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AMH2020 EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Topics 1 5 Directions for Identifications In 2 3 sentences explain who or what where when and why this is important for the history of the U S since 1877 Short Answer Directions In 4 6 sentences answer the specific question being asked Chapter 16 IDENTIFICATION 1 trusts 480 Trusts are legal devices where affairs of several rival companies were managed by a single director These were established by many businesses as a corporate initiative to stabilize the marketplace after the Civil War 2 vertical integration 481 Vertical integration is when one company controls every phase of the business from raw materials to transportation manufacturing and distribution This method was first used by Andrew Carnegie and he quickly dominated America s steel industry This became a commonly used method in various other industries as well 3 Captains of industry 482 Leading business figures during the Gilded Age were called captains of industry a positive term meaning the energy and vision of these figures pushed the economy forward These leaders inspired ordinary Americans at the time 4 robber barons 482 Robber barons was a negative term used for the leading business figures during the Gilded Age referring to these icons wilding power without any accountability in an unregulated marketplace People feared that these leaders were undermining political and economic freedom 5 bonanza farms 486 Bonanza farms were small farms that covered 1000s of acres and employed lots of agricultural wage workers in the Trans Mississippi West These along with all the family farms helped employ many farmers and produced crops for consumption 6 Dawes Act 490 Dawes act attacked tribalism by breaking up the land of nearly all tribes into small parcels to be distributed to Indian families This caused the loss of much tribal land as well as the erosion of Indian cultural traditions 7 Ghost Dance 490 491 The Ghost Dance was a religious revitalization campaign to help Indians gain solace after the distribution of their lands by the Dawes Act Indians gathered to carry out their culture via religious observances singing and dancing but were seen as conspiring for an uprising leading to the Wounded Knee massacre AMH2020 EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Topics 1 5 8 gospel of wealth 492 Gospel of wealth was the idea that those who accumulated money had an obligation to use it to promote society s advancement This was promoted by Andrew Carnegie in order to hopefully solve the problem of wealth administration 9 Interstate Commerce Commission ICC 497 Congress established the Interstate Commerce Commission to ensure that rates charged by railroads to farmers and merchants to transport their goods were reasonable and didn t offer more favorable treatment to some shippers over the others It was the first federal agency intended to regulate economic activity 10 Sherman Antitrust Act 497 Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act after the ICC since it wasn t very effective to ban all combinations and practices that restrained free trade It helped to establish the precedent that the government could regulate economy in order to promote the public good 11 The Grange Patrons of Husbandry 498 The Grange campaign established cooperatives for storing and marketing farm output in hopes of forcing carriers to take produce at fair prices The critics of this campaign opposed the policies of railroad companies since they were proving difficult for farmers 12 Social Darwinism 499 Social Darwinism said that evolution is a natural process in human society as in nature and government shouldn t interfere Social Darwinists held the view that the poor were to blame for their conditions and weren t determined enough to advance during adversity 13 liberty of contract 500 Liberty of contract was the idea that labor relations shouldn t be governed by contract since the government nor unions could have a say in the working conditions Courts saw state regulation of business as an insult to free labor initially 14 Knights of Labor 502 Knights of Labor was led by Terence Powderly and was the first group to try to organize unskilled and skilled workers women and men black and white They organized strikes boycotts and other forms of political action to argue for public employment during hard times currency reform socialism and defined cooperative commonwealth 15 Social Gospel 505 Social Gospel movement emphasized freedom spiritual self development and equality in wealth and power They originated as an effort to reform Protestant churches by expanding their appeal in poor urban areas to make them more aware of the social problems at the time AMH2020 EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Topics 1 5 16 The Haymarket Affair 505 The Haymarket Affair was a rally held in Haymarket Square to protest killing of 4 strikers by police A bomb thrown into the crowd initiated much bloodshed This represented a great upheaval for the labor movement SHORT ANSWER 1 How did the federal government actively promote industrial and agricultural development after the Civil War a Transformed America from farming to industrial society by establishing factories b Wage labor made into source of livelihood c Cities emerged as industrial and manufacturing cites 2 Why were railroads so important to America s second industrial revolution a Created national market for manufactured goods b National brands established symbolized integration of economies across U S 3 What events demonstrate the influence of railroads on society and politics after the Civil War a Creation of national brands b Various laws and regulations established for railroads and how prices were negotiated for transport of goods using railroad services c Many strikes and protests against rising costs of railroad transport since it became a crucial part of farmers livelihood 4 Why did organized efforts of farmers workers and local reformers largely fail to achieve substantive change in the Gilded Age a Advantages given to skilled labor elite i e high wages areas of control b Semiskilled workers faced economic insecurity unequal distribution of benefits from economic growth unreliability of employment and wage rates lack of pensions compensation for injury c Government tried to force an end to protests to prevent labor difficulties and give attention to local corporations d Industrialists crushed unions so that they had more power 5 Describe the involvement of American family farmers in the global economy after 1870 and its effects on

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