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FINAL REVIEW 1 This type of rapist does not want to harm his victim as much as he wants to demonstrate his power over her a Power Rapist 2 Repeated excessive and unnecessary buying and selling of a client s stock 3 Practice of obtaining or extorting money illegally or carrying on illegal business a Churning activities a Racketeering posted on the internet a Warez 4 Pirated software illegally obtained stripped of its copyright protections and 5 Loeber s pathway to crime that begins with minor aggressive behaviors such as bullying and escalated into serious violent crime a Overt Pathway 6 I was one of the advocates of the criminal career age theory a Bloomstein or Farrington 7 These are life events that alter the development of a criminal career 8 Groups that engage in armed revolt against an established political authority and whose goal is to win over popular support of the population 9 Together we developed the Age Graded Theory of Informal Social Control 10 According to this concept early rule breaking increases the probability of future real breaking because it weakens inhibitions to crime or strengthens criminal motivation a Turning points a Insurgents a Sampson and Laub 11 An amateur shoplifter who does not self identify as a thief but who systematically a State Dependence steals merchandise a Snitches information a Latent trait a Fence a Terrie Moffitt 12 This term describes the use of one s institutional position to grant favors or sell 13 A stable feature of characteristic present at birth or soon after that makes some people crime prone over the life course 14 An individual who buys stolen property with the intention of resale 15 According to my dual taxonomy the offending population can be broken down into adolescent limited offenders and life course persisters 16 I was the principal researcher on the Philadelphia Birth Cohort Study and I am also known for my subculture of violence theory a Marvin Wolfgang 17 The intentional killing of another but without malice in the heat of passion a Voluntary non negligent manslaughter 18 According to Moffitt s dual taxonomy this is the name for the large group of people who commit crime due to frustration with the maturity gap a Adolescent limited offender 19 Use of cyberspace for revenge destruction or some other malicious intent ex Viruses a Cybervandalism a Phishing 20 Illegally acquiring personal information by masquerading as a trustworthy business in what appears to be an official electronic communication 21 This term describes the use of illegal means to cheat an organization its consumers or both on a regular basis 22 In the 1980s this phrase emerged to describe the small group of offenders responsible for most crime a Career criminals a Edwin Sutherland 24 23 I am credited for being the first to coin the term white collar crime

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