PSY 401 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Middle Ages to the Renaissance a Magellan s Voyage b Heliocentric Model II The Renaissance a Niccolo Machiavelli b Leonardo da Vinci c New discoveries d Rediscovery of Greek philosophy e Spurred subsequent intellectual activity Outline of Current Lecture I II Skepticism a Michel Eyguem de Montaigne i Essay ii Apology for Raymond Sebond iii Humanis and Animals iv Psychology Empiricism a Francis Bacon i Novum Organum ii Ultimate authority empirical observation iii The Idols Current Lecture I Skepticism no beliefs can be proven true therefore it is best to believe nothing a Michel Eyguem de Montaigne 1533 1592 i Created the Essay writing style These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II ii Apology for Raymond Sebond 1576 1 Brought back skepticism Pyrrho 2 Cannot trust reason or experience people did not seem reasonable a Noticed people from different areas and cultures could not agree on large topics religion i Saw how people tried to rationalize why their side was correct believed so much they started war based on their reasoning iii Humans and Animals 1 Humans vain stupid immoral wars over religion and philosophy a Inferior species 2 Animals noble simple ignorant do not hold grudges etc iv Psychology 1 Child rearing during the time parents had the right to abuse and even kill their children a Montaigne believed that punishment was not a good way to deal with children Empiricism knowledge from sensory experience a Francis Bacon 1561 1629 i Novum Organum 1620 1 New instrument of the mind 2 Makes argument for the empirical method ii Ultimate authority empirical observation 1 Argues against skepticism 2 We should believe in our common sense 3 Just because our sense can be fooled does not mean we should reject all sensory information just ignore illusions 4 Inductive method gather data then make theories a Very short discussion sections not so much theorizing and connecting to larger theory mostly look at data iii The Idols sources of error that can lead us to erroneous conclusions 1 Idol of the Cave confirmation bias cultural personal bias a People tend to ignore contradicting data if they have preconceived ideas or theories 2 Idol of the Tribe bias from limitations on human reasons decision making a People like to impose order and reason on ambiguous data b Too quick to make generalizations or generate theories 3 Idol of the Marketplace bias of verbal labels a Language influences how we interpret things significance cause vs correlation laws vs theory b Labeling theory fill expectations of label 4 Idol of the Theatre
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