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CCJS105 Exam 2 Concept and Terms Part 1 Concepts Terms Anomie Atavism Mechanic and organic solidarity sufficient Breakdown of social norms and rules that prevent crime from occurring Durkheim argues that this is a result of rapid social change criminals are a biological throwback they haven t evolved correctly enough mechanic solidarity is relatively isolated from all other social groups and is self Individuals live largely under identical circumstances do identical work and there is little division of labor with only a few persons in the clan or village hold identical values having specialized functions uniformity of its members pathologically overcontrolled there is little need for individual talents and solidarity is based on the Crime is normal in the sense that a society without crime would be b Organic Positivism Different segments of society depend on each other in a highly organized division of labor social solidarity no longer based on uniformity but on the diversity of the functions of the parts of the society law regulates the interactions in various parts of society and provides restitution in cases of wrongful transactions As society develops toward this form it is possible for a pathological state which he called anomie to occur and such a state would produce a variety of social maladies including crime first real movement in crim theory to have an emphasis on data collection the view that behavior is determined by factors beyond the individuals control implies that humans are not self determining agents who are free to do as they wish and as their intelligence directs Original positivists focused mainly on biological factors while the later ones shifted to psychological and then to social factors in their attempts to find causes of criminal behavior Functionalism Crime is normal it serves a valued social purpose No society has existed crime free The Purpose of Functionalism Crime is to be regulated and controlled not eliminated Crime and deviance are continually redefined Defining deviance up more restrictive law Defining deviance down more permissive law Constant balance achieved between deviants and conformists looks at society as a whole explains crime and deviance by saying that the source of deviance lies in the nature of society itself rather than in psychology or biology General Impact of threat of legal punishment on public at large Specific Impact of legal punishments on individuals apprehended committing crime Human individuals struggling for their survival in an interrelated mutually dependent Used to relate criminology to science in order to be accepted in society General and specific deterrence Human ecology community Somatotyping associates body types with human temperament types three somatotypes germ layers of embryonic development endoderm develops into the digestive tract mesoderm develops into muscle heart and blood vessels ectoderm forms skin and nervous system In his 1954 book Atlas of Men Sheldon categorised all possible body types according to a scale ranging from 1 to 7 for each of the three somatotypes where the pure endomorph is 7 1 1 the pure mesomorph 1 7 1 and the pure ectomorph scores 1 1 7 From type number an individual s mental characteristics could supposedly be predicted criminals are most likely to be mesomorphs Psychosocial encapsulation most likely to occur when the perceived threat is immediate when it is experienced infrequently and when the threat occurs in circumstances in which the individual feels socially isolated this state is characterized by a tremendous sense of urgency about the immediate problem and a foreshortened time perspective w regard to consequences of actions burglars don t think the way we do they burn bridges Zone 2 the zone of transition Ethnic heterogeneity Collective efficacy zone in transition people don t know each other constant moving in and out as people move up particular problem area for crime most crime happens here Population composed of diverse amount of ethnic groups One of Kornhauser s characteristics of a disorganized community Sampson This represents the willingness of community residents to Exercise informal control and Trust and help one another demonstrates community cohesion The willingness of residents to intervene in stopping delinquent criminal behavior The two elements of committing a crime Mens rea guilty mind intent to commit the act mental element Actus reus external element committing the guilty act both must be present in convicting the criminal Mens rea and actus reus Routine activities motivated offender suitable target absence of a capable guardian Cohen and Felson shift in social norms activities in 70s which was used to look at crime patterns this was because people started having portable valuable items women started working I think she was saying that this produced more income for a family or that women were easy targets for crime motivated offender There is some sort of gain from committing the offense Suitable victim target they have something that the other person wants lack of a capable guardian no police are around or a dark ally Human behavior determined by factors beyond the individuals control Humans are not self determining agents free to do as they wish 3 primary elements of deterrence theory Effects of policies on specific crimes in specific places Relationship between objective risks and perceived risks Policies in jurisdions and their effect on crime rates Certainty most important Swiftness Severity least important Determinism also crime as overdetermined 4 elements of social control theory Low self control Cause of crime as defined by Gottfredson and Hirschi Has parental influence based on I dont want to hurt you because it will bring pain 1 Supervision 2 Recognition 3 Punishment belief moral worth of society s laws commitment rational component attachment emotional aspect weakest element involvement those with nothing to lose will commit more crime Those with low self control are more likely to commit crime and act in other analogous behavior bad credit poor education accident prone smoke drink They are impulsive lack diligence short sighted minimal tolerance for frustration self risky sexual behavior centered anti social

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