Names The Gluecks multifactor approach study of 500 delinquents Research done by Gluecks was found by Sampson and Laub Important finding empirical evidence that family social controls mediates the effect of both structural and individual traits on delinquency and quality social bonds during adulthood can divert persistent offenders away from crime Support for theory that social bonds throughout life are related to criminal behavior Robert K Merton Criminal motivation is not inherent must be explain o 1 Societal forces produce pressures to obtain ends Everyone is expected to meet this standard o 2 There are weak regulations on how this imperative must be met means Access to legitimate means is limited Says labeling is a self fulfilling prophecy State intervention makes crime worse Karl Marx Believed the source of the problems were class divisions Internal contradiction of capitalism Imbalance revolt o Class consciousness will precipitate this Capitalism will be replaced by collective ownership and elimination of private property will reduce crime Edwin H Sutherland most notable in learning theory Crime is normal and learned through interactions with others 9 principles o Crime behavior is learned o Learned through interaction with others o Occurs in intimate groups o Learning includes techniques and direction o Direction of motives drives from legal codes being favorable or o Delinquency occurs because excess of definition favoring violating unfavorable the law o DA may vary in frequency duration priority and intensity o Learning criminal patterns involves all other learning mechanisms o Criminal behavior is expression of needs and values but not explained buy them b c noncriminal behavior is also an expression of same needs For WCC said there were two varied types o Misrepresentation of asset values o Duplicity in manipulation of power Exposure to criminal cultures applies to WCC too Ronald Akers Incorporates operate conditioning from psychology Differential association reinforcement theory Crime learned through interpretation and differential reinforcement Social learning theory 4 ways people learn crime o Differential association process by which a person is exposed to normative definitions favorable or unfavorable of illegal behavior 2 dimensions behavioral interactional normative exposure to different patterns of norms and values through association o Definitions one owns attitudes or meanings that are attached to a given behavior defines acts as good and bad Can be general religious moral conventional or specific towards particular acts Balance of favorable unfavorable determines action Approving attitudes towards crime can be positive values or excuses for the behavior Or definitions developed through imitation and differential reinforcement o Differential reinforcement Punishment Reinforcement either Positive presenting positive either direct present an aversive stimuli OR stimulation OR Negative removing an aversive stimuli indirect praise gaining status etc Reinforcers and punishers can be physical effects of drugs and alcohol or social praise and gaining status nonsocial direct o Limitation Engagement of behavior after observation of similar behavior I others Plays role in initial acquisition of behavior The continuation of behavior patterns is determined by reinforcement structure Social structure and social learning 4 dimensions differential social organization factors that lead communities to high or low rates of crime differential location in social structure sociodemographc characteristic that indicate position within larger social structure theoretically defined social structure anomie class oppression and social disorganization and differential social location membership in primary secondary and reference groups Howard Becker Prominent labeling theorist Believes criminal and deviant behavior are social artifacts Four types of deviants and non deviants o Conformist and pure deviant are accurately perceived by society in terms of actual behavior o Falsely accused are identified as criminals and are treated badly o Secret deviants are criminal violators who have not been caught or punished Concepts Terms Condemnation Scripts resignation to fate sense of being victimized by circumstance and state Redemption scripts near missionary zeal for serving a purpose identity is rebuilt on work lives and relations with others Institutional Anomie Theory devaluation accommodation penetration Devaluing other institutions than economy Accommodation Penetration Primary Deviance arises from sociocultural and psychological sources occurs occasionally or because of a certain situation that is rationalized by actor or social audience Secondary deviance precipitated by response of others to initial proscribed conduct offender is stigmatized and solve problem by continuing to act deviant Moral entrepreneur people who serve as rule creators or enforcers tend to be upper class who want to help those beneath them gain status believe their morals are better and seek to spread them Moral panic a strategy used for controlling and redefining deviance by moral entrepreneurs They publically exaggerate the consequences to society of a group or person to try to establish conformity Looking glass self understanding of ourselves is primarily a reflection of our perception of how others react to us Bourgeoisie middle class Proletariat surplus laborers boom and bust cycle left many of them unemployed and demoralized Appeal and flaws of integrated theory Falsification has failed and combining theories is a way to move forward Promise of integration reduces of theories each theory is fraction of crime problem elements are incompatible Competition should reduce to field of contenders separate and unequal is better because incompatible assumptions end to end and side by side and up and down integration combining micro macro micro situational Differential association 9 principles o Crime behavior is learned o Learned through interaction with others o Occurs in intimate groups o Learning includes techniques and direction o Direction of motives drives from legal codes being favorable or unfavorable the law o Delinquency occurs because excess of definition favoring violating o DA may vary in frequency duration priority and intensity o Learning criminal patterns involves all other learning mechanisms o Criminal behavior is expression of needs and values but not explained buy them b c noncriminal behavior is
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