Biology BSC1005 Lecture Notes 1 6 12 What Is a Plant I Characteristics of Green Plants i Plants are green ii Plants don t move structure and organization iii Plants have rigid cell walls structure and organization iv Plants make food through photosynthesis v Plants have flowers mode of reproduction A 18th century Swedish Doctor and Naturalist B Laid the foundation for current biological classification systems C Responsible for The Binomial System and the Classification of plants based on B Fungi aren t plants II Carl Linnaeus III reproductive structures Binomial System A genus species B ex Solidago sempervirens IV Organism classification A Organisms are classified based on their evolutionary genetic relatedness Ex Corn Ex Human i Kingdom ii Phylum iii Class iv Order v Family vi Genus vii Species ex Plantae ex Anthophyta ex Commelinales ex Graminae ex Zea ex Mays ex Animalia ex Chordata ex Primates ex Hominidae ex Homo ex Sapiens ex Monocotyledons ex Mamalia B Kingdom is the highest most all inclusive grouping of life C King Plays Chess On Fine Glass Stools D The Five Kingdoms of Life i Plant ii Animal iii Fungi iv Protists v Bacteria E Animals are more closely related to fungi than they are plants V Bacteria A First organisms to evolve were Bacteria B Life appeared 3 5 billion years ago C Photosynthesis evolved when 3 billion years ago D Complex groups of organisms evolved from bacteria 2 billion years ago E Animal and Fungi separate 1 billion years ago F Green land plants evolved separated from the other groups about 1 billion years ago i First algae evolve to moss fern allies transport tissues ferns leaves gymnosperms seeds and pollen and angiosperms flowers and fruits VI Photosynthesis A Creates the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe B Carbon Dioxide Water Sugars Oxygen C We cannot live without plants obviously Biology BSC1005 Lecture Notes 1 9 12 What is our Energy Future I Ruining the environment A Temperature has gone up a degree and a in the past half century due to carbon dioxide emissions burning of fossil fuels B Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps the suns heat greenhouse effect II Renewable energy answer for the increase of the demand of world energy A Types i solar 1 sun energy solar panels ii hydroelectric 36 water energy dams iii geothermal 5 heat energy volcanos iv biomass 53 burning plant material v wind 5 wind energy wind farms B Using renewable energy sources reduces CO2 emissions but some sources are better than others i Crop Corn Product Alcohol Emissions 85 Demand 200 ii Crop Algae Product Biodiesel Emissions 180 Demand 1 2 a demand of existing US crop land needed to meet half US fuel demand III All living things are composed of cells A The cell is the basic unit of life B each cell is surrounded by a cell membrane and contains a nucleus and cytoplasm C Plant Cells i Plant cells have all the components found in animal cells but in addition they have a cell wall on the outside of the membrane and in the cytoplasm they have chloroplasts ii Chloroplasts in leaf cells are where photosynthesis takes place a No chloroplasts in root cells b Chemical reaction of photosynthesis CO and water are converted into sugars plus oxygen using light and energy H20 C02 LIGHT SUGAR 02 for ENERGY GROWTH This is the reaction that makes life possible bringing carbon into a form where it can be used to make the molecules of our bodies and converting sunlight into an energy form that organisms can use Key reaction in life iii The function of the cell wall is to provide support rigidity and holds neighboring cells together a Plant cell walls are composed of long chains of sugars particularly cellulose iv The function of the xylem and phloem a xylem moves water from roots to leaves up b phloem moves sugar from leaves to roots down v Transpiration a transfer from water to leaves b during photosynthesis plants lose large amounts of water c transpiration replenishes plants d water loss due to transpiration causes wilting It reduces plant growth and can cause death e Guard Cells and Stomates Guard cells in the leaf surface create pores stomates that allow CO2 uptake but also water loss when water is limited the guar cells close the stomates vi Cellulose is the molecule in the cell walls that provide most of their strength a composed of chains of sugars that are assembled into rods b highly resistant to degradation resistant to being broken down c Wood is 60 cellulose IV Carbon Cycle A Burning of wood and fossil fuels CO2 in the atmosphere plants algae and cyanobacteria photosynthesize primary consumers consume oxygen Cellular respiration and detritus detrivores back to CO2 in the atmosphere B Photosynthesis CO2 H20 LIGHT Sugars 02 C Respiration Sugars O2 CO2 H2O ENERGY V CROPS A Use of the corn crop i Alcoholic beverages 1 0 ii Food 1 5 iii Gas 32 8 iv Exported 14 6 v Other 0 8 vi Industrial pharmaceutical products 7 6 vii Seed corn 0 2 viii Animal Feed 41 6 B Ethanol i 2005 federal government mandated that gas for cars must be mixed with ethanol ii 100 of this ethanol comes from corn iii price of corn has tripled since 2005 iv pork is up 55 beef 65 Biology BSC1005 Lecture Notes 1 11 12 How Plants Are Put Together I Plant parts A Shoot Lateral Buds and up B Stem C Leaf D Petiole connects leaf to stem E Shoot tip top of the plant F Lateral bud dormant shoot tips G Root H Root tips II Cell Division i plants can be multiplied by making cuttings of branches and rooting them in water i removing the shoot tip causes the lateral buds to grow making the plant more bushy A Most cell division occurs at the tips of the shoot and root B Growth in length is due to Cell division the production of new cells in the shoot and root tips C Perennials plants are those that live more than one year They grow in width due to cell divisions in the body of the stem and root Cell divisions in the body of the stem and root increase thickness D The shoot tip makes the cells of the shoot but also the leaves lateral buds and flowers E A flower is a modified shoot tip i When flowering starts the shoot tip makes a flower instead of leaves and lateral buds Flowers III A Most flowers are hermaphroditic they have both male and female structures B Parts i Petals ii Pistil with stigma iii ovary and ovules a The inside the ovary contains one or more ovules b The ovule contains an egg c After fertilization the ovule becomes the seed The egg becomes an embryo a young plant d The ovary becomes the fruit iv stamens and
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