Abnormal Psychology CLP 4143 Noah Venables FSU Exam 4 1 Civil Commitment 1 Criteria Chapter 16 Outline Mental Health and the Law Danger to self suicidal Danger to others Grave disability incapacitated can t provide for needs More severe than need for treatment criteria Required person s survival depends on treatment 2 2 types Emergency No legal hearing Police court mental health professional Outcomes released after a period of time voluntary commitment formal commitment Formal After legal hearing Judge order Outcomes released psychiatrist says no danger case reviewed if remains hospitalized 2 Criminal Commitment 1 Incompetent to stand trial To be deemed competent must understand behave testify CURRENT FUNCTIONING Involuntarily committed until deemed competent What if never deemed competent o Dead docket o Nolle Prossell criminal charges dropped o Civil commitment 2 Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity NGRI AT TIME OF THE CRIME mentally ill Hospitalization Can be released on conditional release 1 of cases o 25 successful 3 Guilty but Mentally Ill Mentally ill but not at time of the crime Significant past psychiatric treatment Separate housing in prison Evidence for longer incarcerations than just guilty o Exaggeration production of feigned symptoms of disorder o 20 30 competency evaluation malingering Malingering Violence Mental Illness when together o Substance abuse mental illness both increase violence especially o 18 of mentally ill with no substance abuse were violent o 31 of mentally ill with substance abuse were violent o 43 with Paranoid Disorder and substance abuse were violent o 11 with only Substance Abuse were violent
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