CLP4134 Unit 4 Notes Ch 9 Intellectual Disability Intellectual Development Disorder Learning Objectives 1 Book Only What did Alfred Binet Theophile Simon have to do with early IQ testing a Developed first intelligence tests to measure judgment reasoning they believed these were the basic processes of higher thought i Way to identify school children who might need special help in school ii Manipulate unfamiliar objects blocks or figures to solve puzzles and match familiar parts of objects 2 What do various standardized IQ tests have in common a Standardized IQ Tests book reference i Approx two Standard deviations below above the mean b Current Labels for ID i federal statutes in the Unites States Public Law 111 256 Rosa a Law replaces the term mental retardation with intellectual disability and research journals use the term intellectual disability DSM V via dsm psychiatryonline org ii New Severity Criteria same four levels 1 Level of adaptive function not IQ 2 IQ less vaild at low end why 3 More practically useful 3 What is adaptive function and what does it have to do with the diagnosis of ID a Definition of intellectual disability includes sub average intelligence sub average adaptive functioning b Adaptive Function refers to how effectively individuals cope with ordinary life demands and how capable they are of living independently and abiding by community standards IQ 70 is not enough i ii Demands of daily life 1 Conceptual receptive expressive language reading writing money concepts self directions 2 Social interpersonal responsibility self esteem gullibility obeys laws avoids victimization 3 Practical eating dressing oneself keeping up with house tasks feeding yourself cooking 4 How stable is IQ for typically developing children How is the stability of IQ different for children with ID What influence to genes and environment exert on a child s IQ a Stability of IQ i Without ID typically developing children 1 CLP4134 Unit 4 Notes 1 r 00 before age 1 year near zero a Unstable could change a lot 2 r 77 from age 4 12 years a Gets more stable but not permanent ii With ID stable from younger age iii Experience matters 1 r 77 accounts for only 60 2 So environment or G E may be 40 3 Applies only to mild ID least severe environment has largest effect on least severe cases 1 Before After birth prenatal environment also has to do iv Environment with it 2 Appropriate stimulation 3 Absence of prolonged stress remember cortisol 5 What is the Flynn Effect What changes in IQ test scoring reflect the pattern described by the Flynn Effect a Flynn Effect i Apparent increase in average IQ ii New norms periodically reset mean to 100 1 Shape doesn t change but distribution shifts iii Environmental explanations 1 More stimulation 2 Better nutrition 3 No real strong evidence for these iv Educational placements 1 Are somewhat made by IQ scores 6 What four explanations some in text others in lecture only are offered for apparent race differences in IQ and what evidence if any supports each explanation a Racial Differences in IQ i Test bias could be bias against some cultures 1 i e Asking about snow in South Africa where it doesn t even snow ii Referral bias iii Actual biological differences no evidence for this iv Environment Socioeconomic Status after these things are controlled for the differences disappear 7 How are individuals with ID typically similar to each other What features tend to differ a Clinical Presentation of ID i Consistent differences from typically developing TD children 1 Speech Language impairments 2 CLP4134 Unit 4 Notes 2 Social skills impaired expressive language skills often leads to impaired social skills 3 Severity related to IQ ii Differences within ID 1 Academic support required 2 Self care skills 8 What are the diagnostic criteria for ID and why is each one important a Diagnostic Criteria for ID i Significantly sub average intellectual functioning 1 More than 2 standard deviations below the mean 2 Not enough because every score is between i e score of 70 is the middle of the range 65 75 ii Impaired adaptive function 1 2 areas 2 Real effects how well can a child tie their shoes clean themselves etc 3 Don t mistake lack of experience for impairment a If kid has never been on and off a bus how is he supposed to know he has to pay b Did they have the life experience to learn the thing they are being penalized for not knowing 4 Problem with cut scores a How different is a score of 68 and 70 iii Present by age 18 1 Problem in development 9 For each of the FOUR degrees of impairment defined in DSM IV TR a what percentage of children with ID have this level of impairment b What IQ range is associated with this degree of impairment c What adaptive behaviors would a typical child be capable of a Degrees of Impairment i of ID within Intellectual Disability ii Typical IQ Range 1 Mild 85 2 Moderate 10 3 Severe 3 4 4 Profound 1 2 1 Mild 55 70 2 Moderate 40 54 3 Severe 25 39 4 Profound IQ 25 iii Level of Adaptive Behavior 1 Mild diagnosed after preschool a Verbal communication b Engage with peers 3 CLP4134 Unit 4 Notes c Academic skills 6th grade d Adults can work and live independently e Require support in unfamiliar situations 2 Moderate a Apparent in preschool b Single words gestures c Wide variation in support needed d Adults are often capable of self care with minimal support 3 Severe a Delayed physical milestones b Problems with mobility c Cardiovascular problems d By age 13 15 abilities of typical 4 6 year old e Often adapt well to group homes if no severe medical problems 4 Profound a Diagnosed in infancy b Abnormal facial features c Require extensive support to learn eating grooming dressing behavior d Structures environment can improve motor e Require intensive lifelong support 10 How do DSM and AAIDD definitions of degrees of ID differ Lecture only For what purpose is each more useful a IQ Score vs Impairment i DSM IV TR used IQ 1 Predictive studies a Easier to study with numbers 2 Inter rater reliability a IQ test has higher inter rate reliability because number cut offs ii AAIDD DSM V use Impairment 1 Clinically useful a Adaptive behaviors change over time when IQ doesn t b Monitoring change over time 2 Standardized measures of impairment a Solves the problem of which to use 11 How does the prevalence of ID differ by a sex b socioeconomic status c race a Demographic Differences in Diagnosis of ID i Estimates vary 1 3 for mild ID 4 CLP4134 Unit 4 Notes ii Impairment is
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