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WWII Hitler s War Idealofical war of genocide Different than WWI bc role of ideology Shaped by Hitler s goals If Hitler died in 1930 accident war would have been much different o Without Hitler Still military control of Germany but no Nazi May not have been Pearl Harbor or war in pacific State of isreal holocaust gave great impotous to its creation Greater moral compass bc not aware of how low our species can sink Believed in war and the white race 1936 remilitarized the Rhine and 1938 annexed home country Austria 1939 invaded czecholsovankia 1939 invaded Poland o step too far for the rest they had tolerated the other invasions o kept thinking well if he gets this country hell be satisfied but upon Polish invasion France and Britain realized he would never be satisfied and declared war on Germany 1940 conquered low countries and France o Tanks made the difference got him to France quickly enough o May9 June 17 1940 plan orange the fall of France Hitler assumed he would run Great Britain o Didn t happen thanks to Winston Churchill Hitler thought he was a masiah and that he didn t have to play by normal rules he had people to refer to him as the greatest war leader of all time in the end may have been his greatest downfall failed to pay attention to details Churchill s war 1940 1941 Central goal o Survive long enough to convince US to enter war o Drew on all of his diplomatic skills and fact that he was half American Contacted everyone he knew in US to get them involved Pearl Harbor was a happy day for him Talented propagandist fabulous orator Made sure he had resources to avoid sea board invasion Battle of Britain o British defense of homeland from Nazis after the fall of France Declared war on Russia SURPRISE Stalin s War 1941 1944 His goals o survive betrayal by Nazi Allies and invasion 22 june 1941 operation Barbarossa Stalin naively believed that Hitler would stick to their promise and not attack Russia o Repel Germans from soviet territory o Convince British and American leaders to open a second front in Europe So much ground fighting for so long that the soviet deaths exceeded the west s deaths Why did Hitler attack Russia over Britain o He thought Britain wanted Russia to get into the war when they in fact wanted the US o They thought Britain was going to surrender o They thought it would be easy to defeat Russia because Slavs were inferior to Germans o He wanted to get everything over with fast so he could enjoy is world o PROBLEM FOR HITLER It s a long way to Russia and its cold Nazis didn t get to Moscow in time and their army was demobilized o Soviet Union survives because of severe weather poorly planned attack and willingness to resist o Soviet had the greatest loss 20 million dead Roosevelts War 1941 1945 Merged two wars allied land war in Europe solo naval war in Asia into one war Emerged victorious leaving US stronger at the end than at the beginning of conflicts Roosevelt always wanted to enter the war saw it as best for long term US however popular sentiment said other wise so the attack on Pearl Harbor allowed him to finally enter the war After pearl Harbor Germany declared war on the US The big 3 Roosevelt Churchill Stalin ALLIES o Stalin had been fighting Hitler alone in the east so the second he had allies US and Britain he pleaded them to start fighting the war in the west to open a second front o Strategy use Britain has worlds biggest aircraft carrier so US could prepare to invade western Europe wasn t until 1944 NORMANDY Big goal was to retake Pairs which they did by august 25th 1944 What to do about the Holocaust once there were US troops on the ground in western Europe could they have been quicker in helping the holocaust Huge debate Racism in the US as well Japs put into camps in the US and even Japanese who were American citizens o US govt has since apologized 400 000 dead Roosevelt was said to be the only one who knew what he was doing at the top of this war as apparent by death toll Start of the Atomic Age In 1939 Refugee scientists knowing that Nazis were trying to split the atom urge the west to do so Using expertise of euro scientists US begins work on Manhattan project By july 1945 have produced first atomic bomb Roosevelt did not live to see this success died in April 1945 Truman Roosevelts vice president who took over office after his death didn t know that there was an atomic bomb Roosevelt hadn t mentioned it to him Other officials had to tell him that he was now in charge of the worlds most dangerous bomb to date Roosevelt was VERY canny and an amazing strategist reasons why he didn t tell Truman about the bomb unknown whether he actually wanted to use the bomb on people or just use it has a bargaining tool Truman concluded that Roosevelt would not have built it if he didn t want to use it o RESULT Heroshima immediately killed 50 000s Heat so strong it incinerated human beings Use of the Atomic Bomb o Military considrsations o Racial considerations o Political considerations o Discussion sections was use of weapon of mass destruction justified COLOR OF SHIRT Greatest murders of 20th centery 1 Mao 2 Stalin 3 Hitler 16 11 2011 03 29 00 16 11 2011 03 29 00

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USC IR 369 - Lecture 5 - WWII

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