1st Edition
PSY 401: History and Systems of Psychology
School: Colorado State University- Fort Collins (CSU )
Pages: 7Examination of Gestalt Psychology, Humanitarian Reform, and Psychoanalytic Theory.
Pages: 5End of class discussion and examination of what will be on the final exam.
Pages: 5Continued examination of the contribution of Freud and the beginning of psychoanalysis.
Pages: 3Detailed description of the life and contributions of Sigmund Freud.
Pages: 3Continued Examination of the main contributors, from different locations, to the Humanitarian Reform.
Pages: 2Continued examination of Gestalt Psychology and beginning the explanation of the Humanitarian Reform.
Pages: 6Examination of Early American Psychology, Behaviorism, and Gestalt Psychology.
Pages: 2Examination of the contributions of John B. Watson to Behaviorism.
Pages: 3Continued examination of the contributions of Edward Lee Thorndike to the beginning of Behavior and beginning of the explanations of the contributions of John B. Watson to the founding of Behaviorism.
Pages: 2Examination of the contributions of Edward Thorndike to Behaviorism.
Pages: 2Continued discussion of Hugo Munsterburg’s contributions to Early American Psychology and introduction of Ivan Pavlov’s contributions to Behaviorism.
Pages: 3Examination of the contributions of Granville Stanley Hall and Hugo Munsterburg for Early American Psychology.
Pages: 2Description of Jamesian Psychology and the contributions of Granville Stanley Hall.
Pages: 3Examination of William James’s contributions to American Psychology and Functionalism.
Pages: 7Examination of Early Neuroscience and the Layout of the Nervous System, description of the main contributors to the Formal Founding and Structuralism, as well as the main contributions to Evolutionary Theory and the Application of Evolutionary Theory.
Pages: 3Examination of the contributions of Herbert Spencer and Francis Galton for the application of evolutionary theory.
Pages: 2Continuation of the explanation of the main contributions from the Evolutionary Theory and the start of the description of the applications of the theory.
Pages: 2Examination of the main contributors to evolutionary theory, specifically Charles Darwin.
Pages: 2Examination of the main contributors to structuralism and the evolutionary theory. ‘
Pages: 2Examination of the founding of psychology and structuralism.
Pages: 2Continued examination of the contributors to the understanding of the layout of the nervous system. Discussion of beginning of psychophysics.
Pages: 2Examination of the main contributors to discovering the layout of the nervous system.
Pages: 7Examination of the time and contributions of the Golden Age of Greek Philosophy, The Romans, Skepticism, the Medieval Period, The Renaissance, Empiricism, Early Consciousness, and Early Neuroscience: Brian Localization.