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PRIMAL RELIGIONS NATIVE AMERICAN Common features of primal religions WORLD RELIGIONS FINAL STUDY GUIDE o Relay on oral tradition because don t have writing The sacred stories still kept unwritten because speech relays on BREATH Spirit all things are connected alive Hedonistic God among Shaman has connection to the spirit world in order to combat or negotiate o Animism o Shamanism with spirits good evil Shaman is someone who has passed through a terrible illness and gained access to the spirit world through that ordeal Focus on extraction of evil spirits soul retrieval of a person who is ill and protection against evil influences o No real depiction of an afterlife all people go to the same place The Aborigines are the most primal religious cult Space is abstract but Place is concrete and sacred o You don t own the land the land owns you Don t concern themselves with time only care about now No idea of salvation or redemption How do shamans enter trances to visit the spirit world o Extreme Self torture fasting no sleeping physical torture o Drugs mushrooms o Trances dancing and drumming Wakan Tonka Great Mystery Quanah Parker Chief of the Comanches was most important leader in the Peyote movement the High God of the Sioux Indians o Atracted many to his beliefs o Was able to protect the use of peyote for the Indians when the government and Church agencies were trying to prohibit it o Preserved the peyotism against the innovations of others The Native American Church still exists Black Elk Siux Indian medicine man o Many Indians derive spiritual practices from his teachings o Was recorded by 2 white men very important o Indians everywhere practice this religion o Peace pipe sweat log seeking a Vision path Most common religion of American Indians today o Catholicism Christianity HINDUISM Indus River Valley fertile river valley home to the Dravidian people where Hinduism first began No single founder no unified code of faith no central authority or eternal damnation Not a congregational religion suffering eternal cycles of birth and death main problem Name of the world Samsara loving devotion a form of yoga Krishna tells Arjuna this path is easiest He adds that spiritual liberation from the cycle of reincarnation o Moksha Bhakti devotion to the impersonal Absolute is a valid path but very difficult The Vedas Atman Krishna is an incarnation of whom Swastika Kali individual consciousness soul or self Is the most revered incarnation of Vishnu He is well or It is well sign of auspiciousness and good luck from ancient India a manifestation of Durga a fierce destroying mother goddess terrible aspect of the divine the 4 original ancient scriptures Means knowledge from the Sanskrit Hindu trinity the beginning duration and the end is the creator god is the Sustainer has 10 incarnations is the Destroyer o Brahma o Vishnu o Shiva Ganesha Bhagavad Gita elephant headed god Remover of Obstacles son of Shiva the Bible of Hinduism Song of God o Portion of epic poem the Mahabharata o Recounts battlefield dialogue between the warrior Arjuna and Krishna o Most important Hindu scripture sacred sounds sacred visual forms Mantra Mandala Brahman is the absolute reality o Saguna Brahman o Nirguna Brahman Sanskrit BUDDHISM ancient sacred script of India also called Devanagari language of the gods God with attributes immanent God without attributes transcendent Comes out of Hinduism Buddha is a title Awake One Siddhartha Gautama is known as the historical Buddha o Came to the world to liberate suffering o His first sermon the Heart Sermon was in the place called Deer Park This sermon consisted of the 4 Noble Truths Four Noble Truths original teachings of Buddha o The Truth of Suffering o The Truth of the Cause of Suffering o The Truth of the Cessation of suffering o The Truth of the Path the 8 fold path o Theravada Way of the Elders original form of Buddhism practiced in Southeast Asia Nirvana the goal of Buddhism liberation o The freedom of non attachment o The freedom of no self All forms of Buddhism incorporate 3 basis principles o The Three Marks of Existence Suffering Impermanence No eternal self independent of everything else o The 4 Noble Truths o The Buddhist doctrine of Interdependent Origination nothing has a separate essence Bodhisattva sentient beings vows not to enter Nirvana until everyone is enlightened an enlightened being who remains on earth or reincarnates in order to save all o This is the idea of Mahayana Buddhism breakthrough epiphany episode in Zen Satori 3 Jewels or Refuges o Buddha o Dharma o Sangha simply cause and effect without the mediation of any permanent self Teacher Teachings Fellowship community Karma TAOISM Tao Teh Ching Seek harmony with Forces of Nature Lao Tzu old man possibly is a legendary figure who wrote the Tao Teh Ching is the main text of Taoism the book of the way and its power o The image of flowing water is a reoccurring image Yin and yang the center symbol of Taoism which symbolizes the marriage of Heaven and Earth o NOT A SYMBOL OF GOOD VS EVIL o Qi is the universal energy that gave birth to Yin Yang o Yin is female and Yang is male CONFUCIANISM Basic Beliefs Jen Shu The Analects I Ching ZOROASTRIANISM JUDAISM Torah Messhiach CHRISTIANITY o Seek harmony within Society o Elders are honored o Boys are of more value then girls o Conserve the past o People learn from example fellow feeling familial devotion respect for elders ancestor worship love and compassion The Golden Rule reciprocity the teachings of Confucianism Chinese book of oracles associated with Confucius Ahura Mazda High God over all the daevas in the Aryan religion before Zoroaster the 5 books of Moses Law fist 5 books of the Old testament Messiah Anointed One Meaning of Christos Greek word for Christ The Anointed One Emperor Constantine of Rome these things are why Christianity has been conserved o Christian persecution is illegal legal to be Christian o Moves capital to Turkey o Ecumenical council Council of Nicea created the New Testement ISLAM the Prophet Muhammad s first wife only one that had his kids Abraham is patriarch of Judaism and Islam Khadija Allah Kaaba Hajj Shari a pilgrimage to the Kaaba in the city of Mecca The God the Judeo Christian Islamic God largest mosque in Meca it s the center of Meca is Cubed shaped Islamic religious law o The Law is based on Hadith happenings are reports of Muhammad s sayings and doing which record in minute detail the most trivial aspects of his

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