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Abraham Became a sacred theme in Hebrew Bible Was put to the test to kill his son for God This is where the covenant of circumcision comes from He is also a Quranic figure in Islam Everyone traces genology roots back to him Ishmael and Abraham built a new Ka ba once a meteorite fell from heaven Blood libels This was a word to stereotype Jews as being cannibals It was said they would drain the blood of outsiders for Passover Early Christian house church Domestic Houses that were used during the era of persecution Persecution caused this since they could no longer worship in public and difficulty of maintaining an early Christian movement There is a reading of a text a mass and a collection of money for the poor people o This is what the basis of catholic mass became formed from English Reformation Was brought about due to Henry VIII inability to have a baby with is wife o Calls for divorce but the pope rejects this Henry VIII separates from the church and he becomes the head of the church o Now there is no foreign ecclesiastical power This reformation had an interest in printing the Bible Bloody statute o We will kill you if you move away from catholic theology Hajj It is the pilgrimage to Mecca The 5th pillar of Islam Performed during the lunar month of Dhu al Hijja Requires a lot of steps 1st step is crossing the border stations It is a requirement at least once for muslims financially fit to do so o here everyone leaves their possessions and dress the same to make the appearance of equality step 2 circumambulate the Ka ba 7 times step 3 desert bound Step 4 Muzdalifa vigil o Stay up all night and pray together o Here you gather stones in the desert night and throw them at the 3 pillars to reenact Abrahams reject of Satan when he was going to sacrifice his son Step 5 rejecting satan and remembering Abrahams sacrifice o Great feast if you had money you sacrificed animals for others that could not afford it this is where differences can be seen in wealth o Return to Mecca and you shave your hair to show that the Hajj has changed you Jah I and I Jah is the god for Rasta s He is the Jehovah in the king james bible I and I means that Jah is in everyone o He is the holy spirit o This recognizes that the holy spirit is in everyone Jewish Apocalypticism Big idea in the second temple of Judaism Claims that Christianity starts off as a Jewish apocalyptic sect Most of these texts are non canonical not found in the Bible o In Literature idea of Dualism comes up Idea of Satan is created Idea that messiah will come before the end of the world Has an Emphasis on a coming Kingdom of God Jonestown Was a community compound in Guyana Where a mass suicide took place People here were seen as crazy less than human brainwashed Theology at Jonestown o God in the King James Bible is a sky god o Jonestown tried to be a utopia against the dystopia of America o Viewed revolutionary suicide to avoid subhuman death Kingdoms of Glory The eternal realms of heaven for Mormons There is a realm of darkness that is overseen by cain and Lucifer Mormon rituals that take place in temple are sealed even in the kingdom of glory The Kingdom of Glory is one place where Mormons are still polygamist Medieval Christian demonology Study of demons and salvation but from a Christian point of view Based on the Bible o Where the idea of catholic right of exorcisms develop o And starts to get practice Dramatic side to Demonology o This reflects where true salvation comes from o Enactment of medieval catholic thoughts that feature demons o These exorcisms include 3 people priest demon and purified person Moroni He is the mainnn angel that appeard to Joseph Told Joseph Smith were the golden plates were and how to translate them Completed the book of Mormon Was the last nephite Muslim Intellegencia Their philosophy was an interest in Aristotle and in greek roman texts This is where the term Algebra comes from It is here where the first hospitals appear and the first cataract surgery takes place successfully Pret or preta ghost Are souls stuck in transition o They are stuck due to unexpected sudden death Two types of ghosts 1st is Ka pr t ghost from own family o you worship them to help them get back into samsara 2nd Bahar ka pr t ghost of the outside o these are demons and cause havoc Qur an key messages Unity of Allah o Caused muslims to be separated from polytheistic neighbors Angels are Allah s messengers o Cannot go against Allah s will Allah s books o The quran is true word of God since its still in Allah s language Arabic o Hebrew and Chistian gospels are seen as Allah s books but corrupted since they have been translated Says that Muhammad was last prophet and took word of Allah down correctly Before the day of judgment a figure would come down and try to save as many people as he can o Madhi is what this man is called o Would be born from descendant of Muahammad Reed Smoot Was an elected senator only apostle that had one wife They said Reed could not be a senator since he comes from a community that conflicts with the law This is when Mormonism was put on trial o Polygamy was a way to constitutionally attack Mormonism Saul of Tarsus He is the founder and spreader of Christianity He was originally Jewish Pharisee and committed to the persecution of Christians and later converts into a Christian Shari a This refers to various fatwa This is the moral code and religious law of Islam Says to pray 5 times a day Smoking non virtuous Forbidden drinking gambling eating pork adultery Torah In a general view it refers to the first five books of the Hebrew bible This term has a variety of definitions due to different forms of Judaism Commentary on torah and commentary on the commentary Torah is an oral practice and collection of sacred scripture with commentary on it This came around the time of second temple and replaces the practice of sacrifice Ashkenazim From Germany Were Jews that believed the Torah is a moral lesson instead of a literal law Rabbi wore protestant vestments and there were no Hebrew services There was no Kippah Seating was mixed between men and women Cult Originally was a term associated with ritual practice Later on it was associated with religious outsiders Used towards Jones smiths people and practice Early Christianities There was a vast variety of early Christians They accused each other as heretic o The variety of texts led to these different beliefs and forms of Christianity had a lot of duality of spirit and

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FSU REL 1300 - Abraham

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