10 04 GENEALOGICAL STUDIES EARLY GENETICS The Jukes 1000 descendants 280 paupers 60 thieves 7 murders 140 criminals 40 VD victims 50 prostitutes The Kallikak Families 2 marriages with different outcomes feebleminded barwench 480 descendants 24 alcoholics 8 ran brothels 3 criminals 3 epileptics respectable woman nearly all describes as normal Social Darwinism Popular social scientific platform pre WWII Attempt to select populations with valued traits Achieved through altering reproductive habits accordingly Remedies for poor genetics the rancid fruit of determinism Buck v Bell Three generations of imbeciles is enough Sterilization Death Twin Studies The final solution Hitler and Mein Kampf REBIRTH OF BIOLOGICAL CRIMINOLOGY I Monozygotic identical twins 100 of genes shared Dizygotic fraternal twins or siblings 50 of genes shared General findings there is a correspondence between genes and criminality Adoption Studies For those adopted shortly after birth this controls for the nature issue General findings correlation with criminality from weak to strong Adoptive father criminal Biological father criminal Both adoptive and biological father criminal Physical makeup Gene based theories Testosterone PMS Biochemicals neurotransmitters Nervous system skin conductivity resistance to anxiety reaction Biosocial Criminology Attempts to locate social triggers that activate genes Complications during pregnancy childbirth Drug use Head injuries Lead exposure 10 09 INTELLECTUAL BACKDROP Thinking inspired by two major events French Revolution Industrial Revolution Elemental concepts mechanical solidarity uniformity organic solidarity diversity division of labor Gemeinschaft community Gessellschaft society FUNDAMENTAL ASSUMPTIONS As seen in suicide Context is supremely important This shapes personal decisions be avoided Protestants commit suicide more than Catholics FUNCTIONALISM DEFINED Crime is normal it serves a valued social purpose What matters most is how embedded you are with society isolation to No society has existed crime free Imagine a society of saints Crime is to be regulated and controlled not eliminated Crime and deviance are continually redefined defining deviance up more restrictive law defining deviance down more permissive law Constant balance achieved between deviants and conformists NORMALIZATION AIMS This produces social solidarity normality is defined through a contrast with criminality deviance The practical benefits is managing work load Benefits society through allowing for innovation adaptation MLK Gandhi American revolutionaries Otherwise individuals would be pathologically over controlled DURKHEIMS LEGACY Social disorganization Anomie Strain theory Control theory anomie is normalessness taking place amid social or economic upheaval Sociological insight the sum is greater than the tally of the parts Group dynamics are essential to understanding behavior individual characteristics are only part of the story FOUNDATIONAL ASSUMPTIONS Most theories like biology strain learning and labeling argue that individuals are compelled to engage in crime tabula rasa These theories overdetermine or overpredict crime Control theory however argues that we are all predisposed towards crime The question it attempts to answer is WHY DO PEOPLE CONFORM TO THE Describe parents as irritable difficult to please abusive when things go LAW EARLY SOCIAL CONTROL THEORIES Reiss Personal controls psychological restraints Jackson Toby stakes in conformity F Ivan Nye family as the locus of control Most delinquent group Rejected by parents and rejecting of them Given complete freedom or none at all wrong Reckless inner and outer controls NEUTRALIZATION AND DRIFT The moral effect of the law must be made inert it has an effect in defining right and wrong Once this is accomplished individuals can engage in delinquency POPULAR NEUTRALIZATIONS Denial of responsibility accident Denial of injury Denial of victim rightful retaliation just desserts Condemnation of condemners tagging victims of hypocrites Appeal to higher loyalties family peers TRAVIS HIRSCHI CAUSES OF DELINQUENCY Social control theory emphasizes bonds formed with 1 family 2 school and 3 peers 4 elements of the bond Attachment emotional affective bond psychological presence Commitment rational component consequences those w nothing to lose can deviate Involvement idle hands weakest element Belief in the moral worth of society s laws CONTROL THEORY EARLY THEORIES WHAT MAKES PEOPLE CONFORM TO LAW AND NOT COMMIT CRIMES Reiss 1940s social and personal controlling influences primary social groups school family community Ive Nye 1950s Reckless 1960s containment theory push forces you into crime v pull benefit and temptation of committing crime Self concept see yourself as a law abiding citizen Frustration tolerance continue doing something without succeeding low frustration on a straight path Goal Orientation stick to your goals without getting side tracked You are Norm retention Extent of which you believe the norms and laws in society Family direct and indirect control Internalized and alternative means Neutralization theories Denial of Responsibility it was an accident and not your fault Denial of injury Bill Gates example they won t miss what you take Denial of victim the victim deserved it they had it coming Condemning Condemners people in powerful positions act the same way why are they allowed to accuse you Appeal to higher loyalties if you jump into a fight to save your friend behavior is justified People are equally motivated to offend Hirsch Social bond theory Social bond theory crime varies across individuals people peoples relationships to society are either weak or strong the stronger the less imposed you are to commit a crime Commitment bond cost benefit analysis whether or not it is worth it Attachment bond an emotional bond identifying with parents good Involvement bond no time because you are too busy denying relationships opportunities the laws Belief the way the system is set up you don t necessarily need to listen to Problems with the social bond theory loophole in each bond Most important feature distinguishing social bond theory from self control theory The source and power of control are different Self control is inner control while the social bond theory is socially controlled Pagans power control theory is interested in the balance of power between mother and father or whoever runs the household Powerful husband at home
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