Anxiety and GAD pg 112 115 pg 139 142 1 Identify and give examples of the four types of symptoms that constitute anxiety Four types of symptoms that constitute anxiety Physiological Somatic Behavioral Cognitive and Emotional Physiological Somatic goosebumps tense muscles increased heart rate etc Behavioral avoidance aggression decreased appetite responding etc Cognitive anticipation of harm exaggeration of danger problems in concentrating worried thinking Emotional sense of dread terror irritability terror 1A Know fight or flight response set of physical and psychological responses that help us fight a threat or flee from it Activation by part of the brain known as hypothalamus which then stimulates the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system This part stimulates the muscles and internal organs to produce the bodily changes The hypothalamus also triggers the pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH which stimulates the adrenal glands to release hormones to act on the organs that prepare the body to fight or flee Lastly the parasympathetic nervous system returns the body to normal 2 Know the differences between adaptive fear and maladaptive anxiety Adaptive fear having an appropriate response which helps handle the threat adaptive fear responses subside when the threat ends Ex being anxious on the first day of school but making an effort to meet new people Maladaptive others might have unrealistic fears in which they respond in an out of proportion way to the threat maladaptive anxiety persists after the threat passes and can even lead to anticipatory anxiety about the future Ex the person was too afraid of saying something embarrassing to a new classmate that they avoided going to class completely Summary In adaptive fear people behave appropriately to confront or avoid the threat In maladaptive anxiety people behave in ways that are dangerous or lead to impairment 3 Discuss the key features of GAD and the theories that attempt to explain it GAD excessive worry and anxiety almost all the time in almost every situation Their worry is accompanied by physiological symptoms including muscle tension sleep disturbances and chronic restlessness It is relatively common with 5 percent of women and 3 percent of men Theories cognitive theories have dominated recent psychological theories of GAD Cognitive theories suggests that the cognitions of people with GAD are focused on threat at both the conscious and unconscious levels At the conscious level makes a number of maladaptive assumptions At unconscious level appear to focus on detecting possible threats in the environment Biological theories GAD is heritable Individuals with GAD have deficiency in GABA receptors resulting in excessive firing in the limbic system As a result of excessive or chronic neuronal activity the person experiences chronic diffuse symptoms of anxiety Benzo s help to increase GABA a neurotransmitter that carries inhibitory messages form one neuron to the other 4 Identify treatments used for GAD Effective treatments for GAD cognitive behavioral or biological Cognitive behavioral focuses on helping people with GAD confront the issues they worry about the most challenge their negative catastrophic thoughts and develop coping strategies It is more effective than benzodiazepine therapy Biological Benzodiazepine drugs such as Xanax valium that provide short term relief from anxiety symptoms Downside their side effects and addictiveness preclude long term use once a person discontinues use of the drugs then their anxiety returns Panic Disorder pg 125 130 1 Know the key features of panic disorder and the biological and psychological theories that attempt to explain it Key Features A recurrent unexpected panic attacks B they are not usually provoked by any particular situation C a person begins to worry about having them and changes behaviors as a result of this worry The biological and psychological theories of panic disorder have been integrated into one model p 127 figure 5 4 Genetics family members are more likely to have it but it is not inherited like eye color Cognitive model people with panic disorder A pay close attention to bodily sensations B misinterpret bodily sensations C engage in catastrophic interpretations 2 Identify the treatments available for panic disorder as well as their advantages and disadvantages Both biological and psychological treatments for panic disorder have been developed and have been found to be equally successful in reducing symptoms but that cognitive behavioral therapy is better than medication at preventing a relapse Biological tricyclic antidepressants can reduce panic attacks in the majority of patients Disadvantages possible side effect such as blurred vision dry mouth difficult urinating weight gain etc and also potential relapse when discontinued Benzo s that suppress the central nervous system and influence the function of GABA and serotonin neurotransmitters Advantages work quickly to treat panic and anxiety symptoms Disadvantages can interfere with cognitive and motor functions when patients stop use the experience difficult withdrawal symptoms such as irritability insomnia anxiety paranoia seizures Cognitive Behavioral therapy clients confront situations or thoughts that arouse anxiety This allows irrational thoughts about these situations to be challenged and it helps anxious behaviors to be extinguished 3 Know the key features of agoraphobia People with agoraphobia fear places where they might have trouble escaping or getting help if they become anxious or have a panic attack These people fear that they will embarrass themselves if others notice their symptoms or their efforts to escape They mainly avoid places like grocery stores standing in line bridges and marketplaces In most cases people with agoraphobia will reach the point where they are unable to leave their home Specific Phobia pg 131 139 1 Identify the four main types of specific phobias Specific Phobias are adaptive fears expressed in a maladaptive manner Animal Type focuses on specific animals or insects such as dogs snakes or spiders These people live in constant fear of coming in contact of these animals and organize their lives around avoiding them Natural Environment Type focuses on events or situations in the natural environment such as storms heights or water A diagnosis of this phobia is only warranted when people reorganize their lives to avoid the feared situations or
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