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The Problem creating a new world order Roosevelts Success Brought two separate wars to nearly simultaneous conclusions o Land war in Europe Sea war in pacific Left US stronger at end than beginning o Not the case with war on terrorism Remembered to keep proclaimed interests from extending beyond actual capabilities Spending on domestic war industries ended depression Manhattan Project Atomic bomb hard to imagine this being successful in any other time thab war Headed by General Leslie Groves 37 sites around the country employing 120 000 workers Key location Los Alamos New Mexico under direction of physicist J Robert Oppenheimer First successful test July 16 1945 First use in war August 6th 1945 in Hiroshima US became only country in the world with atomic bomb Soviet spies in production Stalin was aware of the bomb Atomic Bomb Roosevelt Put Harry Truman on the ballet during his 4th election because he thought it would help him win Roosevelt didn t like or trust Truman and barely even talked to him after the campaign Truman didn t know about the existence of the atomic bomb Once Truman found out about the bomb he assumed it was built to be used Firebombing had become routine in this war so to Truman it seemed like an easier way to do something they had already been doing throughout the war Truman didn t seem to question have moral angst in using the bomb Truman used the bomb because 10 000 Americans would die in a land invasion With the bomb the people dying were Japanese not Americans Would Truman have dropped the bomb on Euros he dropped it on Asians racism True target of the atomic bomb was not the Japanese but the soviet union New World Order Big Questions What is the essential logic of state choice in those postwar moments when the basic orgs of international order is up for grabs Why has the specific solution to the problem of order changed or evolved across the great post wars settlement Atlantic Charter Roosevelt and Churchill meet in secret on a boat in the North Atlantic 1941 Key points o Self determination countries and voters could choose their own fate o Open markets unrestricted flow of commodities and capital o Collective security Divided Germany Germany became practically a state of anarchy People using cigarettes as currency because money had become worthless Became impossible to do basic things Divided among west United States and East soviet union Berlin in itself was divided as well George Kennan State department Soviet expert Orginator of the Idea of Containment in 1946 Idea was that there was gonan be a long term conflict with the soviet union a shooting war just ended now there was going to be a cold war Kennan The Soutrces of soviet conflict o Published in influential journal Foreign Affairs o In his opinion the Soviet was driven more by a long standing Russian sense of strategic insecurity and need for a buffer than by the messianic goals of Marxist leninist ideology o The society union should be expected to pursie its interests by probing the weak points o Kenan set forth what he believed to be the correct us response a firm but patient policy of containing the expansion of soviet power o Later there would be other strategies of containment but this was the original version Winston Churchill delivers the iron curtain speech Westminster College March 1946 Truman response the Truman doctrine delivered a speech to a joint session of congress March 21 1947 o I believe that it must be the policy of the US to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures o I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way o I believe that our help should primary be thru econ and financial aid which is essential to the econ stability of political processes Marshall Plan 1948 52 Secretary of state George Marshall announces the Marshall Plan June 1947 Econ recovery plan Never any thoughts that the US was going to join the Marshall plan US WAS being altruistic here win free but the soviets refused to accept it Local leaders in Czech actually tried to receive Marshall aid but then the person who expressed that aid mysteriously died Marshall plan to the west was a success o West Germany France etc were on the way to recovery At what extent did the Marshall plan aid in Europe recovery o It helped the Europeans help themselves o Expedited the recovery 16 11 2011 03 31 00 16 11 2011 03 31 00

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USC IR 369 - Lecture 6 - The Problem

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