CLP 4143 Exam One Study Guide Chapter One Looking at Abnormality The study of abnormal psychology is the study of people who suffer mental emotional and often physical pain aka psychopathology Defining abnormality o No distinct line between normal and abnormal o The context or circumstances surrounding a behavior influences whether the behavior is viewed as abnormal o Cultural Relativism view that there are no universal standards or rules for labeling a behavior as abnormal instead behaviors can only be abnormal relative to cultural norms Different definitions of abnormality across different cultures Cons o Dangers arise when cultures can dictate what is normal or abnormal ie Hilter branded Jews abnormal and used this label as one justification for the Holocaust Influences on modern mental health field o Gender role expectations also influence the labeling of behaviors as normal or abnormal ie men who display sadness or anxiety women who are aggressive o Culture gender influence expression of abnormal behaviors Religious delusions People who lose touch with reality often believe that they have divine powers but whether they believe in Jesus or Mohammad depends on their background Willingness to express emotions May depend if culture accepts certain behaviors o ie Eskimos are against anger etc o Culture gender influences treatment of abnormality Can influence the types of treatments deemed acceptable or helpful for maladaptive behaviors Drug therapy o Unusualness behaviors that are deviant or unusual Can tie with cultural relativist Many problems with defining unusualness Some rare behaviors are positive for the individual and for society o Distress behaviors should be considered abnormal is they cause the individual o ie Michael Phelps he s unusual but not abnormal distress and wishes to be rid of the behaviors This criterion avoids to some extent the problems of using societal norms If a persons behaviors violate societal norms but do not cause him or her any distress then the behaviors should not be considered abnormal Antisocial behaviors and the fact that it may effect other people Loss of touch with reality and not aware of their abnormal behavior o Mental illness labeling behavior as abnormal only is it fits under a diagnosis of mental illness Implies that a disease process is causing the behavior To date there is no biological test to diagnose any of the types of abnormality o Four D s Distress Deviant Dangerous Dysfunction Behaviors interfere with ability to function in daily life Abnormality throughout history o Historical views on causes of abnormality Prehistoric times Evil spirits in the body Ancient China 2674 BCE Yin and Yang balance of good and evil within the body Abnormality was caused by the unbalances in body Ancient Egypt Greece Rome 1900 BCE Egyptians wandering uterus Greeks Romans and affliction from the Gods Greek physicians imbalance in the four humors of the body o 4 humors blood phlem yellow and black Medieval Europe 400 1000 CE physical causes such as a blow to the head 1000 14000 CE witches o Historical methods of treatment for mental illness Prehistoric Times Trephination drilling a hole in the skull to release the evil spirit Medieval Europe 1100 Main concern was protection of public and family members Asylums with deplorable living conditions Europe America 1700 1800s o Modern views on causes of abnormality Improved living conditions treatments Biological genetic structural abnormality and chemical imbalances Emphasizes biological causes of abnormality Psychoanalytic unconscious brain Emphasizes the role of the unconscious Behaviorism Cognitive Reinforcement and punishment impact behavior Though processes influence behavior and emotion Integrationist approach Biological social and cognitive factors influence abnormality Modern Mental health care o Mental patients can recover better if integrated into community instead of isolating them in institutions o Deinstitutionalization Taking them out of the institution more into a community setting Integrating individuals with mental health problems into the community Providing treatment in community based treatment facilities Treatment providers Halfway houses Day treatment centers o Managed Care Primary care provider can coordinate care Issue of insurance coverage Only 50 60 of people with mental illness receive stable treatment o Professions in the field Psychiatrists MD degree and have received specialized training in the treatment of psychological problems Can prescribe medications and can perform psychotherapies Clinical psychologists PhD in psych with specialization in psychological problems Can conduct psychotherapy but in most states cannot prescribe meds Clinical social workers work with someone who is jobless or homeless Psychiatric nurses work in psych wards little psycho therapy some rx privileges Licensed mental health counselors training in counseling beyond bachelors degree in counseling but no PhD Marriage and family therapists help families couples and children with their well being Chapter 2 Theories and Treatments of Abnormality Biopsychosocial approach often takes a combination of biological psychological and sociocultural factors to result in development of disorder o Biological emphasis on biological processes ie genetics o Psychological emphasis on psychological factors ie Early childhood experience and self concept o Social emphasis on interpersonal relationships and social environment Biological approach o Diathesis stress model the vulnerability stress model when the diathesis and the stress come together in the same individual does the full blown disorder emerge o Biological Theories of abnormality Diathesis risk factor Biological factor genes disordered biochem brain abnormalities Social factor maladaptive chronic stress upbringing Psychological unconscious conflicts poor skills maladaptive cognitions Stress factor that causes discomfort Biological trigger onset of disease exposure to toxins Social trigger traumatic event major loss Psychological perceived loss of control violation of trust Individuals with diathesis require less stress in order to develop disorder Structural theories abnormalities in the structure of the brain cause mental disorders Classic case of Phineas Gage Brain damage lesion locations influence the specific psychological problems Structural damage can result from blunt trauma car accidents dynamite or disease that deteriorate the brain Biochemical
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