dangerous to your health Biological theory GABA Theory individuals with GAD have deficiency in GABA receptors resulting in excessive firing in the limbic system Genetic Theory Biological vulnerability to GAD is inherited What are psychological biological treatments for GAD Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT Some Techniques o Therapist works with client to identify and alter negative automatic thoughts o Self monitor worrying and schedule worry time Relaxation Techniques o Progressive Muscle Relaxation Deep Breathing PTSD and Stress Disorder LEARNING OBJECTIVES Know the diagnostic criteria for the 3 stress disorders Axis I Anxiety Disorders o Posttraumatic Stress Disorder o Acute Stress Disorder Axis I Adjustment Disorder What are the three categories of symptoms of PTSD 1 Exposed re experiencing a traumatic situation with both an event and a response of fear 2 Avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness 3 Persistent symptoms of increased arousal How does acute stress disorder differ from PTSD Duration of PTSD 1 month Duration of Acute Stress Disorder 1 month lasts about 2 days min 4 weeks max Know how the DSM V will alter the criteria for PTSD DSM V will change this definition Event involving actual or threatened death serious injury or threat to physical integrity of self or others DMS V will drop the requirement of Response involving fear helplessness or horror Know the social psychological and biological risk factors for PTSD Social Severity duration proximity of trauma Social Support Psychological Shattered Assumptions o Personal Invulnerability o Just World belief o Bad things don t happen to good people belief Biological Preexisting Distress Coping Styles o Maladaptive avoidance Biological Correlates o Amygdala hyperactivity o Hippocampus shrinkage o Low levels cortisol Genetics Know the treatments for PTSD Biological Therapies Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing EMDR Exposure including lateral eye movements Treat some symptoms of PTSD ex sleep problems nightmares irritability SSRIs selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Benzodiazepines to a lesser extent Specific Phobias and Social Anxieties LEARNING OBJECTIVES Know the key features of Specific Phobias Criteria A B A Fear that is excessive or unreasonable cued by the presence of a specific object or situation B Immediate anxiety response maybe even panic attack Know the 4 categories of Specific Phobias 1 Animal Type Specific animals or insects such as dogs cats snakes or spiders 2 Natural Environment Type Events or situations in the natural environment such as storms heights or water 3 Situational Type Specific situation like public transportation tunnels bridges elevators flying driving or enclosed places 4 Blood Injection Injury Type Seeing blood or an injury or receiving an injection a Unlike typical physiological response involves drop in blood pressure b Runs more strongly in families than other types Understand the Behavioral Theories of Specific Phobias Classical Conditioning The Development of Little Albert s Phobia o Classical Conditioning leads to fear of object when it is paired with a naturally frightening event o taught a little boy to be scared of a white rabbit when pairing it with clanging of pots Operant Conditioning Maintaining a Phobia Classical Conditioning Prepared o Who is afraid of snakes o Who is afraid of flowers Know the treatments for Specific Phobia Know what the behavioral treatments entail Behavioral therapies are often used to treat phobias Modeling Based on theories of observational leaning modeling Therapist models behaviors most feared by clients before asking them to engage Flooding Client is saturated with fear provoking stimuli until anxiety is extinguished Systematic Desensitization Client is gradually exposed to the stimuli Know the main feature of Social Anxiety Disorder Criteria A Marked persistent fear of being humiliated or embarrassed in social or performance situations Know
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